
Class Index [+]



The TextParserRule holds the basic elment of the syntax description. Each rule has a name and a set of patterns. The parser uses these rules to parse the input files. The first token of a pattern must resolve to a terminal token. The resolution can run transitively over a set of rules. The first tokens of each pattern of a rule must resolve to a terminal symbol and all terminals must be unique in the scope that they appear in. The parser uses this first token to select the next pattern it uses for the syntactical analysis. A rule can be marked as repeatable and/or optional. In this case the syntax element described by the rule may occur 0 or multiple times in the parsed file.



Public Class Methods

new(name) click to toggle source

Create a new syntax rule called name.

    # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 33
33:     def initialize(name)
34:       @name = name
35:       @patterns = []
36:       @repeatable = false
37:       @optional = false
38:       @keyword = nil
40:       flushCache
41:     end

Public Instance Methods

addPattern(pattern) click to toggle source

Add a new pattern to the Rule. It should be of type TextParser::Pattern.

    # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 52
52:     def addPattern(pattern)
53:       @patterns << pattern
54:     end
addTransitionsToState(states, rules, stateStack, sourceState, loopBack) click to toggle source

Return a Hash of all state transitions caused by the 1st token of each pattern of this rule.

     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 95
 95:     def addTransitionsToState(states, rules, stateStack, sourceState,
 96:                               loopBack)
 97:       @patterns.each do |pattern|
 98:         pattern.addTransitionsToState(states, rules, stateStack.dup, sourceState,
 99:                                       self, 0, loopBack)
100:       end
101:     end
dump() click to toggle source
     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 171
171:     def dump
172:       puts "Rule: #{name} #{@optional ? "[optional]" : ""} " +
173:            "#{@repeatable ? "[repeatable]" : ""}"
174:       @patterns.length.times do |i|
175:         puts "  Pattern: \"#{@patterns[i]}\""
176:         unless @transitions[i]
177:           puts "No transitions for this pattern!"
178:           next
179:         end
181:         @transitions[i].each do |key, rule|
182:           if key[0] == __
183:             token = "\"" + key.slice(1, key.length - 1) + "\""
184:           else
185:             token = key.slice(1, key.length - 1)
186:           end
187:           puts "    #{token} -> #{}"
188:         end
189:       end
190:       puts
191:     end
flushCache() click to toggle source
    # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 43
43:     def flushCache
44:       # A rule is considered to describe optional tokens in case the @optional
45:       # flag is set or all of the patterns reference optional rules again.
46:       # This variable caches the transitively determined optional value.
47:       @transitiveOptional = nil
48:     end
generateStates() click to toggle source
    # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 81
81:     def generateStates
82:       # First, add an entry State for this rule. Entry states are never
83:       # reached by normal state transitions. They are only used as (re-)start
84:       # states.
85:       states = [ ]
87:       @patterns.each do |pattern|
88:         states += pattern.generateStates(self)
89:       end
90:       states
91:     end
optional?(rules) click to toggle source

Return true if the rule describes optional elements. The evaluation recursively descends into the pattern if necessary and stores the result to be reused for later calls.

    # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 64
64:     def optional?(rules)
65:       # If we have a cached result, use this.
66:       return @transitiveOptional if @transitiveOptional
68:       # If the rule is marked optional, then it is optional.
69:       if @optional
70:         return @transitiveOptional = true
71:       end
73:       # If all patterns describe optional content, then this rule is optional
74:       # as well.
75:       @transitiveOptional = true
76:       @patterns.each do |pat|
77:         return @transitiveOptional = false unless pat.optional?(rules)
78:       end
79:     end
pattern(idx) click to toggle source

Return a reference the pattern of this Rule.

     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 145
145:     def pattern(idx)
146:       @patterns[idx]
147:     end
setArg(idx, doc) click to toggle source

Add a description for a pattern element of the last added pattern.

     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 119
119:     def setArg(idx, doc)
120:       raise 'No pattern defined yet' if @patterns.empty?
121:       @patterns[1].setArg(idx, doc)
122:     end
setDoc(keyword, doc) click to toggle source

Add a description for the syntax elements of this Rule. doc is a RichText and keyword is a unique name of this Rule. To avoid ambiguouties, an optional scope can be appended, separated by a dot (E.g. name.scope).

     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 113
113:     def setDoc(keyword, doc)
114:       raise 'No pattern defined yet' if @patterns.empty?
115:       @patterns[1].setDoc(keyword, doc)
116:     end
setExample(file, tag) click to toggle source

Add a reference to a code example. file is the name of the file. tag is a tag within the file that specifies a part of this file.

     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 140
140:     def setExample(file, tag)
141:       @patterns[1].setExample(file, tag)
142:     end
setLastSyntaxToken(idx) click to toggle source

Specify the index idx of the last token to be used for the syntax documentation. All subsequent tokens will be ignored.

     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 126
126:     def setLastSyntaxToken(idx)
127:       raise 'No pattern defined yet' if @patterns.empty?
128:       raise 'Token index too large' if idx >= @patterns[1].tokens.length
129:       @patterns[1].setLastSyntaxToken(idx)
130:     end
setOptional() click to toggle source

Mark the rule as an optional element of the syntax.

    # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 57
57:     def setOptional
58:       @optional = true
59:     end
setRepeatable() click to toggle source

Mark the syntax element described by this Rule as a repeatable element that can occur once or more times in sequence.

     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 105
105:     def setRepeatable
106:       @repeatable = true
107:     end
setSeeAlso(also) click to toggle source

Add a reference to another rule for documentation purposes.

     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 133
133:     def setSeeAlso(also)
134:       raise 'No pattern defined yet' if @patterns.empty?
135:       @patterns[1].setSeeAlso(also)
136:     end
to_syntax(stack, docs, rules, skip) click to toggle source
     # File lib/taskjuggler/TextParser/Rule.rb, line 149
149:     def to_syntax(stack, docs, rules, skip)
150:       str = ''
151:       str << '[' if @optional || @repeatable
152:       str << '(' if @patterns.length > 1
153:       first = true
154:       pStr = ''
155:       @patterns.each do |pat|
156:         if first
157:           first = false
158:         else
159:           pStr << ' | '
160:         end
161:         pStr << pat.to_syntax_r(stack, docs, rules, skip)
162:       end
163:       return '' if pStr == ''
164:       str << pStr
165:       str << '...' if @repeatable
166:       str << ')' if @patterns.length > 1
167:       str << ']' if @optional || @repeatable
168:       str
169:     end

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