Capistrano::Configuration.instance.load do cfg = ec2onrails_config namespace :ec2onrails do desc <<-DESC Deploy and restore database from S3 DESC task :restore_db_and_deploy do db.recreate deploy.update_code deploy.symlink db.restore deploy.migrations end namespace :db do desc <<-DESC [internal] Load configuration info for the database from config/database.yml, and start mysql (it must be running in order to interact with it). DESC task :load_config do unless hostnames_for_role(:db, :primary => true).empty? db_config = YAML::load("config/database.yml")).result)[rails_env.to_s] || {} cfg[:db_name] ||= db_config['database'] cfg[:db_user] ||= db_config['username'] || db_config['user'] cfg[:db_password] ||= db_config['password'] cfg[:db_host] ||= db_config['host'] cfg[:db_port] ||= db_config['port'] cfg[:db_socket] ||= db_config['socket'] if (cfg[:db_host].nil? || cfg[:db_host].empty?) && (cfg[:db_socket].nil? || cfg[:db_socket].empty?) raise "ERROR: missing database config. Make sure database.yml contains a '#{rails_env}' section with either 'host: hostname' or 'socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'." end [cfg[:db_name], cfg[:db_user], cfg[:db_password]].each do |s| if s.nil? || s.empty? raise "ERROR: missing database config. Make sure database.yml contains a '#{rails_env}' section with a database name, user, and password." elsif s.match(/['"]/) raise "ERROR: database config string '#{s}' contains quotes." end end end end desc <<-DESC Create the MySQL database. Assumes there is no MySQL root \ password. To create a MySQL root password create a task that's run \ after this task using an after hook. DESC task :create, :roles => :db do on_rollback { drop } load_config start puts " * Pausing to give MySQL some time to start up..." sleep 30 # TODO run init_backup after creating the db. This might be slow, so we need to # check if the db exists, and exit without doing any of this if it exists. run %{mysql -u root -e "drop database if exists test; flush privileges;"} # removing anonymous mysql accounts run %{mysql -u root -D mysql -e "delete from db where User = ''; flush privileges;"} run %{mysql -u root -D mysql -e "delete from user where User = ''; flush privileges;"} # qoting of database names allows special characters eg (the-database-name) # the quotes need to be double escaped. Once for capistrano and once for the host shell run %{mysql -u root -e "create database if not exists \\`#{cfg[:db_name]}\\`;"} run %{mysql -u root -e "grant all on \\`#{cfg[:db_name]}\\`.* to '#{cfg[:db_user]}'@'%' identified by '#{cfg[:db_password]}';"} run %{mysql -u root -e "grant reload on *.* to '#{cfg[:db_user]}'@'%' identified by '#{cfg[:db_password]}';"} run %{mysql -u root -e "grant super on *.* to '#{cfg[:db_user]}'@'%' identified by '#{cfg[:db_password]}';"} end desc <<-DESC Move the MySQL database to Amazon's Elastic Block Store (EBS), \ which is a persistant data store for the cloud. OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: * SIZE: Pass in a number representing the GB's to hold, like 10. \ It will default to 10 gigs. * VOLUME_ID: The volume_id to use for the mysql database NOTE: keep track of the volume ID, as you'll want to keep this for your \ records and probably add it to the :db role in your deploy.rb file \ (see the ec2onrails sample deploy.rb file for additional information) DESC task :enable_ebs, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do # based off of Eric's work: # # # EXPLAINATION: # There is a lot going on here! At the end, the setup should be: # * create EBS volume if run outside of the ec2onrails:setup and # VOLUME_ID is not passed in when the cap task is called # * EBS volume attached to /dev/sdh # * format to xfs if new or do a xfs_check if