# # Author:: Sander Botman # Cookbook Name:: nagios # Library:: nagios # # Copyright 2014, Sander Botman # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # This class holds all methods with regard to the nagios model. # class Nagios attr_reader :commands, :contactgroups, :contacts, :hostgroups, :hosts, :servicegroups, :services, :timeperiods, :hostdependencies, :hostescalations, :servicedependencies, :serviceescalations, :resources attr_accessor :host_name_attribute, :normalize_hostname, :default_command, :default_contactgroup, :default_contact, :default_hostgroup, :default_host, :default_servicegroup, :default_service, :default_timeperiod def initialize @commands = {} @contactgroups = {} @contacts = {} @hostgroups = {} @hosts = {} @servicegroups = {} @services = {} @timeperiods = {} @hostdependencies = {} @hostescalations = [] @servicedependencies = {} @serviceescalations = [] @resources = {} @host_name_attribute = 'hostname' @normalize_hostname = false end # rubocop:enable MethodLength def commands Hash[@commands.sort] end def contactgroups Hash[@contactgroups.sort] end def contacts Hash[@contacts.sort] end def delete(hash, key) case hash when 'command' @commands.delete(key) when 'contactgroup' @contactgroups.delete(key) when 'contact' @contacts.delete(key) when 'hostgroup' @hostgroups.delete(key) when 'host' @hosts.delete(key) when 'servicegroup' @servicegroups.delete(key) when 'service' @services.delete(key) when 'timeperiod' @timeperiods.delete(key) when 'hostdependency' @hostdependencies.delete(key) when 'hostescalation' @hostescalations.delete(key) when 'servicedependency' @servicedependencies.delete(key) when 'serviceescalation' @serviceescalations.delete(key) when 'resource' @resources.delete(key) end end # rubocop:enable MethodLength def find(obj) case obj when Nagios::Command find_object(obj, @commands) when Nagios::Contact find_object(obj, @contacts) when Nagios::Contactgroup find_object(obj, @contactgroups) when Nagios::Host find_object(obj, @hosts) when Nagios::Hostgroup find_object(obj, @hostgroups) when Nagios::Service find_object(obj, @services) when Nagios::Servicegroup find_object(obj, @servicegroups) when Nagios::Timeperiod find_object(obj, @timeperiods) when Nagios::Hostdependency find_object(obj, @hostdependencies) when Nagios::Servicedependency find_object(obj, @servicedependencies) when Nagios::Resource find_object(obj, @resources) end end # rubocop:enable MethodLength def hosts Hash[@hosts.sort] end def hostdependencies Hash[@hostdependencies.sort] end def hostgroups Hash[@hostgroups.sort] end def normalize_hostname=(expr) @normalize_hostname = (expr == true || !(expr =~ /y|yes|true|1/).nil?) end def push(obj) case obj when Chef::Node push_node(obj) when Nagios::Command push_object(obj) when Nagios::Contact push_object(obj) when Nagios::Contactgroup push_object(obj) when Nagios::Host push_object(obj) when Nagios::Hostgroup push_object(obj) when Nagios::Service push_object(obj) when Nagios::Servicegroup push_object(obj) when Nagios::Timeperiod push_object(obj) when Nagios::Hostdependency push_object(obj) when Nagios::Hostescalation @hostescalations.push(obj) when Nagios::Servicedependency push_object(obj) when Nagios::Serviceescalation @serviceescalations.push(obj) when Nagios::Resource push_object(obj) else Chef::Log.fail("Nagios error: Pushing unknown object: #{obj.class} into Nagios.instance") raise end end # rubocop:enable MethodLength def timeperiods Hash[@timeperiods.sort] end def resources Hash[@resources.sort] end def self.instance @instance ||= Nagios.new end def services Hash[@services.sort] end def servicedependencies Hash[@servicedependencies.sort] end def servicegroups Hash[@servicegroups.sort] end private def blank?(expr) return true if expr.nil? case expr when 'String', String return true if expr == '' when 'Array', 'Hash', Array, Hash return true if expr.empty? else return false end false end def find_object(obj, hash) current = hash[obj.to_s] if current.nil? Chef::Log.debug("Nagios debug: Creating entry for #{obj.class} with name: #{obj}") hash[obj.to_s] = obj obj else Chef::Log.debug("Nagios debug: Found entry for #{obj.class} with name: #{obj}") current end end def get_groups(obj) groups = obj['roles'].nil? ? [] : obj['roles'].dup groups += [obj['os']] unless blank?(obj['os']) groups + [obj.chef_environment] end def get_hostname(obj) return obj.name if @host_name_attribute == 'name' return obj['nagios']['host_name'] unless blank?(obj['nagios']) || blank?(obj['nagios']['host_name']) return obj[@host_name_attribute] unless blank?(obj[@host_name_attribute]) return obj['hostname'] unless blank?(obj['hostname']) return obj.name unless blank?(obj.name) nil end def push_node(obj) groups = get_groups(obj) hostname = get_hostname(obj) return nil if hostname.nil? host = find(Nagios::Host.new(hostname)) # TODO: merge the ip_to_monitor funtion into this logic here host.address = obj['ipaddress'] host.import(obj['nagios']) unless obj['nagios'].nil? groups.each do |r| hg = find(Nagios::Hostgroup.new(r)) hg.push(host) host.push(hg) end end # rubocop:enable MethodLength def push_object(obj) object = find(obj.class.new(obj.to_s)) object.merge!(obj) end end