# Polars Ruby :fire: Blazingly fast DataFrames for Ruby, powered by [Polars](https://github.com/pola-rs/polars) [![Build Status](https://github.com/ankane/polars-ruby/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/ankane/polars-ruby/actions) ## Installation Add this line to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem "polars-df" ``` ## Getting Started This library follows the [Polars Python API](https://pola-rs.github.io/polars/py-polars/html/reference/index.html). ```ruby Polars.read_csv("iris.csv") .lazy .filter(Polars.col("sepal_length") > 5) .groupby("species") .agg(Polars.all.sum) .collect ``` You can follow [Polars tutorials](https://pola-rs.github.io/polars-book/user-guide/introduction.html) and convert the code to Ruby in many cases. Feel free to open an issue if you run into problems. ## Reference - [Series](https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/polars-df/Polars/Series) - [DataFrame](https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/polars-df/Polars/DataFrame) - [LazyFrame](https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/polars-df/Polars/LazyFrame) ## Examples ### Creating DataFrames From a CSV ```ruby Polars.read_csv("file.csv") # or lazily with Polars.scan_csv("file.csv") ``` From Parquet ```ruby Polars.read_parquet("file.parquet") ``` From Active Record ```ruby Polars.read_sql(User.all) # or Polars.read_sql("SELECT * FROM users") ``` From a hash ```ruby Polars::DataFrame.new({ a: [1, 2, 3], b: ["one", "two", "three"] }) ``` From an array of hashes ```ruby Polars::DataFrame.new([ {a: 1, b: "one"}, {a: 2, b: "two"}, {a: 3, b: "three"} ]) ``` From an array of series ```ruby Polars::DataFrame.new([ Polars::Series.new("a", [1, 2, 3]), Polars::Series.new("b", ["one", "two", "three"]) ]) ``` ## Attributes Get number of rows ```ruby df.height ``` Get column names ```ruby df.columns ``` Check if a column exists ```ruby df.include?(name) ``` ## Selecting Data Select a column ```ruby df["a"] ``` Select multiple columns ```ruby df[["a", "b"]] ``` Select first rows ```ruby df.head ``` Select last rows ```ruby df.tail ``` ## Filtering Filter on a condition ```ruby df[Polars.col("a") == 2] df[Polars.col("a") != 2] df[Polars.col("a") > 2] df[Polars.col("a") >= 2] df[Polars.col("a") < 2] df[Polars.col("a") <= 2] ``` And, or, and exclusive or ```ruby df[(Polars.col("a") > 1) & (Polars.col("b") == "two")] # and df[(Polars.col("a") > 1) | (Polars.col("b") == "two")] # or df[(Polars.col("a") > 1) ^ (Polars.col("b") == "two")] # xor ``` ## Operations Basic operations ```ruby df["a"] + 5 df["a"] - 5 df["a"] * 5 df["a"] / 5 df["a"] % 5 df["a"] ** 2 df["a"].sqrt df["a"].abs ``` Rounding ```ruby df["a"].round(2) df["a"].ceil df["a"].floor ``` Logarithm ```ruby df["a"].log # natural log df["a"].log(10) ``` Exponentiation ```ruby df["a"].exp ``` Trigonometric functions ```ruby df["a"].sin df["a"].cos df["a"].tan df["a"].asin df["a"].acos df["a"].atan ``` Hyperbolic functions ```ruby df["a"].sinh df["a"].cosh df["a"].tanh df["a"].asinh df["a"].acosh df["a"].atanh ``` Summary statistics ```ruby df["a"].sum df["a"].mean df["a"].median df["a"].quantile(0.90) df["a"].min df["a"].max df["a"].std df["a"].var ``` ## Grouping Group ```ruby df.groupby("a").count ``` Works with all summary statistics ```ruby df.groupby("a").max ``` Multiple groups ```ruby df.groupby(["a", "b"]).count ``` ## Combining Data Frames Add rows ```ruby df.vstack(other_df) ``` Add columns ```ruby df.hstack(other_df) ``` Inner join ```ruby df.join(other_df, on: "a") ``` Left join ```ruby df.join(other_df, on: "a", how: "left") ``` ## Encoding One-hot encoding ```ruby df.to_dummies ``` ## Conversion Array of hashes ```ruby df.rows(named: true) ``` Hash of series ```ruby df.to_h ``` CSV ```ruby df.to_csv # or df.write_csv("file.csv") ``` Parquet ```ruby df.write_parquet("file.parquet") ``` Numo array ```ruby df.to_numo ``` ## Types You can specify column types when creating a data frame ```ruby Polars::DataFrame.new(data, columns: {"a" => Polars::Int32, "b" => Polars::Float32}) ``` Supported types are: - boolean - `Boolean` - float - `Float64`, `Float32` - integer - `Int64`, `Int32`, `Int16`, `Int8` - unsigned integer - `UInt64`, `UInt32`, `UInt16`, `UInt8` - string - `Utf8`, `Categorical` - temporal - `Date`, `Datetime`, `Time`, `Duration` Get column types ```ruby df.schema ``` For a specific column ```ruby df["a"].dtype ``` Cast a column ```ruby df["a"].cast(Polars::Int32) ``` ## Visualization Add [Vega](https://github.com/ankane/vega-ruby) to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem "vega" ``` And use: ```ruby df.plot("a", "b") ``` Specify the chart type (`line`, `pie`, `column`, `bar`, `area`, or `scatter`) ```ruby df.plot("a", "b", type: "pie") ``` Group data ```ruby df.groupby("c").plot("a", "b") ``` Stacked columns or bars ```ruby df.groupby("c").plot("a", "b", stacked: true) ``` ## History View the [changelog](CHANGELOG.md) ## Contributing Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help: - [Report bugs](https://github.com/ankane/polars-ruby/issues) - Fix bugs and [submit pull requests](https://github.com/ankane/polars-ruby/pulls) - Write, clarify, or fix documentation - Suggest or add new features To get started with development: ```sh git clone https://github.com/ankane/polars-ruby.git cd polars-ruby bundle install bundle exec rake compile bundle exec rake test ```