previously existed # * mounted on /var/local and update /etc/fstab # * move /mnt/mysql_data -> /var/local/mysql_data # * move /mnt/log/mysql -> /var/local/log/mysql # * change mysql configs by writing /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql-ec2-ebs.cnf # * keep a copy of the mysql configs with the EBS volume, and if that volume is hooked into # another instance, make sure the mysql configs that go with that volume are symlinked to /etc/mysql # * update the file locations of the mysql binary logs in /mnt/log/mysql/mysql-bin.index # * symlink the moved folders to their old position... makes the move to EBS transparent # * Amazon doesn't contain EBS information in the meta-data API (yet). So write # /etc/ec2onrails/ebs_info.yml # to contain the meta-data information that we need # # DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS # * only moving mysql data to EBS. seems the most obvious, and if we move over other components # we will have to share that bandwidth (1 Gbps pipe to SAN). So limiting to what we really need # * not moving all mysql logic over (tmp scratch space stays local). Again, this is to limit # unnecessary bandwidth usage, PLUS, we are charged per million IO to EBS # # TODO: # * make sure if we have a predefined ebs_vol_id, that we error out with a nice msg IF the zones do not match # * can we move more of the mysql cache files back to the local disk and off of EBS, like the innodb table caches? # * right now we force this task to only be run on one server; that works for db :primary => true # But what is the best way to make this work if it needs to setup multiple servers (like db slaves)? # I need to figure out how to do a direct mapping from a server definition to a ebs_vol_id # * when we enable slaves and we setup ebs volumes on them, make it transparent to the user. # have the slave create a snapshot of the db.master volume, and then use that to mount from # * need to do a rollback that if the volume is created but something fails, lets uncreate it? # carefull though! If it fails towards the end when information is copied over, it could cause information # to be lost! # mysql_dir_root = '/var/local' block_mnt = '/dev/sdh' servers = find_servers_for_task(current_task) if servers.empty? raise Capistrano::NoMatchingServersError, "`#{task.fully_qualified_name}' is only run for servers matching #{task.options.inspect}, but no servers matched" elsif servers.size > 1 raise Capistrano::Error, "`#{task.fully_qualified_name}' is can only be run on one server, not #{server.size}" end vol_id = ENV['VOLUME_ID'] || servers.first.options[:ebs_vol_id] #HACK! capistrano doesn't allow arguments to be passed in if we call this task as a method, like 'db.enable_ebs' # the places where we do call it like that, we don't want to force a move to ebs, so.... # if the call frame is > 1 (ie, another task called it), do NOT force the ebs move no_force = task_call_frames.size > 1 prev_created = !(vol_id.nil? || vol_id.empty?) #no vol_id was passed in, but perhaps it is already mounted...? prev_created = true if !quiet_capture("mount | grep -inr '#{mysql_dir_root}' || echo ''").empty? unless no_force && (vol_id.nil? || vol_id.empty?) zone = quiet_capture("/usr/local/ec2onrails/bin/ec2_meta_data -key 'placement/availability-zone'") instance_id = quiet_capture("/usr/local/ec2onrails/bin/ec2_meta_data -key 'instance-id'") unless prev_created puts "creating new ebs volume...." size = ENV["SIZE"] || "10" cmd = "ec2-create-volume -s #{size} -z #{zone} 2>&1" puts "running: #{cmd}" output = `#{cmd}` puts output vol_id = (output =~ /^VOLUME\t(.+?)