require 'openssl' module Katello module Glue::Pulp::Repos def self.included(base) base.send :include, InstanceMethods end def self.repo_path_from_content_path(environment, content_path) content_path = content_path.sub(/^\//, "") path_prefix = [environment.organization.label, environment.label].join("/") "#{path_prefix}/#{content_path}" end # repo path for custom product repos (RH repo paths are derived from # content url) def self.custom_repo_path(environment, product, repo_label) if [environment, product, repo_label].any?(&:nil?) return nil # can't generate valid path end prefix = [environment.organization.label, environment.label].map { |x| x.gsub(/[^-\w]/, "_") }.join("/") prefix + custom_content_path(product, repo_label) end def self.custom_docker_repo_path(environment, product, repo_label) if [environment, product, repo_label].any?(&:nil?) return nil # can't generate valid path end parts = [environment.organization.label, product.label, repo_label] { |x| x.gsub(/[^-\w]/, "_") }.join("-").downcase end def self.custom_content_path(product, repo_label) parts = [] # We generate repo path only for custom product content. We add this # constant string to avoid collisions with RH content. RH content url # begins usually with something like "/content/dist/rhel/...". # There we prefix custom content/repo url with "/custom/..." parts << "custom" parts += [product.label, repo_label] "/" + { |x| x.gsub(/[^-\w]/, "_") }.join("/") end def self.prepopulate!(products, environment, repos = [], content_view = nil) if content_view.nil? if environment.library? content_view = environment.default_content_view else fail "No content view specified for a Non library environment #{environment.inspect}" end end items = Katello.pulp_server.extensions.repository.search_by_repository_ids(Repository.in_environment(environment).pluck(:pulp_id)) full_repos = {} items.each { |item| full_repos[item["id"]] = item } products.each do |prod| prod.repos(environment, content_view).each do |repo| repo.populate_from(full_repos) end end repos.each { |repo| repo.populate_from(full_repos) } end module InstanceMethods def empty? return self.repos(library).empty? end def promote(from_env, to_env) @orchestration_for = :promote async_tasks = promote_repos repos(from_env), from_env, to_env unless to_env.products.include? self self.environments << to_env end save! async_tasks end def find_packages_by_name(env, name) packages = self.repos(env).collect do |repo| repo.find_packages_by_name(name).collect do |p| p[:repo_id] = p end end packages.flatten(1) end def find_packages_by_nvre(env, name, version, release, epoch) packages = self.repos(env).collect do |repo| repo.find_packages_by_nvre(name, version, release, epoch).collect do |p| p[:repo_id] = p end end packages.flatten(1) end def distributions(env) to_ret = [] self.repos(env).each do |repo| distros = repo.distributions to_ret += distros unless distros.empty? end to_ret end def get_distribution(env, id) distribution = self.repos(env).map do |repo| repo.distributions.find_all { |d| == id } end distribution.flatten(1) end def promoted_to?(target_env) target_env.products.include? self end def sync Rails.logger.debug "Syncing product #{self.label}" repos = self.repos(library).collect do |r| r.sync end repos.flatten end def synced? !last_repo_sync_task.nil? end # Get the most relevant status for all the repos in this Product def sync_status all_repos = repos(self.library, nil, false) task = last_repo_sync_task last_synced_repo = task ? all_repos.find { |repo| task.locks.where(:resource_type => } : nil, task).sync_progress end def sync_summary summary = {} last_repo_sync_task_group.each do |task| summary[task.result] ||= 0 summary[task.result] += 1 end summary end def last_sync task = last_repo_sync_task task.nil? ? nil : task.started_at.to_s end def last_repo_sync_task @last_sync_task ||= last_repo_sync_tasks.first end def last_repo_sync_tasks all_repos = repos(self.library, nil, false) ForemanTasks::Task::DynflowTask .select("#{ForemanTasks::Task::DynflowTask.table_name}.*") .where(:label => [,]) .joins(:locks).where("foreman_tasks_locks.resource_id in (?) and foreman_tasks_locks.resource_type = ?", all_repos.pluck(:id), .order("started_at desc") end def last_repo_sync_task_group if last_repo_sync_task started_after = last_repo_sync_task.started_at - 30.seconds last_repo_sync_tasks.where("#{ForemanTasks::Task::DynflowTask.table_name}.started_at > '%s'", started_after).uniq else [] end end def sync_state self.sync_status[:state] end def sync_size self.repos(library).inject(0) do |sum, v| sum + v.sync_status.progress.total_size end end def repo_url(content_url) if self.provider.provider_type == Provider::CUSTOM content_url.dup else self.provider.repository_url + content_url end end def add_repo(repo_param) repo_param[:unprotected] = repo_param[:unprotected].nil? ? false : repo_param[:unprotected] if repo_param[:download_policy].blank? && repo_param[:content_type] == Repository::YUM_TYPE repo_param[:download_policy] = Setting[:default_download_policy] end rel_path = if repo_param[:content_type] == 'docker' Glue::Pulp::Repos.custom_docker_repo_path(self.library, self, repo_param[:label]) else Glue::Pulp::Repos.custom_repo_path(self.library, self, repo_param[:label]) end => self.organization.library, :product => self, :relative_path => rel_path, :arch => repo_param[:arch], :name => repo_param[:name], :label => repo_param[:label], :url => repo_param[:url], :gpg_key => repo_param[:gpg_key], :unprotected => repo_param[:unprotected], :content_type => repo_param[:content_type], :checksum_type => repo_param[:checksum_type], :download_policy => repo_param[:download_policy], :content_view_version => self.organization.library.default_content_view_version) end def setup_sync_schedule schedule = (self.sync_plan && self.sync_plan.schedule_format) || nil self.repos(self.library).each do |repo| repo.sync_schedule(schedule) end end def custom_repos_create_orchestration pre_queue.create(:name => "create pulp repositories for product: #{self.label}", :priority => 1, :action => [self, :set_repos]) end protected def promote_repos(repos, from_env, to_env) async_tasks = [] repos.each do |repo| async_tasks << repo.promote(from_env, to_env) end async_tasks.flatten(1) end end end end