# Change the settings below to suit your needs # All settings are initially set to their default values Commontator.configure do |config| # Engine Configuration # Method called on ApplicationController to return the current user # Default: 'current_user' config.current_user_method = 'current_user' # Proc that is called when a view wants to set the page heading. # Default: Proc.new {} config.heading_proc = nil # Proc that is called after any javascript runs (e.g. to clear flash notices) # Default: Proc.new {} config.javascript_proc = nil # Commontator (User model) Configuration # Whether the commontator's name is clickable in the comment view # Default: false config.commontator_name_clickable = false # The method that return the commontator's email address # Default: 'email' config.commontator_email_method = 'email' # The method that return the commontator's name # Default: '' (Anonymous) config.commontator_name_method = '' # Method that returns true if the commontator is an admin for all threads # Admins can always delete other users' comments and close threads # Default: '' (no admins) config.is_admin_method = '' # Commontable (Commentable model) Configuration # What a comment is called in your application # Default: 'comment' config.comment_name = 'comment' # Verb used when creating comments (present) # Default: 'post' config.comment_create_verb_present = 'post' # Verb used when creating comments (past) # Default: 'posted' config.comment_create_verb_past = 'posted' # What a commontable is called in your application # If you have multiple commontable models, # you might want to pass this configuration value # as an argument to acts_as_commontable in each one # Default: 'commontable' config.commontable_name = 'commontable' # Proc that returns the subscription email subject # Default: Proc.new {} config.subscription_email_subject_proc = Proc.new {|params| \ "#{params[:commontator_name]} #{params[:config].comment_create_verb_past} a " + \ "#{params[:config].comment_name} on #{params[:commontable_name]} ##{params[:commontable_id]}"} # The format of the timestamps used by Commontator # Default: '%b %d %Y, %I:%M %p' config.timestamp_format = '%b %d %Y, %I:%M %p' # Whether admins can edit other users' comments # Default: false config.admin_can_edit_comments = false # Whether users automatically subscribe to a thread when commenting # Default: false config.auto_subscribe_on_comment = false # Whether users can edit their own comments # Default: true config.can_edit_own_comments = true # Whether users can edit their own comments # after someone posted a newer comment # Default: false config.can_edit_old_comments = false # Whether users can delete their own comments # Default: false config.can_delete_own_comments = false # Whether users can delete their own comments # after someone posted a newer comment # Default: false config.can_delete_old_comments = false # Whether users can manually subscribe or unsubscribe to threads # Default: true config.can_subscribe_to_thread = true # Whether users can vote on other users' comments # Note: requires acts_as_votable gem installed # and configured for your application # Default: false config.comments_can_be_voted_on = false # Whether comments should be ordered by vote score # instead of by order posted # Default: false config.comments_order_by_votes = false # Whether users can read threads closed by admins # Default: true config.closed_threads_are_readable = true # Whether comments deleted by admins can be seen # (the content will still be hidden) # Default: true config.deleted_comments_are_visible = true # Method called on commontable to return its id # Default: 'id' config.commontable_id_method = 'id' # Method called on commontable and passed user as argument # If true, that user is an admin for that particular commontable's thread # Default: '' (no thread-specific admins) config.can_edit_thread_method = '' # Method called on commontable and passed user as argument # If true, that user is allowed to read that commontable's thread # Default: '' (no read restrictions) config.can_read_thread_method = '' # Method called on commontable when a comment is created # Passed user, comment as arguments # Default: '' (no callback) config.comment_created_callback = '' # Method called on commontable when a comment is edited # Passed user, comment as arguments # Default: '' (no callback) config.comment_edited_callback = '' # Method called on commontable when a comment is deleted # Passed user, comment as arguments # Default: '' (no callback) config.comment_deleted_callback = '' # Method called on commontable when a thread is closed # Passed user as argument # Default: '' (no callback) config.thread_closed_callback = '' # Method called on commontable when a thread is subscribed to # Passed user as argument # Default: '' (no callback) config.subscribe_callback = '' # Method called on commontable when a thread is unsubscribed to # Passed user as argument # Default: '' (no callback) config.unsubscribe_callback = '' end