require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib/drawer') cache_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'db/development.yml') cache = puts "Store the value 123 in the 'foo' key." puts "=> " + cache.set("foo", 123).inspect puts "Store the value 456 in the 'bar' key." puts "=> " + cache.set("bar", 456).inspect puts "Retrieve the value for the key 'foo'." puts "=> " + cache.get("foo").inspect puts "Retrieve the value for the keys 'foo' and 'bar'." puts "=> " + cache.get_multi("foo", "bar").inspect puts "Flush the cache." puts "=> " + cache.flush_all.inspect puts "Try to get foo again." puts "=> " + cache.get("foo").inspect