Feature: Register a public key Background: Given I successfully run `conjur user create alice@$ns` And I successfully run `ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "laptop" -N "" -f ./id_alice_$ns` Scenario: Register a public key file for a user When I run `conjur pubkeys add alice@$ns @id_alice_$ns.pub` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: You can't accidentally register the private key When I run `conjur pubkeys add alice@$ns @id_alice_$ns` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr from "conjur pubkeys add alice@$ns @id_alice_$ns" should contain "Unprocessable Entity" Scenario: Unauthorized users cannot modify public keys Given I login as new user "bob@$ns" And I run `conjur pubkeys add alice@$ns @id_alice_$ns.pub` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr from "conjur pubkeys add alice@$ns @id_alice_$ns.pub" should contain "Forbidden"