require 'mork/grid_pdf' require 'prawn' module Mork #TODO: read the prawn manual, we should probably use views class SheetPDF < Prawn::Document def initialize(content, @grip = case grip when String, Hash; grip when Mork::GridPDF; grip else raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid initialization parameter' end super my_page_params # @content should be an array of hashes, one per page; # convert to array if a single hash was passed @content = content.class == Hash ? [content] : content process end def save(fn) render_file fn end def to_pdf render end private def my_page_params { page_size: @grip.page_size, margin: @grip.margins } end def process # for all sheets line_width 0.3 font_size @grip.item_font_size create_stamps make_repeaters # for each response sheet @content.each_with_index do |content, i| start_new_page if i>0 barcode content[:barcode] header content[:header] unless equal_choice_number? questions_and_choices ch_len[i] end end end def make_repeaters if equal_choice_number? repeat(:all) do questions_and_choices ch_len.first end end repeat(:all) do calibration_cells fill do @grip.reg_marks.each do |r| circle r[:p], r[:r] end end end end def calibration_cells @grip.calibration_cells_xy.each { |c| stamp_at 'X', c } end def barcode(code) # draw the dark calibration bar stamp_at 'barcode', @grip.ink_black_xy # draw the bars corresponding to the code # least to most significant bit, left to right @grip.barcode_xy_for(code).each { |c| stamp_at 'barcode', c } end def header(content) content.each do |k,v| font_size @grip.header_size(k) do if @grip.header_boxed?(k) bounding_box @grip.header_xy(k), width: @grip.header_width(k), height: @grip.header_height(k) do stroke_bounds bounding_box @grip.header_padding(k), width: @grip.header_width(k) do text v end end else text_box v, at: @grip.header_xy(k), width: @grip.header_width(k) end end end end def questions_and_choices(n_ch) n_ch.each_with_index do |n, i| text_box "#{i+1}", at: @grip.qnum_xy(i), width: @grip.qnum_width, height: @grip.height_of_cell, align: :right, valign: :center stamp_at "s#{n}", @grip.item_xy(i) end end def create_stamps create_choice_stamps create_stamp('X') do cell_stamp_content 'X', 0 end create_stamp('barcode') do fill do rectangle [0,0], @grip.barcode_width, @grip.barcode_height end end end def create_choice_stamps ch_len.flatten.uniq.each do |t| create_stamp("s#{t}") do t.times do |i| cell_stamp_content letter_for(i), @grip.choice_spacing*i end end end end def cell_stamp_content(l, x) stroke_rounded_rectangle [x,0], @grip.width_of_cell, @grip.height_of_cell, @grip.cround text_box l, at: [x,0], width: @grip.width_of_cell, height: @grip.height_of_cell, align: :center, valign: :center end def equal_choice_number? return false unless ch_len.all? { |c| c.length == ch_len[0].length } ch_len[0].each_with_index do |c, i| return false unless ch_len.all? { |x| c == x[i] } end true end def ch_len @all_choice_lengths ||= @content.collect { |c| c[:choices] } end # Choices are labeled 'A', 'B', ... def letter_for(c) (65+c).chr end end end