class Shakapacker::Commands delegate :config, :compiler, :manifest, :logger, to: :@instance def initialize(instance) @instance = instance end # Cleanup old assets in the compile directory. By default it will # keep the latest version, 2 backups created within the past hour. # # Examples # # To force only 1 backup to be kept, set count=1 and age=0. # # To only keep files created within the last 10 minutes, set count=0 and # age=600. # def clean(count = 2, age = 3600) if config.public_output_path.exist? && config.manifest_path.exist? packs .map do |paths| { |path| [ - File.mtime(path), path] } .sort .reject.with_index do |(file_age, _), index| file_age < age || index < count end .map { |_, path| path } end .flatten .compact .each do |file| if File.file?(file) File.delete(file) "Removed #{file}" end end end true end def clobber config.public_output_path.rmtree if config.public_output_path.exist? config.cache_path.rmtree if config.cache_path.exist? end def bootstrap manifest.refresh end def compile compiler.compile.tap do |success| manifest.refresh if success end end private def packs all_files = Dir.glob("#{config.public_output_path}/**/*") manifest_config = Dir.glob("#{config.manifest_path}*") packs = all_files - manifest_config - current_version packs.reject { |file| }.group_by do |path| base, _, ext = File.basename(path).scan(/(.*)(-[\da-f]+)(\.\w+)/).flatten "#{File.dirname(path)}/#{base}#{ext}" end.values end def current_version packs = do |value| value = value["src"] if value.is_a?(Hash) next unless value.is_a?(String) File.join(config.root_path, "public", "#{value}*") end.compact Dir.glob(packs).uniq end end