inherit_mode: merge: - Exclude AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 2.4 NewCops: disable Exclude: - bin/benchmark-driver - bin/rake - bin/rspec - bin/rubocop ########################################################################### # rubocop defaults are simply WRONG about many rules... Sorry. It's true. ########################################################################### # Layout: Alignment. I want these to work, I really do... # I wish this worked with "table". but that goes wrong sometimes. Layout/HashAlignment: { Enabled: false } # This needs to be configurable so parenthesis calls are aligned with first # parameter, and non-parenthesis calls are aligned with fixed indentation. Layout/ParameterAlignment: { Enabled: false } ########################################################################### # Layout: Empty lines Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause: { Enabled: false } Layout/EmptyLineAfterMagicComment: { Enabled: true } Layout/EmptyLineAfterMultilineCondition: { Enabled: false } Layout/EmptyLines: { Enabled: true } Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier: { Enabled: true } Layout/EmptyLinesAroundArguments: { Enabled: true } Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBeginBody: { Enabled: true } Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody: { Enabled: false } Layout/EmptyLinesAroundExceptionHandlingKeywords: { Enabled: true } Layout/EmptyLinesAroundMethodBody: { Enabled: true } Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs: Enabled: true AllowAdjacentOneLineDefs: true Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor: inherit_mode: merge: - Exclude - AllowedMethods Enabled: true AllowedMethods: - delegate - def_delegator - def_delegators - def_instance_delegators # "empty_lines_special" sometimes does the wrong thing and annoys me. # But I've mostly learned to live with it... mostly. 🙁 Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: empty_lines_special Layout/EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: empty_lines_special ########################################################################### # Layout: Space around, before, inside, etc Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault: { Enabled: false } Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces: { Enabled: false } Layout/SpaceBeforeFirstArg: { Enabled: false } Layout/SpaceInLambdaLiteral: { Enabled: false } Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets: { Enabled: false } Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: { Enabled: false } Layout/SpaceInsideBlockBraces: EnforcedStyle: space EnforcedStyleForEmptyBraces: space SpaceBeforeBlockParameters: false # I would enable this if it were a bit better at handling alignment. Layout/ExtraSpacing: Enabled: false AllowForAlignment: true AllowBeforeTrailingComments: true ########################################################################### # Layout: Misc Layout/LineLength: Max: 90 # should stay under 80, but we'll allow a little wiggle-room Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation: { Enabled: false } Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: EnforcedStyle: indented ########################################################################### # Lint and Naming: rubocop defaults are mostly good, but... Lint/UnusedMethodArgument: { Enabled: false } Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName: { Enabled: false } # def /(denominator) Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName: { Enabled: false } ########################################################################### # Matrics: Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Max: 10 # Although it may be better to split specs into multiple files...? Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude: - "spec/**/*_spec.rb" CountAsOne: - array - hash - heredoc Metrics/ClassLength: Max: 200 CountAsOne: - array - hash - heredoc ########################################################################### # Style... Style/AccessorGrouping: { Enabled: false } Style/AsciiComments: { Enabled: false } # 👮 can't stop our 🎉🥳🎊🥳! Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: { Enabled: false } Style/EachWithObject: { Enabled: false } Style/FormatStringToken: { Enabled: false } Style/FloatDivision: { Enabled: false } Style/IfUnlessModifier: { Enabled: false } Style/IfWithSemicolon: { Enabled: false } Style/Lambda: { Enabled: false } Style/LineEndConcatenation: { Enabled: false } Style/MixinGrouping: { Enabled: false } Style/MultilineBlockChain: { Enabled: false } Style/PerlBackrefs: { Enabled: false } # use occasionally/sparingly Style/RescueStandardError: { Enabled: false } Style/Semicolon: { Enabled: false } Style/SingleLineMethods: { Enabled: false } Style/StabbyLambdaParentheses: { Enabled: false } Style/WhenThen : { Enabled: false } # I require trailing commas elsewhere, but these are optional Style/TrailingCommaInArguments: { Enabled: false } # If rubocop had an option to only enforce this on constants and literals (e.g. # strings, regexp, range), I'd agree. # # But if you are using it e.g. on method arguments of unknown type, in the same # style that ruby uses it with grep, then you are doing exactly the right thing. Style/CaseEquality: { Enabled: false } # I'd enable if "require_parentheses_when_complex" considered unary '!' simple. Style/TernaryParentheses: EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses_when_complex Enabled: false Style/BlockDelimiters: inherit_mode: merge: - Exclude - ProceduralMethods - IgnoredMethods - FunctionalMethods EnforcedStyle: semantic AllowBracesOnProceduralOneLiners: true IgnoredMethods: - expect # rspec - profile # ruby-prof - ips # benchmark-ips Style/FormatString: EnforcedStyle: percent Style/StringLiterals: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: double_quotes Style/StringLiteralsInInterpolation: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: double_quotes Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral: EnforcedStyleForMultiline: consistent_comma Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral: EnforcedStyleForMultiline: consistent_comma Style/YodaCondition: EnforcedStyle: forbid_for_equality_operators_only