\t/ && $1) puts "NOTE: remember that vol_id" sleep(2) end vol_id.strip! if vol_id if quiet_capture("mount | grep -inr '#{block_mnt}' || echo ''").empty? cmd = "ec2-attach-volume -d #{block_mnt} -i #{instance_id} #{vol_id} 2>&1" puts "running: #{cmd}" output = `#{cmd}` puts output if output =~ /Client.InvalidVolume.ZoneMismatch/i raise Exception, "The volume you are trying to attach does not reside in the zone of your instance. Stopping!" end while !system( "ec2-describe-volumes | grep #{vol_id} | grep attached" ) puts "Waiting for #{vol_id} to be attached..." sleep 1 end end ec2onrails.server.allow_sudo do # try to format the volume... if it is already formatted, lets run a check on # it to make sure it is ok, and then continue on # if errors, the device is busy...something else is going on here and it is already mounted... skip! if prev_created # Stop the db (mysql server) for cases where this is being run after the original run # If EBS partiion is already mounted and being used by mysql, it will fail when umount is run god_status = quiet_capture("sudo god status") god_status = god_status.empty? ? {} : YAML::load(god_status) start_stop_db = false start_stop_db = god_status['db_primary']['mysql'] == 'up' if start_stop_db stop puts "Waiting for mysql to stop" sleep(10) end quiet_capture("sudo umount #{mysql_dir_root}") #unmount if need to puts "Checking if the filesystem needs to be created (if you created #{vol_id} yourself)" existing = quiet_capture( "mkfs.xfs /dev/sdh", :via => 'sudo' ).match( /existing filesystem/ ) sudo "xfs_check #{block_mnt}" # Restart the db if it start if start_stop_db && existing else sudo "mkfs.xfs #{block_mnt}" end # if not added to /etc/fstab, lets do so sudo "sh -c \"grep -iqn '#{mysql_dir_root}' /etc/fstab || echo '#{block_mnt} #{mysql_dir_root} xfs noatime 0 0' >> /etc/fstab\"" sudo "mkdir -p #{mysql_dir_root}" #if not already mounted, lets mount it sudo "sh -c \"mount | grep -iqn '#{mysql_dir_root}' || mount '#{mysql_dir_root}'\"" #ok, now lets move the mysql stuff off of /mnt -> mysql_dir_root stop rescue nil #already stopped sudo "mkdir -p #{mysql_dir_root}/log" #move the data over, but keep a symlink to the new location for backwards compatibility #and do not do it if /mnt/mysql_data has already been moved quiet_capture("sudo sh -c 'test ! -d #{mysql_dir_root}/mysql_data && mv /mnt/mysql_data #{mysql_dir_root}/'") sudo "mv /mnt/mysql_data /mnt/mysql_data_old 2>/dev/null || echo" sudo "ln -fs #{mysql_dir_root}/mysql_data /mnt/mysql_data" #but keep the tmpdir on mnt sudo "sh -c 'mkdir -p /mnt/tmp/mysql && chown mysql:mysql /mnt/tmp/mysql'" #move the logs over, but keep a symlink to the new location for backwards compatibility #and do not do it if the logs have already been moved quiet_capture("sudo sh -c 'test ! -d #{mysql_dir_root}/log/mysql_data && mv /mnt/log/mysql #{mysql_dir_root}/log/'") sudo "ln -fs #{mysql_dir_root}/log/mysql /mnt/log/mysql" quiet_capture("sudo sh -c \"test -f #{mysql_dir_root}/log/mysql/mysql-bin.index && \ perl -pi -e 's%/mnt/log/%#{mysql_dir_root}/log/%' #{mysql_dir_root}/log/mysql/mysql-bin.index\"") rescue false if quiet_capture("test -d /var/local/etc/mysql && echo 'yes'").empty? txt = <<-FILE [mysqld] datadir = #{mysql_dir_root}/mysql_data tmpdir = /mnt/tmp/mysql log_bin = #{mysql_dir_root}/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log log_slow_queries = #{mysql_dir_root}/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log FILE put txt, '/tmp/mysql-ec2-ebs.cnf' sudo 'mv /tmp/mysql-ec2-ebs.cnf /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql-ec2-ebs.cnf' #keep a copy sudo "rsync -aR /etc/mysql #{mysql_dir_root}/" end # lets use the mysql configs on the EBS volume sudo "mv /etc/mysql /etc/mysql.orig 2>/dev/null" sudo "ln -sf #{mysql_dir_root}/etc/mysql /etc/mysql" #just put a README on the drive so we know what this volume is for! txt = <<-FILE This