#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rbbt-util' require 'fileutils' require 'rbbt/util/simpleopt' require 'rbbt/workflow/step' require 'rbbt/util/misc' options = SOPT.get("-l--list:-z--zombies:-e--errors:-c--clean:-n--name:-a--all:-w--wipe:-f--file*:-q--quick") YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck' if defined? YAML::ENGINE and YAML::ENGINE.respond_to? :yamler def info_files Dir.glob('**/*.info') end def running?(info) Misc.pid_exists? info[:pid] end def print_job(file, info, severity_color = nil) clean_file = file.sub('.info','') if $name puts clean_file else info ||= {:status => :missing_info_file} str = [clean_file, info[:status].to_s] * " [ STATUS = " + " ]" if info[:status] != :error and info[:status] != :aborted str += " (#{running?(info)? :running : :dead} #{info[:pid]})" if info[:pid] str += " (children: #{info[:children_pids].collect{|pid| [pid, Misc.pid_exists?(pid) ? "R" : "D"] * ":"} * ", "})" if info.include? :children_pids end str = "#{severity_color}" << str << "\033[0m" if severity_color puts str end end def list_jobs(options) omit_ok = options[:zombies] || options[:errors] info_files.each do |file| clean_file = file.sub('.info','') begin next if File.exists? clean_file and $quick info = Step::INFO_SERIALIAZER.load(Open.read(file, :mode => 'rb')) next if (File.exists?(clean_file) or info[:status] == :done) and (info[:children_pids].nil? or info[:children_done] or info[:children_pids].select{|pid| Misc.pid_exists? pid}.empty?) rescue Exception puts "Error parsing info file: #{ file }" info = nil end color = case when (not info) Log::SEVERITY_COLOR[3] when info[:status] == :error Log::SEVERITY_COLOR[3] when info[:status] == :aborted Log::SEVERITY_COLOR[2] when (info[:pid] and not running? info) Log::SEVERITY_COLOR[2] end case when (not info) print_job file, info, color when (not omit_ok) print_job file, info, color when options[:zombies] print_job file, info, color if info[:pid] and not running? info when options[:errors] print_job file, info, color if info[:status] == :error end end end def remove_job(file) clean_file = file.sub('.info','') FileUtils.rm file if File.exists? file FileUtils.rm clean_file if File.exists? clean_file FileUtils.rm_rf clean_file + '.files' if File.exists? clean_file + '.files' end def clean_jobs(options) info_files.each do |file| clean_file = file.sub('.info','') info = nil next if File.exists? clean_file begin info = Step::INFO_SERIALIAZER.load(Open.read(file, :mode => 'rb')) rescue Exception Log.debug "Error process #{ file }" remove_job file if options[:errors] end case when options[:all] remove_job file when (options[:errors] and (not info or info[:status] == :error or info[:status] == :aborted)) remove_job file when (options[:zombies] and info[:pid] and not running? info) remove_job file end end end $name = options.delete :name $quick = options.delete :quick case when (options[:clean] and not options[:list]) if options[:file] remove_job options[:file] else clean_jobs options end else if options[:file] info = Step::INFO_SERIALIAZER.load(Open.read(options[:file], :mode => 'rb')) print_job options[:file], info else list_jobs options end end