require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe EventRule do describe "validations" do it "should create a new instance given valid attributes" do EventRule.create!( :event_category => "cloudfuji_event_received", :cloudfuji_event => "dummy_event", :action => "add_tag", :tag => "EventTag" ) end it "should be invalid without a cloudfuji_event if event category is cloudfuji_event_received" do @event_rule = :event_category => "cloudfuji_event_received" @event_rule.should_not be_valid @event_rule.errors[:cloudfuji_event].should include("can't be blank") end it "should be invalid without a lead_attribute if event category is lead_attribute_changed" do @event_rule = :event_category => "lead_attribute_changed" @event_rule.should_not be_valid @event_rule.errors[:lead_attribute].should include("can't be blank") end it "should be invalid without a tag if action is add_tag or remove_tag" do @event_rule = :action => "add_tag" @event_rule.should_not be_valid @event_rule.errors[:tag].should include("can't be blank") @event_rule.action = "remove_tag" @event_rule.should_not be_valid @event_rule.errors[:tag].should include("can't be blank") end it "should be invalid without change_score_by if action is change_lead_score" do @event_rule = :event_category => "cloudfuji_event_received", :cloudfuji_event => "dummy_event", :action => "change_lead_score", :change_score_by => nil @event_rule.should_not be_valid @event_rule.errors[:change_score_by].should include("is not a number") end end end