// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('mixins/table_delegate'); sc_require('views/table_head'); /** @class A table view renders a two-dimensional grid of data. TODO: More documentation. @extends SC.ListView @extends SC.TableDelegate @since SproutCore 1.1 */ SC.TableView = SC.ListView.extend(SC.TableDelegate, { /** @scope SC.TableView.prototype */ // .......................................................... // PROPERTIES // classNames: ['sc-table-view'], childViews: "tableHeadView scrollView".w(), scrollView: SC.ScrollView.extend({ isVisible: YES, layout: { left: -1, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 19 }, hasHorizontalScroller: NO, borderStyle: SC.BORDER_NONE, contentView: SC.View.extend({ }), // FIXME: Hack. _sv_offsetDidChange: function() { this.get('parentView')._sctv_scrollOffsetDidChange(); }.observes('verticalScrollOffset', 'horizontalScrollOffset') }), hasHorizontalScroller: NO, hasVerticalScroller: NO, selectOnMouseDown: NO, // FIXME: Charles originally had this as an outlet, but that doesn't work. // Figure out why. containerView: function() { var scrollView = this.get('scrollView'); return (scrollView && scrollView.get) ? scrollView.get('contentView') : null; //return this.get('scrollView').get('contentView'); }.property('scrollView'), layout: { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, init: function() { sc_super(); window.table = this; // DEBUG //this._sctv_columnsDidChange(); }, canReorderContent: NO, isInDragMode: NO, // .......................................................... // EVENT RESPONDERS // mouseDownInTableHeaderView: function(evt, header) { var column = header.get('column'); if (!column.get('isReorderable') && !column.get('isSortable')) { return NO; } // Save the mouseDown event so we can use it for mouseUp/mouseDragged. this._mouseDownEvent = evt; // Set the timer for switching from a sort action to a reorder action. this._mouseDownTimer = SC.Timer.schedule({ target: this, action: '_scthv_enterDragMode', interval: 300 }); return YES; }, mouseUpInTableHeaderView: function(evt, header) { var isInDragMode = this.get('isInDragMode'); // Only sort if we're not in drag mode (i.e., short clicks). if (!isInDragMode) { var column = header.get('column'); // Change the sort state of the associated column. this.set('sortedColumn', column); var sortState = column.get('sortState'); var newSortState = sortState === SC.SORT_ASCENDING ? SC.SORT_DESCENDING : SC.SORT_ASCENDING; column.set('sortState', newSortState); } // Exit drag mode (and cancel any scheduled drag modes). // this._scthv_exitDragMode(); this._dragging = false; if (this._mouseDownTimer) { this._mouseDownTimer.invalidate(); } }, mouseDraggedInTableHeaderView: function(evt, header) { SC.RunLoop.begin(); var isInDragMode = this.get('isInDragMode'); if (!isInDragMode) return NO; if (!this._dragging) { SC.Drag.start({ event: this._mouseDownEvent, source: header, dragView: this._scthv_dragViewForHeader(), ghost: YES //anchorView: this.get('parentView') }); this._dragging = true; } return sc_super(); SC.RunLoop.end(); }, // .......................................................... // COLUMN PROPERTIES // /** A collection of `SC.TableColumn` objects. Modify the array to adjust the columns. @property @type Array */ columns: [], /** Which column will alter its size so that the columns fill the available width of the table. If `null`, the last column will stretch. @property @type SC.TableColumn */ flexibleColumn: null, /** Which column is currently the "active" column for sorting purposes. Doesn't say anything about sorting direction; for that, read the `sortState` property of the sorted column. @property @type SC.TableColumn */ sortedColumn: null, // .......................................................... // HEAD PROPERTIES // /** if YES, the table view will generate a head row at the top of the table view. @property @type Boolean */ hasTableHead: YES, /** The view that serves as the head view for the table (if any). @property @type SC.View */ tableHeadView: SC.TableHeadView.extend({ layout: { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0 } }), /** The height of the table head in pixels. @property @type Number */ tableHeadHeight: 18, // .......................................................... // ROW PROPERTIES // /** Whether all rows in the table will have the same pixel height. If so, we can compute offsets very cheaply. @property @type Boolean */ hasUniformRowHeights: YES, /** How high each row should be, in pixels. @property @type Number */ rowHeight: 18, /** Which view to use for a table row. @property @type SC.View */ exampleView: SC.TableRowView, // .......................................................... // DRAG-REORDER MODE // isInColumnDragMode: