#Sexp changes from ruby_parser #and some changes for caching hash value and tracking 'original' line number #of a Sexp. class Sexp attr_accessor :original_line, :or_depth ASSIGNMENT_BOOL = [:gasgn, :iasgn, :lasgn, :cvdecl, :cvasgn, :cdecl, :or, :and, :colon2, :op_asgn_or] CALLS = [:call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn] def method_missing name, *args #Brakeman does not use this functionality, #so overriding it to raise a NoMethodError. # #The original functionality calls find_node and optionally #deletes the node if found. # #Defining a method named "return" seems like a bad idea, so we have to #check for it here instead if name == :return find_node name, *args else raise NoMethodError.new("No method '#{name}' for Sexp", name, args) end end #Create clone of Sexp and nested Sexps but not their non-Sexp contents. #If a line number is provided, also sets line/original_line on all Sexps. def deep_clone line = nil s = Sexp.new self.each do |e| if e.is_a? Sexp s << e.deep_clone(line) else s << e end end if line s.original_line = self.original_line || self.line s.line(line) else s.original_line = self.original_line s.line(self.line) if self.line end s end def paren @paren ||= false end def value raise WrongSexpError, "Sexp#value called on multi-item Sexp: `#{self.inspect}`" if size > 2 self[1] end def value= exp raise WrongSexpError, "Sexp#value= called on multi-item Sexp: `#{self.inspect}`" if size > 2 @my_hash_value = nil self[1] = exp end def second self[1] end def to_sym self.value.to_sym end def node_type= type @my_hash_value = nil self[0] = type end #Join self and exp into an :or Sexp. #Sets or_depth. #Used for combining "branched" values in AliasProcessor. def combine exp, line = nil combined = Sexp.new(:or, self, exp).line(line || -2) combined.or_depth = [self.or_depth, exp.or_depth].compact.reduce(0, :+) + 1 combined end alias :node_type :sexp_type alias :values :sexp_body # TODO: retire alias :old_push :<< alias :old_compact :compact alias :old_fara :find_and_replace_all alias :old_find_node :find_node def << arg @my_hash_value = nil old_push arg end def hash #There still seems to be some instances in which the hash of the #Sexp changes, but I have not found what method call is doing it. #Of course, Sexp is subclasses from Array, so who knows what might #be going on. @my_hash_value ||= super end def compact @my_hash_value = nil old_compact end def find_and_replace_all *args @my_hash_value = nil old_fara(*args) end def find_node *args @my_hash_value = nil old_find_node(*args) end #Raise a WrongSexpError if the nodes type does not match one of the expected #types. def expect *types unless types.include? self.node_type raise WrongSexpError, "Expected #{types.join ' or '} but given #{self.inspect}", caller[1..-1] end end #Returns target of a method call: # #s(:call, s(:call, nil, :x, s(:arglist)), :y, s(:arglist, s(:lit, 1))) # ^-----------target-----------^ def target expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn self[1] end #Sets the target of a method call: def target= exp expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn @my_hash_value = nil self[1] = exp end #Returns method of a method call: # #s(:call, s(:call, nil, :x, s(:arglist)), :y, s(:arglist, s(:lit, 1))) # ^- method def method expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn, :super, :zsuper, :result case self.node_type when :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn self[2] when :super, :zsuper :super when :result self.last end end def method= name expect :call, :safe_call self[2] = name end #Sets the arglist in a method call. def arglist= exp expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn @my_hash_value = nil start_index = 3 if exp.is_a? Sexp and exp.node_type == :arglist exp = exp.sexp_body end exp.each_with_index do |e, i| self[start_index + i] = e end end def set_args *exp self.arglist = exp end #Returns arglist for method call. This differs from Sexp#args, as Sexp#args #does not return a 'real' Sexp (it does not have a node type) but #Sexp#arglist