require_relative "word_wp_cleanup" module IsoDoc module Ieee class WordWPConvert < WordConvert def initialize(options) @libdir ||= File.dirname(__FILE__) # rubocop:disable Lint/DisjunctiveAssignmentInConstructor options.merge!(default_file_locations(nil)).merge!(default_fonts(nil)) super end def init_wp(options); end def default_file_locations(_options) { wordstylesheet: html_doc_path("wordstyle_wp.scss"), standardstylesheet: html_doc_path("ieee_wp.scss"), header: html_doc_path("header_wp.html"), wordcoverpage: html_doc_path("word_ieee_titlepage_wp.html"), wordintropage: html_doc_path("word_ieee_intro_wp.html"), ulstyle: "l23", olstyle: "l16" } end def default_fonts(_options) { bodyfont: '"Calibri",sans-serif', headerfont: '"Arial Black",sans-serif', monospacefont: '"Courier New",monospace', normalfontsize: "11.0pt", footnotefontsize: "7.0pt", smallerfontsize: "10.0pt", monospacefontsize: "10.0pt" } end def convert1(docxml, filename, dir) s ="//bibdata/ext/subdoctype"))&.text s == "industry-connection-report" and @wordcoverpage = html_doc_path("word_ieee_titlepage_icr.html") super end def make_body3(body, docxml) body.div class: "WordSection3" do |div3| middle_title_ieee(docxml, div3) content(div3, docxml, ns(self.class::MAIN_ELEMENTS)) end section_break(body) body.div class: "WordSection4" do |div3| backcover div3 footnotes div3 comments div3 end end def backcover(out) out << populate_template("word_ieee_colophon_wp.html")), :word ) end def figure_attrs(node) attr_code(id: node["id"], class: "figure", style: "#{keep_style(node)};text-align:center;") end ABSTRACT_MARGIN = "margin-top:18.0pt;margin-right:7.2pt;margin-bottom:6.0pt;" \ "margin-left:0cm;".freeze def para_parse(node, out) node["class"] == "zzSTDTitle1" and return middle_title_ieee(node.document.root, out) super end def middle_title_ieee(docxml, out) super out << BLUELINE out.p end def abstract(clause, out) out.div **attr_code(id: clause["id"], class: "abstract_div") do |s| abstract_body(clause, s) end page_break(out) end def abstract_body(clause, out) clause_name(clause,"./title")), out, { class: stylesmap[:AbstractTitle], style: ABSTRACT_MARGIN }) clause.elements.each { |e| parse(e, out) unless == "title" } end def clause(node, out) super node.next_element and page_break(out) # only main clauses end def figure_parse1(node, out) out.div **figure_attrs(node) do |div| figure_name_parse(node, div,"./name"))) node.children.each do |n| figure_key(out) if == "dl" parse(n, div) unless == "name" end end end def clause_parse_subtitle(title, heading) title&.parent&.name == "annex" or return super end def variant_title(node, out) == "annex" or return super out.p { |e| e << " " } out.p **attr_code(class: "Unnumberedheading") do |p| node.children.each { |c| parse(c, p) } end end end end end