volume is setup to be used by Ec2onRails in conjunction with Amazon's EBS, for primary MySql database persistence. RAILS_ENV: #{fetch(:rails_env, 'undefined')} DOMAIN: #{fetch(:domain, 'undefined')} Modify this volume at your own risk FILE put txt, "/tmp/VOLUME-README" sudo "mv /tmp/VOLUME-README #{mysql_dir_root}/VOLUME-README" sudo "touch /etc/ec2onrails/ebs_info.yml" ebs_info = quiet_capture("cat /etc/ec2onrails/ebs_info.yml") ebs_info = ebs_info.empty? ? {} : YAML::load(ebs_info) ebs_info[mysql_dir_root] = {'block_loc' => block_mnt, 'volume_id' => vol_id} put(ebs_info.to_yaml, "/tmp/ebs_info.yml") sudo "mv /tmp/ebs_info.yml /etc/ec2onrails/ebs_info.yml" #lets start it back up start end #end of sudo end end desc <<-DESC [internal] Make sure the MySQL server has been started, just in case the db role hasn't been set, e.g. when called from ec2onrails:setup. (But don't enable monitoring on it.) DESC task :start, :roles => :db do sudo "god start db_primary" end task :stop, :roles => :db do sudo "god stop db_primary" end desc <<-DESC Drop the MySQL database. Assumes there is no MySQL root \ password. If there is a MySQL root password, create a task that removes \ it and run that task before this one using a before hook. DESC task :drop, :roles => :db do load_config run %{mysql -u root -e "drop database if exists \\`#{cfg[:db_name]}\\`;"} end desc <<-DESC db:drop and db:create. DESC task :recreate, :roles => :db do drop create end desc <<-DESC Set a root password for MySQL, using the variable mysql_root_password \ if it is set. If this is done db:drop won't work. DESC task :set_root_password, :roles => :db do if cfg[:mysql_root_password] begin run %{mysql -u root -e "UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('#{cfg[:mysql_root_password]}') WHERE User='root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"} rescue Exception => e #most likely because the password was already set #in that case this is fine to swallow the error because the task is 'set' db password, not reset it.... we would have to know #what the old root password was end end end desc <<-DESC Dump the MySQL database to ebs (if enabled) or the S3 bucket specified by \ ec2onrails_config[:archive_to_bucket]. The filename will be \ "database-archive//dump.sql.gz". DESC task :archive, :roles => :db do run "/usr/local/ec2onrails/bin/backup_app_db --bucket #{cfg[:archive_to_bucket]} --dir #{cfg[:archive_to_bucket_subdir]}" end desc <<-DESC Restore the MySQL database from the S3 bucket specified by \ ec2onrails_config[:restore_from_bucket]. The archive filename is \ expected to be the default, "mysqldump.sql.gz". DESC task :restore, :roles => :db do run "/usr/local/ec2onrails/bin/restore_app_db --bucket #{cfg[:restore_from_bucket]} --dir #{cfg[:restore_from_bucket_subdir]}" end desc <<-DESC [internal] Initialize the default backup folder on S3 (i.e. do a full backup of the newly-created db so the automatic incremental backups make sense). NOTE: Only of use if you do not have ebs enabled DESC task :init_backup, :roles => :db do server.allow_sudo do sudo "/usr/local/ec2onrails/bin/backup_app_db --reset" end end # do NOT run if the flag does not exist. This is placed by a startup script # and it is only run on the first-startup. This means after the db has been # optimized, this task will not work again. # # Of course you can overload it or call the file directly task :optimize, :roles => :db do if !quiet_capture("test -e /tmp/optimize_db_flag && echo 'file exists'").empty? ec2onrails.server.allow_sudo do begin sudo "/usr/local/ec2onrails/bin/optimize_mysql" ensure sudo "rm -rf /tmp/optimize_db_flag" #remove so we cannot run again end end else puts "skipping as it looks like this task has already been run" end end end end end