module ActiveFedora module Datastreams extend ActiveSupport::Concern autoload :NokogiriDatastreams, 'active_fedora/datastreams/nokogiri_datastreams' included do class_attribute :ds_specs self.ds_specs = {'RELS-EXT'=> {:type=> ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream, :label=>"Fedora Object-to-Object Relationship Metadata", :block=>nil}} class << self def inherited_with_datastreams(kls) #:nodoc: ## Do some inheritance logic that doesn't override Base.inherited inherited_without_datastreams kls # each subclass should get a copy of the parent's datastream definitions, it should not add to the parent's definition table. kls.ds_specs = kls.ds_specs.dup end alias_method_chain :inherited, :datastreams end before_save :add_disseminator_location_to_datastreams #before_save :serialize_datastreams end def ds_specs self.class.ds_specs end def serialize_datastreams datastreams.each {|k, ds| ds.serialize! } end # Adds the disseminator location to the datastream after the pid has been established def add_disseminator_location_to_datastreams self.ds_specs.each do |name,ds_config| ds = datastreams[name] if ds && ds.controlGroup == 'E' && ds_config[:disseminator].present? ds.dsLocation= "#{ActiveFedora.config_for_environment[:url]}/objects/#{pid}/methods/#{ds_config[:disseminator]}" end end true end # # Datastream Management # # Returns all known datastreams for the object. If the object has been # saved to fedora, the persisted datastreams will be included. # Datastreams that have been modified in memory are given preference over # the copy in Fedora. def datastreams @datastreams ||= end def configure_datastream(ds, ds_spec=nil) ds_spec ||= self.ds_specs[ds.dsid] if ds_spec ds.model = self if ds_spec[:type] == RelsExtDatastream # If you called has_metadata with a block, pass the block into the Datastream class if ds_spec[:block].class == Proc ds_spec[:block].call(ds) end end end def datastream_from_spec(ds_spec, name) inner_object.datastream_object_for name, {}, ds_spec end def load_datastreams local_ds_specs = self.ds_specs.dup inner_object.datastreams.each do |dsid, ds| self.add_datastream(ds) configure_datastream(datastreams[dsid]) local_ds_specs.delete(dsid) end local_ds_specs.each do |name,ds_spec| ds = datastream_from_spec(ds_spec, name) self.add_datastream(ds) configure_datastream(ds, ds_spec) end end # Adds datastream to the object. # @return [String] dsid of the added datastream def add_datastream(datastream, opts={}) datastreams[datastream.dsid] = datastream datastream.dsid end # @return [Array] all datastreams that return true for `metadata?` and are not Rels-ext def metadata_streams { |k, ds| ds.metadata? }.reject { |k, ds| ds.kind_of?(ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream) }.values end # Returns the RELS-EXT Datastream # Tries to grab from in-memory datastreams first # Failing that, attempts to load from Fedora and addst to in-memory datastreams # Failing that, creates a new RelsExtDatastream and adds it to the object def rels_ext if !datastreams.has_key?("RELS-EXT") ds =,'RELS-EXT') ds.model = self add_datastream(ds) end return datastreams["RELS-EXT"] end # # File Management # # Add the given file as a datastream in the object # # @param [File] file the file to add # @param [Hash] opts options: :dsid, :label, :mimeType, :prefix, :checksumType def add_file_datastream(file, opts={}) label = opts.has_key?(:label) ? opts[:label] : "" attrs = {:dsLabel => label, :controlGroup => 'M', :blob => file, :prefix=>opts[:prefix]} if opts.has_key?(:mime_type) attrs.merge!({:mimeType=>opts[:mime_type]}) elsif opts.has_key?(:mimeType) attrs.merge!({:mimeType=>opts[:mimeType]}) elsif opts.has_key?(:content_type) attrs.merge!({:mimeType=>opts[:content_type]}) end attrs[:checksumType] = opts[:checksumType] if opts[:checksumType] attrs[:versionable] = opts[:versionable] unless opts[:versionable].nil? ds = create_datastream(self.class.datastream_class_for_name(opts[:dsid]), opts[:dsid], attrs) add_datastream(ds).tap do |dsid| self.class.build_datastream_accessor(dsid) unless respond_to? dsid end end def create_datastream(type, dsid, opts={}) klass = type.kind_of?(Class) ? type : type.constantize raise ArgumentError, "Argument dsid must be of type string" if dsid && !dsid.kind_of?(String) ds =, dsid, prefix: opts[:prefix]) [:mimeType, :controlGroup, :dsLabel, :dsLocation, :checksumType, :versionable].each do |key| ds.send("#{key}=".to_sym, opts[key]) unless opts[key].nil? end if ds.managed? || ds.inline? blob = opts[:blob] if blob if !ds.mimeType.present? ##TODO, this is all done by rubydora -- remove ds.mimeType = blob.respond_to?