# This test verifies that calling facter with both --no-custom-facts and --custom-dir results # in an options conflict error test_name "C100001: custom fact commandline options --no-custom-facts together with --custom-dir should produce an error" do tag 'risk:low' agents.each do |agent| custom_dir = agent.tmpdir('custom_dir') teardown do on(agent, "rm -rf '#{custom_dir}'") end step "Agent #{agent}: --no-custom-facts and --custom-dir options should result in a error" do on(agent, facter("--no-custom-facts --custom-dir '#{custom_dir}'"), :acceptable_exit_codes => 1) do |facter_output| assert_match(/options conflict/, facter_output.stderr.chomp, "Output does not contain error string") end end end end