module GitHubPages module HealthCheck class Printer PRETTY_LEFT_WIDTH = 11 PRETTY_JOINER = " | " attr_reader :health_check def initialize(health_check) @health_check = health_check end def simple_string require 'yaml' hash = health_check.to_hash hash[:reason] = hash[:reason].to_s if hash[:reason] hash.to_yaml.sub(/\A---\n/, "").gsub(/^:/, "") end def pretty_print values = health_check.to_hash output = # Header output.puts new_line "Domain", "#{values[:uri]}" output.puts ("-" * (PRETTY_LEFT_WIDTH + 1)) + "|" + "-" * 50 output.puts new_line "DNS", "does not resolve" if not values[:dns_resolves?] # Valid? output.write new_line "State", "#{values[:valid?] ? "valid" : "invalid"}" output.puts " - is #{"NOT " if not values[:served_by_pages?]}served by Pages" # What's wrong? output.puts new_line "Reason", "#{values[:reason]}" if not values[:valid?] output.puts new_line nil, "pointed to user domain" if values[:pointed_to_github_user_domain?] output.puts new_line nil, "pointed to pages IP" if values[:pointed_to_github_pages_ip?] # DNS Record info output.write new_line "Record Type", "#{values[:a_record?] ? "A" : values[:cname_record?] ? "CNAME" : "other"}" output.puts values[:should_be_a_record?] ? ", should be A record" : ", should be CNAME" ip_problems = [] ip_problems << "not apex domain" if not values[:apex_domain?] ip_problems << "invalid domain" if not values[:valid_domain?] ip_problems << "old ip address used" if values[:old_ip_address?] output.puts new_line "IP Problems", "#{ip_problems.size > 0 ? ip_problems.join(", ") : "none"} " if values[:proxied?] output.puts new_line "Proxied", "yes, through #{values[:cloudflare_ip?] ? "CloudFlare" : "unknown"}" end output.puts new_line "Domain", "* domain" if values[:pages_domain?] output.string end def new_line(left = nil, right = nil) if left and right ljust(left) + PRETTY_JOINER + right elsif left ljust(left) elsif right " " * (PRETTY_LEFT_WIDTH + PRETTY_JOINER.size) + right end end def ljust(line) line.ljust(PRETTY_LEFT_WIDTH) end end end end