# encoding: utf-8
# Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
module Selenium
module Client
# Convenience methods not explicitly part of the protocol
module Extensions
# These for all Ajax request to finish (Only works if you are using prototype, the wait happens in the browser)
def wait_for_ajax(options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new active_javascript_framework(options)
wait_for_condition builder.no_pending_ajax_requests.script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
# Wait for all Prototype effects to be processed (the wait happens in the browser).
# Credits to http://github.com/brynary/webrat/tree/master
def wait_for_effects(options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new active_javascript_framework(options)
wait_for_condition builder.no_pending_effects.script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
# Wait for an element to be present (the wait happens in the browser).
def wait_for_element(locator, options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new
builder.find_element(locator).append("element != null;")
wait_for_condition builder.script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
# Wait for an element to NOT be present (the wait happens in the browser).
def wait_for_no_element(locator, options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new
builder.find_element(locator).append("element == null;")
wait_for_condition builder.script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
# Wait for some text to be present (the wait is happening browser side).
# wait_for_text will search for the given argument within the innerHTML
# of the current DOM. Note that this method treats a single string
# as a special case.
# ==== Parameters
# wait_for_text accepts an optional hash of parameters:
# * :element - a selenium locator for an element limiting
# the search scope.
# * :timeout_in_seconds - duration in seconds after which we
# time out if text cannot be found.
# ==== Regular Expressions
# In addition to plain strings, wait_for_text accepts regular expressions
# as the pattern specification.
# ==== Examples
# The following are equivalent, and will match "some text" anywhere
# within the document:
# wait_for_text "some text"
# wait_for_text /some text/
# This will match "some text" anywhere within the specified element:
# wait_for_text /some text/, :element => "container"
# This will match "some text" only if it exactly matches the complete
# innerHTML of the specified element:
# wait_for_text "some text", :element => "container"
def wait_for_text(pattern, options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new
builder.find_text(pattern, options).append("text_match == true;")
wait_for_condition builder.script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
# Wait for some text to NOT be present (the wait happens in the browser).
# See wait_for_text for usage details.
def wait_for_no_text(pattern, options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new
builder.find_text(pattern, options).append("text_match == false;")
wait_for_condition builder.script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
# Wait for a field to get a specific value (the wait happens in the browser).
def wait_for_field_value(locator, expected_value, options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new
wait_for_condition builder.script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
# Wait for a field to not have a specific value (the wait happens in the browser).
def wait_for_no_field_value(locator, expected_value, options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new
wait_for_condition builder.script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
# Wait for something to be visible (the wait happens in the browser).
def wait_for_visible(locator, options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new
wait_for_condition builder.visible(locator).script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
# Wait for something to not be visible (the wait happens in the browser).
def wait_for_not_visible(locator, options={})
builder = JavascriptExpressionBuilder.new
wait_for_condition builder.not_visible(locator).script, options[:timeout_in_seconds]
def active_javascript_framework(options)
options[:javascript_framework] || default_javascript_framework