returns a s(:arglist, ...) # # s(:call, s(:call, nil, :x, s(:arglist)), :y, s(:arglist, s(:lit, 1), s(:lit, 2))) # ^------------ arglist ------------^ def arglist expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn, :super, :zsuper case self.node_type when :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn self.sexp_body(3).unshift :arglist when :super, :zsuper if self[1] self.sexp_body.unshift :arglist else Sexp.new(:arglist) end end end #Returns arguments of a method call. This will be an 'untyped' Sexp. # # s(:call, s(:call, nil, :x, s(:arglist)), :y, s(:arglist, s(:lit, 1), s(:lit, 2))) # ^--------args--------^ def args expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn, :super, :zsuper case self.node_type when :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn if self[3] self.sexp_body(3) else Sexp.new end when :super, :zsuper if self[1] self.sexp_body else Sexp.new end end end def each_arg replace = false expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn, :super, :zsuper range = nil case self.node_type when :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn if self[3] range = (3...self.length) end when :super, :zsuper if self[1] range = (1...self.length) end end if range range.each do |i| res = yield self[i] self[i] = res if replace end end self end def each_arg! &block @my_hash_value = nil self.each_arg true, &block end #Returns first argument of a method call. def first_arg expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn self[3] end #Sets first argument of a method call. def first_arg= exp expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn @my_hash_value = nil self[3] = exp end #Returns second argument of a method call. def second_arg expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn self[4] end #Sets second argument of a method call. def second_arg= exp expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn @my_hash_value = nil self[4] = exp end def third_arg expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn self[5] end def third_arg= exp expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn @my_hash_value = nil self[5] = exp end def last_arg expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn if self[3] self[-1] else nil end end def call_chain expect :call, :attrasgn, :safe_call, :safe_attrasgn chain = [] call = self while call.class == Sexp and CALLS.include? call.first chain << call.method call = call.target end chain.reverse! chain end #Returns condition of an if expression: # # s(:if, # s(:lvar, :condition), <-- condition # s(:lvar, :then_val), # s(:lvar, :else_val))) def condition expect :if self[1] end def condition= exp expect :if self[1] = exp end #Returns 'then' clause of an if expression: # # s(:if, # s(:lvar, :condition), # s(:lvar, :then_val), <-- then clause # s(:lvar, :else_val))) def then_clause expect :if self[2] end #Returns 'else' clause of an if expression: # # s(:if, # s(:lvar, :condition), # s(:lvar, :then_val), # s(:lvar, :else_val))) # ^---else caluse---^ def else_clause expect :if self[3] end #Method call associated with a block: # # s(:iter, # s(:call, nil, :x, s(:arglist)), <- block_call # s(:lasgn, :y), # s(:block, s(:lvar, :y), s(:call, nil, :z, s(:arglist)))) def block_call expect :iter if self[1].node_type == :lambda s(:call, nil, :lambda).line(self.line) else self[1] end end #Returns block of a call with a block. #Could be a single expression or a block: # # s(:iter, # s(:call, nil, :x, s(:arglist)), # s(:lasgn, :y), # s(:block, s(:lvar, :y), s(:call, nil, :z, s(:arglist)))) # ^-------------------- block --------------------------^ def block delete = nil unless delete.nil? #this is from RubyParser return find_node :block, delete end expect :iter, :scope, :resbody case self.node_type when :iter self[3] when :scope self[1] when :resbody #This is for Ruby2Ruby ONLY find_node :block end end #Returns parameters for a block # # s(:iter, # s(:call, nil, :x, s(:arglist)), # s(:lasgn, :y), <- block_args # s(:call, nil, :p, s(:arglist, s(:lvar, :y)))) def block_args expect :iter if self[2] == 0 # ?! See https://github.com/presidentbeef/brakeman/issues/331 return Sexp.new(:args) else self[2] end end def first_param expect :args self[1] end #Returns the left hand side of assignment or boolean: # # s(:lasgn, :x, s(:lit, 1)) # ^--lhs def lhs expect(*ASSIGNMENT_BOOL) self[1] end #Sets the left hand side of assignment or boolean. def lhs= exp expect(*ASSIGNMENT_BOOL) @my_hash_value = nil self[1] = exp end #Returns right side (value) of assignment or boolean: # # s(:lasgn, :x, s(:lit, 1)) # ^--rhs---^ def rhs expect :attrasgn, :safe_attrasgn, *ASSIGNMENT_BOOL if self.node_type == :attrasgn or self.node_type == :safe_attrasgn if self[2] == :[]= self[4] else self[3] end else self[2] end end #Sets the right hand side of assignment or boolean. def rhs= exp expect :attrasgn, :safe_attrasgn, *ASSIGNMENT_BOOL @my_hash_value = nil if self.node_type == :attrasgn or self.node_type == :safe_attrasgn self[3] = exp else self[2] = exp end end #Returns name of method being defined in a method definition. def method_name expect :defn, :defs case self.node_type when :defn self[1] when :defs self[2] end end def formal_args expect :defn, :defs case self.node_type when :defn self[2] when :defs self[3] end end #Sets body, which is now a complicated process because the body is no longer #a separate Sexp, but just a list of Sexps. def body= exp expect :defn, :defs, :class, :module @my_hash_value = nil case self.node_type when :defn, :class index = 3 when :defs index = 4 when :module index = 2 end self.slice!(index..-1) #Remove old body if exp.first == :rlist exp = exp.sexp_body end #Insert new body exp.each do |e| self[index] = e index += 1 end end #Returns body of a method definition, class, or module. #This will be an untyped Sexp containing a list of Sexps from the body. def body expect :defn, :defs, :class, :module case self.node_type when :defn, :class self.sexp_body(3) when :defs self.sexp_body(4) when :module self.sexp_body(2) end end #Like Sexp#body, except the returned Sexp is of type :rlist #instead of untyped. def body_list self.body.unshift :rlist end # Number of "statements" in a method. # This is more efficient than `Sexp#body.length` # because `Sexp#body` creates a new Sexp. def method_length expect :defn, :defs case self.node_type when :defn self.length - 3 when :defs self.length - 4 end end def render_type expect :render self[1] end def class_name expect :class, :module self[1] end alias module_name class_name def parent_name expect :class self[2] end #Returns the call Sexp in a result returned from FindCall def call expect :result self.last end #Returns the module the call is inside def module expect :result self[1] end #Return the class the call is inside def result_class expect :result self[2] end require 'set' def inspect seen = Set.new if seen.include? self.object_id 's(...)' else seen << self.object_id sexp_str = self.map do |x| if x.is_a? Sexp x.inspect seen else x.inspect end end.join(', ') "s(#{sexp_str})" end end end #Invalidate hash cache if the Sexp changes [:[]=, :clear, :collect!, :compact!, :concat, :delete, :delete_at, :delete_if, :drop, :drop_while, :fill, :flatten!, :replace, :insert, :keep_if, :map!, :pop, :push, :reject!, :replace, :reverse!, :rotate!, :select!, :shift, :shuffle!, :slice!, :sort!, :sort_by!, :transpose, :uniq!, :unshift].each do |method| Sexp.class_eval <<-RUBY def #{method} *args @my_hash_value = nil super end RUBY end #Methods used by RubyParser which would normally go through method_missing but #we don't want that to happen because it hides Brakeman errors [:resbody, :lasgn, :iasgn, :splat].each do |method| Sexp.class_eval <<-RUBY def #{method} delete = false if delete @my_hash_value = false end find_node :#{method}, delete end RUBY end class String ## # This is a hack used by the lexer to sneak in line numbers at the # identifier level. This should be MUCH smaller than making # process_token return [value, lineno] and modifying EVERYTHING that # reduces tIDENTIFIER. attr_accessor :lineno end class WrongSexpError < RuntimeError; end