NO, // .......................................................... // OTHER PROPERTIES // filterKey: null, /** Returns the top offset for the specified content index. This will take into account any custom row heights and group views. @param {Number} idx the content index @returns {Number} the row offset in pixels */ rowOffsetForContentIndex: function(contentIndex) { var top = 0, idx; if (this.get('hasUniformRowHeights')) { return top + (this.get('rowHeight') * contentIndex); } else { for (idx = 0; idx < contentIndex; i++) { top += this.rowHeightForContentIndex(idx); } return top; } }, /** Returns the row height for the specified content index. This will take into account custom row heights and group rows. @param {Number} idx content index @returns {Number} the row height in pixels */ rowHeightForContentIndex: function(contentIndex) { if (this.get('hasUniformRowHeights')) { return this.get('rowHeight'); } else { // TODO } }, /** Computes the layout for a specific content index by combining the current row heights. @param {Number} index content index */ layoutForContentIndex: function(index) { return { top: this.rowOffsetForContentIndex(index), height: this.rowHeightForContentIndex(index), left: 0, right: 0 }; }, createItemView: function(exampleClass, idx, attrs) { // Add a `tableView` attribute to each created row so it has a way to // refer back to this view. attrs.tableView = this; return exampleClass.create(attrs); }, clippingFrame: function() { var cv = this.get('containerView'), sv = this.get('scrollView'), f = this.get('frame'); if (!sv.get) { return f; } return { height: f.height, width: f.width, x: sv.get('horizontalScrollOffset'), y: sv.get('verticalScrollOffset') }; }.property('frame', 'content').cacheable(), _sctv_scrollOffsetDidChange: function() { this.notifyPropertyChange('clippingFrame'); }, // .......................................................... // SUBCLASS IMPLEMENTATIONS // computeLayout: function() { var layout = sc_super(), containerView = this.get('containerView'), frame = this.get('frame'); var minHeight = layout.minHeight; delete layout.minHeight; // FIXME: In the middle of initialization, the TableView needs to be // reloaded in order to become aware of the proper display state of the // table rows. This is currently the best heuristic I can find to decide // when to do the reload. But the whole thing is a hack and should be // fixed as soon as possible. // var currentHeight = containerView.get('layout').height; // if (currentHeight !== height) { // this.reload(); // } containerView.adjust('minHeight', minHeight); containerView.layoutDidChange(); //containerView.adjust('height', height); //containerView.layoutDidChange(); this.notifyPropertyChange('clippingFrame'); return layout; }, // .......................................................... // INTERNAL SUPPORT // // When the columns change, go through all the columns and set their tableContent to be this table's content // TODO: should these guys not just have a binding of this instead? _sctv_columnsDidChange: function() { var columns = this.get('columns'), content = this.get('content'), idx; for (idx = 0; idx < columns.get('length'); idx++) { columns.objectAt(idx).set('tableContent', content); } this.get('tableHeadView')._scthv_handleChildren(); this.reload(); }.observes('columns'), // Do stuff when our frame size changes. _sctv_adjustColumnWidthsOnResize: function() { var width = this.get('frame').width; var content = this.get('content'), del = this.delegateFor('isTableDelegate', this.delegate, content); if (this.get('columns').length == 0) return; width = del.tableShouldResizeWidthTo(this, width); var columns = this.get('columns'), totalColumnWidth = 0, idx; for (var idx = 0; idx < columns.length; idx++) { totalColumnWidth += columns.objectAt(idx).get('width'); } if (width === 0) width = totalColumnWidth; var flexibleColumn = this.get('flexibleColumn') || this.get('columns').objectAt(this.get('columns').length - 1); var flexibleWidth = flexibleColumn.get('width') + (width - totalColumnWidth); flexibleColumn.set('width', flexibleWidth); }.observes('frame'), // ============================================================= // = This is all terrible, but will have to do in the interim. = // ============================================================= _sctv_sortContent: function() { var sortedColumn = this.get('sortedColumn'); var sortKey = sortedColumn.get('key'); this.set('orderBy', sortKey); }, _sctv_sortedColumnDidChange: function() { var columns = this.get('columns'), sortedColumn = this.get('sortedColumn'), column, idx; for (idx = 0; idx < columns.get('length'); idx++) { column = columns.objectAt(idx); if (column !== sortedColumn) { column.set('sortState', null); } } this.invokeOnce('_sctv_sortContent'); }.observes('sortedColumn') });