# NOTE: run bin/format-filters after changing this file opal_filter "warnings" do fails "Array#join when $, is not nil warns" # Expected warning to match: /warning: \$, is set to non-nil value/ but got: "" fails "Constant resolution within methods with dynamically assigned constants returns the updated value when a constant is reassigned" # Expected warning to match: /already initialized constant/ fails "Fixnum is deprecated" # Expected warning to match: /constant ::Fixnum is deprecated/ but got: "" fails "Hash#fetch gives precedence to the default block over the default argument when passed both" # Expected warning to match: /block supersedes default value argument/ fails "Integer#** bignum switch to a Float when the values is too big" # Expected warning to match: /warning: in a\*\*b, b may be too big/ but got: "" fails "Integer#** fixnum returns Float::INFINITY when the number is too big" # Expected warning to match: /warning: in a\*\*b, b may be too big/ but got: "" fails "Integer#pow one argument is passed fixnum returns Float::INFINITY when the number is too big" # Expected warning to match: /warning: in a\*\*b, b may be too big/ but got: "" fails "Kernel#=~ is deprecated" # Expected warning to match: /deprecated Object#=~ is called on Object/ but got: "" fails "Literal (A::X) constant resolution with dynamically assigned constants returns the updated value when a constant is reassigned" # Expected warning to match: /already initialized constant/ fails "Literal Regexps matches against $_ (last input) in a conditional if no explicit matchee provided" # Expected warning to match: /regex literal in condition/ fails "Module#const_get with dynamically assigned constants returns the updated value of a constant" # Expected warning to match: /already initialized constant/ fails "Pattern matching warning when one-line form does not warn about pattern matching is experimental feature" # NameError: uninitialized constant Warning fails "Predefined global $, warns if assigned non-nil" # Expected warning to match: /warning: `\$,' is deprecated/ but got: "" fails "Predefined global $; warns if assigned non-nil" # Expected warning to match: /warning: `\$;' is deprecated/ but got: "" fails "Regexp.new given a Regexp does not honour options given as additional arguments" # Expected warning to match: /flags ignored/ fails "Struct.new overwrites previously defined constants with string as first argument" # Expected warning to match: /redefining constant/ fails "The for expression allows a constant as an iterator name" # Expected warning to match: /already initialized constant/ end