var fs = require('graceful-fs'); var path = require('path'); var Q = require('q'); var tmp = require('tmp'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var readJson = require('../../util/readJson'); var createError = require('../../util/createError'); var removeIgnores = require('../../util/removeIgnores'); tmp.setGracefulCleanup(); function Resolver(decEndpoint, config, logger) { this._source = decEndpoint.source; this._target = || '*'; this._name = || path.basename(this._source); this._config = config; this._logger = logger; this._guessedName = !; } // ----------------- Resolver.prototype.getSource = function () { return this._source; }; Resolver.prototype.getName = function () { return this._name; }; Resolver.prototype.getTarget = function () { return this._target; }; Resolver.prototype.getTempDir = function () { return this._tempDir; }; Resolver.prototype.getPkgMeta = function () { return this._pkgMeta; }; Resolver.prototype.hasNew = function (canonicalDir, pkgMeta) { var promise; var metaFile; var that = this; // If already working, error out if (this._working) { return Q.reject(createError('Already working', 'EWORKING')); } this._working = true; // Avoid reading the package meta if already given if (pkgMeta) { promise = this._hasNew(canonicalDir, pkgMeta); // Otherwise call _hasNew with both the package meta and the canonical dir } else { metaFile = path.join(canonicalDir, '.bower.json'); promise = readJson(metaFile) .spread(function (pkgMeta) { return that._hasNew(canonicalDir, pkgMeta); }, function (err) { that._logger.debug('read-json', 'Failed to read ' + metaFile, { filename: metaFile, error: err }); return true; // Simply resolve to true if there was an error reading the file }); } return promise.fin(function () { that._working = false; }); }; Resolver.prototype.resolve = function () { var that = this; // If already working, error out if (this._working) { return Q.reject(createError('Already working', 'EWORKING')); } this._working = true; // Create temporary dir return this._createTempDir() // Resolve self .then(this._resolve.bind(this)) // Read json, generating the package meta .then(this._readJson.bind(this, null)) // Apply and save package meta .then(function (meta) { return that._applyPkgMeta(meta) .then(that._savePkgMeta.bind(that, meta)); }) .then(function () { // Resolve with the folder return that._tempDir; }, function (err) { // If something went wrong, unset the temporary dir that._tempDir = null; throw err; }) .fin(function () { that._working = false; }); }; Resolver.prototype.isCacheable = function () { // Bypass cache for local dependencies if (this._source && /^(?:file:[\/\\]{2}|[A-Z]:)?\.?\.?[\/\\]/.test(this._source) ) { return false; } // We don't want to cache moving targets like branches if (this._pkgMeta && this._pkgMeta._resolution && this._pkgMeta._resolution.type === 'branch') { return false; } return true; }; // ----------------- // Abstract functions that must be implemented by concrete resolvers Resolver.prototype._resolve = function () { throw new Error('_resolve not implemented'); }; // Abstract functions that can be re-implemented by concrete resolvers // as necessary Resolver.prototype._hasNew = function (canonicalDir, pkgMeta) { return Q.resolve(true); }; Resolver.isTargetable = function () { return true; }; Resolver.versions = function (source) { return Q.resolve([]); }; Resolver.clearRuntimeCache = function () {}; // ----------------- Resolver.prototype._createTempDir = function () { return Q.nfcall(mkdirp, this._config.tmp) .then(function () { return Q.nfcall(tmp.dir, { template: path.join(this._config.tmp, this._name + '-' + + '-XXXXXX'), mode: 0777 & ~process.umask(), unsafeCleanup: true }); }.bind(this)) .then(function (dir) { // nfcall may return multiple callback arguments as an array return this._tempDir = Array.isArray(dir) ? dir[0] : dir; }.bind(this)); }; Resolver.prototype._cleanTempDir = function () { var tempDir = this._tempDir; if (!tempDir) { return Q.resolve(); } // Delete and create folder return Q.nfcall(rimraf, tempDir) .then(function () { return Q.nfcall(mkdirp, tempDir, 0777 & ~process.umask()); }) .then(function () { return tempDir; }); }; Resolver.prototype._readJson = function (dir) { var that = this; dir = dir || this._tempDir; return readJson(dir, { assume: { name: this._name } }) .spread(function (json, deprecated) { if (deprecated) { that._logger.warn('deprecated', 'Package ' + that._name + ' is using the deprecated ' + deprecated); } return json; }); }; Resolver.prototype._applyPkgMeta = function (meta) { // Check if name defined in the json is different // If so and if the name was "guessed", assume the json name if ( !== this._name && this._guessedName) { this._name =; } // Handle ignore property, deleting all files from the temporary directory // If no ignores were specified, simply resolve if (!meta.ignore || !meta.ignore.length) { return Q.resolve(meta); } // Otherwise remove them from the temp dir return removeIgnores(this._tempDir, meta) .then(function () { return meta; }); }; Resolver.prototype._savePkgMeta = function (meta) { var that = this; var contents; // Store original source & target meta._source = this._source; meta._target = this._target; ['main', 'ignore'].forEach(function (attr) { if (meta[attr]) return; that._logger.log( 'warn', 'invalid-meta', ( || 'component') + ' is missing "' + attr + '" entry in bower.json' ); }); // Stringify contents contents = JSON.stringify(meta, null, 2); return Q.nfcall(fs.writeFile, path.join(this._tempDir, '.bower.json'), contents) .then(function () { return that._pkgMeta = meta; }); }; module.exports = Resolver;