module Dhalang # Groups Puppeteer and Dhalang configuration. class Configuration NODE_MODULES_PATH = Dir.pwd + '/node_modules/'.freeze USER_OPTIONS = { browserWebsocketUrl: '', navigationTimeout: 10000, printToPDFTimeout: 0, # unlimited navigationWaitUntil: 'load', navigationWaitForSelector: '', navigationWaitForXPath: '', userAgent: '', isHeadless: true, viewPort: '', httpAuthenticationCredentials: '', isAutoHeight: false, chromeOptions: [] }.freeze DEFAULT_PDF_OPTIONS = { scale: 1, displayHeaderFooter: false, headerTemplate: '', footerTemplate: '', headerTemplateFile: '', footerTemplateFile: '', printBackground: true, landscape: false, pageRanges: '', format: 'A4', width: '', height: '', margin: { top: 36, right: 36, bottom: 20, left: 36 }, preferCSSPageSize: true, omitBackground: false }.freeze DEFAULT_SCREENSHOT_OPTIONS = { fullPage: true, clip: nil, omitBackground: false }.freeze DEFAULT_JPEG_OPTIONS = { quality: 100 }.freeze private_constant :NODE_MODULES_PATH private_constant :USER_OPTIONS private_constant :DEFAULT_PDF_OPTIONS private_constant :DEFAULT_SCREENSHOT_OPTIONS private_constant :DEFAULT_JPEG_OPTIONS private attr_accessor :page_url private attr_accessor :browser_websocket_url private attr_accessor :temp_file_path private attr_accessor :temp_file_extension private attr_accessor :user_options private attr_accessor :pdf_options private attr_accessor :screenshot_options private attr_accessor :jpeg_options # @param [Hash] custom_options Changes that override default. # @param [String] page_url Url for Puppeteer to visit. # @param [String] temp_file_path Absolute path of temp file to use for writing script results. # Can be nil for scripts using stdout. # @param [String] temp_file_extension Extension of temp file. Can be nil for scripts using stdout. def initialize(custom_options, page_url, temp_file_path = nil, temp_file_extension = nil) self.page_url = page_url self.temp_file_path = temp_file_path self.temp_file_extension = temp_file_extension self.user_options = { |key, default_value| [key, custom_options.fetch(key, default_value)] } self.pdf_options = { |key, default_value| [key, custom_options.fetch(key, default_value)] } self.screenshot_options = { |key, default_value| [key, custom_options.fetch(key, default_value)] } self.jpeg_options = { |key, default_value| [key, custom_options.fetch(key, default_value)] } end # Returns configuration as JSON string. def json return { webPageUrl: page_url, tempFilePath: temp_file_path, puppeteerPath: NODE_MODULES_PATH, imageType: temp_file_extension, userOptions: user_options.to_h, pdfOptions: pdf_options.to_h, screenshotOptions: screenshot_options.to_h, jpegOptions: jpeg_options.to_h }.to_json end end end