require 'test_helper' class RegistrationTest < Devise::IntegrationTest test 'a guest admin should be able to sign in successfully' do get new_admin_session_path click_link 'Sign up' assert_template 'registrations/new' fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'password', with: 'new_user123' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: 'new_user123' click_button 'Sign up' assert_contain 'You have signed up successfully' assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) assert_current_url "/admin_area/home" admin = Admin.to_adapter.find_first(order: [:id, :desc]) assert_equal, '' end test 'a guest admin should be able to sign in and be redirected to a custom location' do Devise::RegistrationsController.any_instance.stubs(:after_sign_up_path_for).returns("/?custom=1") get new_admin_session_path click_link 'Sign up' fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'password', with: 'new_user123' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: 'new_user123' click_button 'Sign up' assert_contain 'Welcome! You have signed up successfully.' assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) assert_current_url "/?custom=1" end test 'a guest admin should not see a warning about minimum password length' do get new_admin_session_path assert_not_contain 'characters minimum' end def user_sign_up ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear get new_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'password', with: 'new_user123' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: 'new_user123' click_button 'Sign up' end test 'a guest user should see a warning about minimum password length' do get new_user_registration_path assert_contain '7 characters minimum' end test 'a guest user should be able to sign up successfully and be blocked by confirmation' do user_sign_up assert_contain 'A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please follow the link to activate your account.' assert_not_contain 'You have to confirm your account before continuing' assert_current_url "/" assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) user = User.to_adapter.find_first(order: [:id, :desc]) assert_equal, '' assert_not user.confirmed? end test 'a guest user should receive the confirmation instructions from the default mailer' do user_sign_up assert_equal [''], ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.from end test 'a guest user should receive the confirmation instructions from a custom mailer' do User.any_instance.stubs(:devise_mailer).returns(Users::Mailer) user_sign_up assert_equal [''], ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.from end test 'a guest user should be blocked by confirmation and redirected to a custom path' do Devise::RegistrationsController.any_instance.stubs(:after_inactive_sign_up_path_for).returns("/?custom=1") get new_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'password', with: 'new_user123' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: 'new_user123' click_button 'Sign up' assert_current_url "/?custom=1" assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'a guest user cannot sign up with invalid information' do # Dirty tracking behavior prevents email validations from being applied: # (pending "Fails on Mongoid < 2.1"; break) if defined?(Mongoid) && Mongoid::VERSION.to_f < 2.1 get new_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', with: 'invalid_email' fill_in 'password', with: 'new_user123' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: 'new_user321' click_button 'Sign up' assert_template 'registrations/new' assert_have_selector '#error_explanation' assert_contain "Email is invalid" assert_contain "Password confirmation doesn't match Password" assert_contain "2 errors prohibited" assert_nil User.to_adapter.find_first assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'a guest should not sign up with email/password that already exists' do # Dirty tracking behavior prevents email validations from being applied: # (pending "Fails on Mongoid < 2.1"; break) if defined?(Mongoid) && Mongoid::VERSION.to_f < 2.1 create_user get new_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'password', with: '123456' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: '123456' click_button 'Sign up' assert_current_url '/users' assert_contain(/Email.*already.*taken/) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'a guest should not be able to change account' do get edit_user_registration_path assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path follow_redirect! assert_contain 'You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.' end test 'a signed in user should not be able to access sign up' do sign_in_as_user get new_user_registration_path assert_redirected_to root_path end test 'a signed in user should be able to edit their account' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'current password', with: '12345678' click_button 'Update' assert_current_url '/' assert_contain 'Your account has been updated successfully.' assert_equal "", end test 'a signed in user should still be able to use the website after changing their password' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path fill_in 'password', with: '1234567890' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: '1234567890' fill_in 'current password', with: '12345678' click_button 'Update' assert_contain 'Your account has been updated