require "spec_helper" describe "Tane::Helpers" do class Tane::Helpers::Example include Tane::Helpers end it "included should extend ClassMethods" do Tane::Helpers::Example.include?(Tane::Helpers).should be_true end describe "ClassMethods" do describe "term" do it "should return a new HighLine instance" do Tane::Helpers::Example.term.should be_kind_of(HighLine) end end describe "verbose_say" do it "should display the message if the verbose option is true" do Tane::Helpers::Example.opts.verbose = true Tane::Helpers::Example.term.should_receive(:say) Tane::Helpers::Example.verbose_say("detailed message") end end describe "cloudfuji_dir" do it "should return the path of the user's .cloudfuji directory" do Tane::Helpers::Example.cloudfuji_dir.should == "#{ENV['HOME']}/.cloudfuji" end end describe "email_templates_path" do it "should return path to the template file in the project's .cloudfuji dir" do Tane::Helpers::Example.email_templates_path.should == ".cloudfuji/emails" end end describe "email_template_file_path" do it "should return path to the template file in the project's .cloudfuji dir" do Tane::Helpers::Example.email_template_file_path("valid_template").should == ".cloudfuji/emails/valid_template.yml" end end describe "tane_file_path" do it "should return path to xsycurrent project's .cloudfuji/tane.yml" do Tane::Helpers::Example.tane_file_path == ".cloudfuji/tane.yml" end end describe "credentials_file_path" do it "should return path to user's Cloudfuji credentials file" do Tane::Helpers::Example.credentials_file_path == "#{ENV['HOME']}/.cloudfuji/credentials.yml" end end describe "logged_in?" do it "should return true if the credentials file exists" do File.should_receive(:exists?).and_return(true) Tane::Helpers::Example.logged_in?.should be_true end it "should return false if the credentials file does not exist" do File.should_receive(:exists?).and_return(false) Tane::Helpers::Example.logged_in?.should be_false end end describe "in_rails_dir?" do it "it should return true if the current dir has a rails dir" do Dir.should_receive(:exists?).at_least(1).and_return(true) Tane::Helpers::Example.in_rails_dir?.should be_true end it "should return false if the current dir does not have both script and rails dir" do Dir.should_receive(:exists?).at_least(1).and_return(false) Tane::Helpers::Example.in_rails_dir?.should be_false end end describe "cloudfuji_app_exists?" do it "it should return true if the .cloudfuji/tane.yml file and .cloudfuji/emails dir exists in the current directory" do File.should_receive(:exists?).and_return(true) File.should_receive(:directory?).and_return(true) Tane::Helpers::Example.cloudfuji_app_exists?.should be_true end end describe "username" do it "should return the username from the credentials" do Tane::Helpers::Example.should_receive(:credentials).and_return({:username=>"username"}) Tane::Helpers::Example.username.should == "username" end end describe "password" do it "should return the password from the credentials" do Tane::Helpers::Example.should_receive(:credentials).and_return({:password=>"password"}) Tane::Helpers::Example.password.should == "password" end end describe "make_global_cloudfuji_dir" do it "should create a .cloudfuji dir in the user's $HOME directory" do FileUtils.should_receive(:mkdir_p).with("#{ENV['HOME']}/.cloudfuji") Tane::Helpers::Example.make_global_cloudfuji_dir end end describe "make_app_cloudfuji_dir" do it "should create a .cloudfuji dir in the current dir if it does not have one" do Tane::Helpers::Example.should_receive(:cloudfuji_app_exists?).and_return(false) FileUtils.should_receive(:mkdir_p).with(".cloudfuji/emails") Tane::Helpers::Example.make_app_cloudfuji_dir end it "should *not* create a .cloudfuji in the current dir if it already has not" do Tane::Helpers::Example.should_receive(:cloudfuji_app_exists?).and_return(true) expect { Tane::Helpers::Example.make_app_cloudfuji_dir }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end describe "save_credentials" do it "should save the username and the password in the user's cloudfuji_dir" do File.should_receive(:open) Tane::Helpers::Example.save_credentials("email", "auth_token") end end describe "prompt_for_credentials" do it "should promt the user for credentials using HighLine" do Tane::Helpers::Example.term.should_receive(:ask).twice.and_return("test") Tane::Helpers::Example.prompt_for_credentials end it "should return an array with email and password" do Tane::Helpers::Example.term.should_receive(:ask).twice.and_return("test") Tane::Helpers::Example.prompt_for_credentials.should be_kind_of(Array) end end describe "warn_if_credentials" do before :each do Tane::Helpers::Example.should_receive(:logged_in?).and_return(true) Tane::Helpers::Example.should_receive(:username).and_return("test_user") end it "should warn that the user is already logged in if the credentials file exists" do Tane::Helpers::Example.term.should_receive(:agree).and_return(true) Tane::Helpers::Example.warn_if_credentials end it "should skip if the user says no to reset credentials" do Tane::Helpers::Example.term.should_receive(:agree).and_return(false) expect { Tane::Helpers::Example.warn_if_credentials }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should return if the user says yes to reset credentials" do Tane::Helpers::Example.term.should_receive(:agree).and_return(true) Tane::Helpers::Example.warn_if_credentials end end describe "cloudfuji_envs" do it "should return the read the data in .cloudfuji/tane.yml and return a hash" do File.should_receive(:read).and_return('HOSTING_PLATFORM: developer') Tane::Helpers::Example.cloudfuji_envs.should == {"HOSTING_PLATFORM"=> "developer"} end end describe "base_url" do it "should return http://localhost:3000 by default if the --host, --scheme and --port options are not set on the command line" do Tane::Helpers::Example.base_url == "http://localhost:3000" end end describe "mail_url" do it "should return url to local app's Cloudfuji::Mail#index action at/cloudfuji/mail" do mail_url = "#{::Tane::Helpers::Example.base_url}/cloudfuji/mail" Tane::Helpers::Example.mail_url.should == mail_url end end describe "support_url" do it "should return" do support_url = "#{Tane::Helpers::Example.cloudfuji_url}/support/v1/message" Tane::Helpers::Example.support_url.should == support_url end end describe "post" do before :each do Tane::Helpers::Example.should_receive(:cloudfuji_envs).and_return({"CLOUDFUJI_APP_KEY"=>"abc123"}) @data = {} @url = "" RestClient.should_receive(:put).with(@url, @data, :content_type => :json, :accept => :json).and_return(@data.to_json) end it "should post to the given url with the given data" do, @data) end it "should display the result on the terminal if the verbose option is set" do Tane::Helpers::Example.opts.verbose=true Tane::Helpers::Example.term.should_receive(:say).at_least(1), @data) end it "should return a hash" do, @data).should be_kind_of(Hash) end end end end