(:content_type) ? blob.content_type : "application/octet-stream" end if !ds.dsLabel.present? && blob.respond_to?(:path) ds.dsLabel = File.basename(blob.path) end end ds.content = blob || "" end ds end module ClassMethods # @param [String] dsid the datastream id # @return [Class] the class of the datastream def datastream_class_for_name(dsid) ds_specs[dsid] ? ds_specs[dsid].fetch(:type, ActiveFedora::Datastream) : ActiveFedora::Datastream end # This method is used to specify the details of a datastream. # You can pass the name as the first argument and a hash of options as the second argument # or you can pass the :name as a value in the args hash. Either way, name is required. # Note that this method doesn't actually execute the block, but stores it, to be executed # by any the implementation of the datastream(specified as :type) # # @param [Hash] args # @option args [Class] :type The class that will represent this datastream, should extend ``Datastream'' # @option args [String] :name the handle to refer to this datastream as # @option args [String] :label sets the fedora label # @option args [String] :control_group must be one of 'E', 'X', 'M', 'R' # @option args [String] :disseminator Sets the disseminator location see {#add_disseminator_location_to_datastreams} # @option args [String] :url # @option args [Boolean] :autocreate Always create this datastream on new objects # @option args [Boolean] :versionable Should versioned datastreams be stored # @yield block executed by some kinds of datastreams def has_metadata(*args, &block) @metadata_ds_defaults ||= { :autocreate => false, :type=>nil, :label=>"", :control_group=>nil, :disseminator=>"", :url=>"", :name=>nil } spec_datastream(args, @metadata_ds_defaults, &block) end # @overload has_file_datastream(name, args) # Declares a file datastream exists for objects of this type # @param [String] name # @param [Hash] args # @option args :type (ActiveFedora::Datastream) The class the datastream should have # @option args :label ("File Datastream") The default value to put in the dsLabel field # @option args :control_group ("M") The type of controlGroup to store the datastream as. Defaults to M # @option args [Boolean] :autocreate Always create this datastream on new objects # @option args [Boolean] :versionable Should versioned datastreams be stored # @overload has_file_datastream(args) # Declares a file datastream exists for objects of this type # @param [Hash] args # @option args :name ("content") The dsid of the datastream # @option args :type (ActiveFedora::Datastream) The class the datastream should have # @option args :label ("File Datastream") The default value to put in the dsLabel field # @option args :control_group ("M") The type of controlGroup to store the datastream as. Defaults to M # @option args [Boolean] :autocreate Always create this datastream on new objects # @option args [Boolean] :versionable Should versioned datastreams be stored def has_file_datastream(*args) @file_ds_defaults ||= { :autocreate => false, :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :label=>"File Datastream", :control_group=>"M", :name=>"content" } spec_datastream(args, @file_ds_defaults) end def build_datastream_accessor(dsid) name = name_for_dsid(dsid) define_method name do datastreams[dsid] end end private # Creates a datastream spec combining the given args and default values # @param args [Array] either [String, Hash] or [Hash]; the latter must .has_key? :name # @param defaults [Hash] the default values for the datastream spec # @yield block executed by some kinds of datastreams def spec_datastream(args, defaults, &block) if args.first.is_a? String name = args.first args = args[1] || {} args[:name] = name else args = args.first || {} end spec = defaults.merge( {|key, value| defaults.has_key? key}) name = spec.delete(:name) raise ArgumentError, "You must provide a name (dsid) for the datastream" unless name raise ArgumentError, "You must provide a :type property for the datastream '#{name}'" unless spec[:type] spec[:versionable] = args[:versionable] if args.has_key? :versionable spec[:block] = block if block build_datastream_accessor(name) ds_specs[name]= spec end ## Given a dsid return a standard name def name_for_dsid(dsid) dsid.gsub('-', '_') end end end end