=== 1.1.4 / 10.01.2013 * Add TITD tag into interaction.xml === 1.1.3 / 09.01.2013 * Add interaction.xml and code.xml output * Update to check option fi * Improve using of memory at file reading for mswin * Add oddb_fi_product.xml output to fi option * Restore Gemfile to use gemspec file === 1.1.2 / 08.01.2013 * Update Gemfile for development * Fix oddb_fi.xml tag name * Update to be suitable for release with Hoe * Add missing files * Remove white spaces === 1.1.1 / 07.01.2013 * Create oddb_fi.xml file with using swissmedicinfo -needs -o or --optional fi === 1.1.0 / 27.12.2012 * Add new additional file limitation.xml === 1.0.10 / 25.12.2012 * Add ORPH and COOL from swissmedic xls === 1.0.9 / 11.12.2012 * Added Substance Updater via BAG-XML from the Substance Branch. === 1.0.8 / 20.11.2012 * Update spec for cli * Add zip compress option * Use -t option also as prefix of filename * Allow tag suffix as flexible word * Update help message === 1.0.7 / 20.11.2012 * Add -t --tag-suffix option for 'md' === 1.0.6 / 23.10.2012 * Added nonpharma option === 1.0.5 / 19.10.2012 * Removed unnecessary quote * Added PROD_DATE, VALID_DATE as same with creation * Added SALECD as STATUS(I,A) of swissindex * Added SLOPLUS (FlagSB20) field into article.xml === 1.0.4 / 18.09.2012 * Updated option handling. $ oddb2xml $ oddb2xml -c tar.gz