load File.expand_path("../set_rails_env.rake", __FILE__) namespace :deploy do desc 'Runs rake db:migrate if migrations are set' task :migrate => [:set_rails_env] do on fetch(:migration_servers) do conditionally_migrate = fetch(:conditionally_migrate) info '[deploy:migrate] Checking changes in db' if conditionally_migrate if conditionally_migrate && test(:diff, "-qr #{release_path}/db #{current_path}/db") info '[deploy:migrate] Skip `deploy:migrate` (nothing changed in db)' else info "[deploy:migrate] Run `rake #{fetch(:migration_command)}`" # NOTE: We access instance variable since the accessor was only added recently. Once capistrano-rails depends on rake 11+, we can revert the following line invoke :'deploy:migrating' unless Rake::Task[:'deploy:migrating'].instance_variable_get(:@already_invoked) end end end desc 'Runs rake db:migrate' task migrating: [:set_rails_env] do on fetch(:migration_servers) do within release_path do with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env) do execute :rake, fetch(:migration_command) end end end end after 'deploy:updated', 'deploy:migrate' end namespace :load do task :defaults do set :conditionally_migrate, fetch(:conditionally_migrate, false) set :migration_role, fetch(:migration_role, :db) set :migration_servers, -> { primary(fetch(:migration_role)) } set :migration_command, fetch(:migration_command, 'db:migrate') end end