# encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Charwidth" do describe ".normalize" do it "should convert full-width alphabet to half-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("ABCabc")).to eq("ABCabc") end it "should convert full-width number to half-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("123")).to eq("123") end it "should convert full-width ASCII symbol before numbers to half-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("!"#")).to eq("!\"#") end it "should convert full-width ASCII symbol between numbers and upper-case to half-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize(":;")).to eq(":;") end it "should convert full-width ASCII symbol between upper-case and lower-case to half-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("[\]")).to eq("[\\]") end it "should convert full-width ASCII symbol after lower-case to half-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("{|}")).to eq("{|}") end it "should convert half-width CJK punctuation to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("、。「」")).to eq("、。「」") end it "should convert half-width katakana to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("アカサタナハマヤラワヲンァャッー・")).to eq("アカサタナハマヤラワヲンァャッー・") expect(Charwidth.normalize("タチツテトナニヌネノ")).to eq("タチツテトナニヌネノ") end it "should unify half-width (semi) voiced katakana with dakuon to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("ガザダバパ")).to eq("ガザダバパ") end it "should convert half-width hangul to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("アカサタナハマヤラワヲンァャッー・")).to eq("アカサタナハマヤラワヲンァャッー・") end it "should convert IDIOGRAPHIC-SPACE to SPACE" do expect(Charwidth.normalize("\u3000")).to eq(" ") end end describe ".to_full_width" do it "should convert half-width alphabet to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("ABCabc")).to eq("ABCabc") end it "should convert half-width number to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("123")).to eq("123") end it "should convert half-width ASCII symbol before numbers to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("!\"#")).to eq("!"#") end it "should convert half-width ASCII symbol between numbers and upper-case to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width(":;")).to eq(":;") end it "should convert half-width ASCII symbol between upper-case and lower-case to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("[\\]")).to eq("[\]") end it "should convert half-width ASCII symbol after lower-case to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("{|}")).to eq("{|}") end it "should convert half-width CJK punctuation to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("、。「」")).to eq("、。「」") end it "should convert half-width katakana to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("アカサタナハマヤラワヲンァャッー・")).to eq("アカサタナハマヤラワヲンァャッー・") expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("タチツテトナニヌネノ")).to eq("タチツテトナニヌネノ") end it "should unify half-width (semi) voiced katakana with dakuon to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("ガザダバパ")).to eq("ガザダバパ") end it "should convert half-width hangul to full-width" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width("アカサタナハマヤラワヲンァャッー・")).to eq("アカサタナハマヤラワヲンァャッー・") end it "should convert SPACE to IDIOGRAPHIC-SPACE" do expect(Charwidth.to_full_width(" ")).to eq("\u3000") end end end