Module: Dynamoid::Components
- Extended by:
- ActiveSupport::Concern
- Includes:
- ActiveModel::AttributeMethods, ActiveModel::Conversion, ActiveModel::Dirty, ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity, ActiveModel::Naming, ActiveModel::Observing, ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON, ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml, Associations, Criteria, Fields, Finders, Indexes, Persistence, Validations
- Included in:
- Document
- Defined in:
- lib/dynamoid/components.rb
All modules that a Document is composed of are defined in this module, to keep the document class from getting too cluttered.
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes included from Persistence
Attributes included from Fields
Method Summary
Methods included from Validations
Methods included from Persistence
#delete, #destroy, #dump, #persisted?, #save
Methods included from Indexes
#delete_indexes, #save_indexes
Methods included from Fields
#read_attribute, #update_attribute, #update_attributes, #write_attribute