# FIXME: DRY up this and Respnoder module Botfly class MUCResponder < Responder @@id = 1 extend Forwardable def_delegator :@muc, :on def_delegator :@bot, :client def_delegator :@muc, :room def initialize(muc,&block) Botfly.logger.info("RSP: #{self.class.to_s}#new") @matcher_chain = [] @muc = muc @bot = @muc.bot @callback = block if block_given? @id = @@id += 1 end def method_missing(method,condition,&block) Botfly.logger.info("RSP: Responder##{method}(#{condition.inspect})") add_matcher(method,condition) if block_given? Botfly.logger.info("RSP: Callback recorded: #{block.inspect}") @callback = block return @id end return self end def callback_with(params) Botfly.logger.debug("RSP: Launching callback with params: #{params.inspect}") setup_instance_variables(params) if @matcher_chain.all? {|matcher| matcher.match(params) } Botfly.logger.debug("RSP: All matchers passed") cb = @callback # Ruby makes it difficult to apply & to an instance variable instance_eval &cb end end def leave #room raise "NotImplementedError: Sorry, coming soon!" end def say(msg) @muc.muc.say(msg) end private def add_matcher(method, condition) klass = Botfly.const_get("MUC" + method.to_s.capitalize + "Matcher") @matcher_chain << klass.new(condition) Botfly.logger.debug("RSP: Adding to matcher chain: #{@matcher_chain.inspect}") end def setup_instance_variables(params) @text = @body = params[:text] @nick = @from = params[:nick] @time = params[:time] end end end