successfully.' get users_path assert warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'a signed in user should not change their current user with invalid password' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'current password', with: 'invalid' click_button 'Update' assert_template 'registrations/edit' assert_contain '' assert_have_selector 'form input[value=""]' assert_equal "", end test 'a signed in user should be able to edit their password' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path fill_in 'password', with: 'pass1234' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: 'pass1234' fill_in 'current password', with: '12345678' click_button 'Update' assert_current_url '/' assert_contain 'Your account has been updated successfully.' assert User.to_adapter.find_first.valid_password?('pass1234') end test 'a signed in user should not be able to edit their password with invalid confirmation' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path fill_in 'password', with: 'pas123' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: '' fill_in 'current password', with: '12345678' click_button 'Update' assert_contain "Password confirmation doesn't match Password" assert_not User.to_adapter.find_first.valid_password?('pas123') end test 'a signed in user should be able to cancel their account' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path click_button "Cancel my account" assert_contain "Bye! Your account has been successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon." assert User.to_adapter.find_all.empty? end test 'a user should be able to cancel sign up by deleting data in the session' do get "/set" assert_equal "something", @request.session["devise.foo_bar"] get "/users/sign_up" assert_equal "something", @request.session["devise.foo_bar"] get "/users/cancel" assert_nil @request.session["devise.foo_bar"] assert_redirected_to new_user_registration_path end test 'a user with XML sign up stub' do get new_user_registration_path(format: 'xml') assert_response :success assert_match %(\n), response.body assert_no_match(/\n) admin = Admin.to_adapter.find_first(order: [:id, :desc]) assert_equal, '' end test 'a user sign up with valid information in XML format should return valid response' do post user_registration_path(format: 'xml'), params: { user: { email: '', password: 'new_user123', password_confirmation: 'new_user123' } } assert_response :success assert response.body.include? %(\n) user = User.to_adapter.find_first(order: [:id, :desc]) assert_equal, '' end test 'a user sign up with invalid information in XML format should return invalid response' do post user_registration_path(format: 'xml'), params: { user: { email: '', password: 'new_user123', password_confirmation: 'invalid' } } assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert response.body.include? %(\n) end test 'a user update information with valid data in XML format should return valid response' do user = sign_in_as_user put user_registration_path(format: 'xml'), params: { user: { current_password: '12345678', email: '' } } assert_response :success assert_equal, '' end test 'a user update information with invalid data in XML format should return invalid response' do user = sign_in_as_user put user_registration_path(format: 'xml'), params: { user: { current_password: 'invalid', email: '' } } assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_equal, '' end test 'a user cancel their account in XML format should return valid response' do sign_in_as_user delete user_registration_path(format: 'xml') assert_response :success assert_equal User.to_adapter.find_all.size, 0 end end class ReconfirmableRegistrationTest < Devise::IntegrationTest test 'a signed in admin should see a more appropriate flash message when editing their account if reconfirmable is enabled' do sign_in_as_admin get edit_admin_registration_path fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'current password', with: '123456' click_button 'Update' assert_current_url '/admin_area/home' assert_contain 'but we need to verify your new email address' assert_equal '', Admin.to_adapter.find_first.unconfirmed_email get edit_admin_registration_path assert_contain 'Currently waiting confirmation for:' end test 'a signed in admin should not see a reconfirmation message if they did not change their password' do sign_in_as_admin get edit_admin_registration_path fill_in 'password', with: 'pas123' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: 'pas123' fill_in 'current password', with: '123456' click_button 'Update' assert_current_url '/admin_area/home' assert_contain 'Your account has been updated successfully.' assert Admin.to_adapter.find_first.valid_password?('pas123') end test 'a signed in admin should not see a reconfirmation message if they did not change their email, despite having an unconfirmed email' do sign_in_as_admin get edit_admin_registration_path fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'current password', with: '123456' click_button 'Update' get edit_admin_registration_path fill_in 'password', with: 'pas123' fill_in 'password confirmation', with: 'pas123' fill_in 'current password', with: '123456' click_button 'Update' assert_current_url '/admin_area/home' assert_contain 'Your account has been updated successfully.' assert_equal "", Admin.to_adapter.find_first.unconfirmed_email assert Admin.to_adapter.find_first.valid_password?('pas123') end end