require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Yaks::Mapper::Link do include_context 'yaks context' subject(:link) {, template, options) } let(:rel) { :next } let(:template) { '/foo/bar/{x}/{y}' } let(:options) { {} } its(:template_variables) { should eq [:x, :y] } its(:uri_template) { should eq } its(:expand?) { should be true } describe '#rel?' do it 'should return true if the relation matches' do expect(link.rel?(:next)).to be true end it 'should return false if the relation does not match' do expect(link.rel?(:previous)).to be false end context 'with URI rels' do let(:rel) { 'http://foo/bar/rel' } it 'should return true if the relation matches' do expect(link.rel?('http://foo/bar/rel')).to be true end it 'should return false if the relation does not match' do expect(link.rel?('http://foo/bar/other')).to be false end end end describe '#expand_with' do it 'should look up expansion values through the provided callable' do expect(link.expand_with(->(var){ var.upcase })).to eq '/foo/bar/X/Y' end context 'with expansion turned off' do let(:options) { {expand: false} } it 'should keep the template in the response' do expect(link.expand_with(->{ })).to eq '/foo/bar/{x}/{y}' end its(:expand?) { should be false } end context 'with a URI without expansion variables' do let(:template) { '/orders' } it 'should return the link as is' do expect(link.expand_with(->{ })).to eq '/orders' end end context 'with partial expansion' do let(:options) { { expand: [:y] } } it 'should only expand the given variables' do expect(link.expand_with({:y => 7}.method(:[]))).to eql '/foo/bar/{x}/7' end end context 'with a symbol for a template' do let(:template) { :a_symbol } it 'should use the lookup mechanism for finding the link' do expect(link.expand_with({:a_symbol => '/foo/foo'}.method(:[]))).to eq '/foo/foo' end end end describe '#map_to_resource_link' do subject(:resource_link) { link.map_to_resource_link(mapper) } its(:rel) { should eq :next } let(:object) {, :y, :returns_nil).new(3, 4, nil) } let(:mapper) do do |mapper| # set @object end end context 'with attributes' do it 'should not have a title' do expect(resource_link.options.key?(:title)).to be false end it 'should not be templated' do expect(resource_link.options[:templated]).to be_falsey end context 'with extra options' do let(:options) { {title: 'foo', expand: [:x], foo: :bar} } it 'should pass on unknown options' do expect(resource_link.options[:foo]).to eql :bar end end it 'should create an instance of Yaks::Resource::Link' do expect(resource_link).to be_a(Yaks::Resource::Link) end it 'should expand the URI template' do expect(resource_link.uri).to eq '/foo/bar/3/4' end end context 'with expansion turned off' do let(:options) { {expand: false} } it 'should be templated' do expect(resource_link.options[:templated]).to be true end it 'should not propagate :expand' do expect(resource_link.options.key?(:expand)).to be false end end context 'with partial expansion' do let(:options) { {expand: [:x]} } it 'should be templated' do expect(resource_link.options[:templated]).to be true end end context 'with a title set' do let(:options) { { title: 'link title' } } it 'should set the title on the resource link' do expect(resource_link.title).to eq 'link title' end end context 'with a title lambda' do let(:options) { { title: -> { "say #{mapper_method}" } } } it 'should evaluate the lambda in the context of the mapper' do expect(mapper).to receive(:mapper_method).and_return('hello') expect(resource_link.title).to eq 'say hello' end end context 'with a link generation method that returns nil' do let(:template) { :returns_nil } it 'should return nil' do expect(resource_link).to be_nil end end end end