# frozen_string_literal: true # typed: true require 'pathname' module Tapioca module Compilers module SymbolTable class SymbolGenerator extend(T::Sig) IGNORED_SYMBOLS = %w{ YAML MiniTest Mutex } attr_reader(:gem, :indent) sig { params(gem: Gemfile::Gem, indent: Integer).void } def initialize(gem, indent = 0) @gem = gem @indent = indent @seen = Set.new @alias_namespace ||= Set.new end sig { returns(String) } def generate symbols .sort .map(&method(:generate_from_symbol)) .compact .join("\n\n") .concat("\n") end private sig { returns(T::Set[String]) } def symbols symbols = Tapioca::Compilers::SymbolTable::SymbolLoader.list_from_paths(gem.files) symbols.union(engine_symbols(symbols)) end sig { params(symbols: T::Set[String]).returns(T::Set[String]) } def engine_symbols(symbols) return Set.new unless Object.const_defined?("Rails::Engine") engine = Object.const_get("Rails::Engine") .descendants.reject(&:abstract_railtie?) .find do |klass| name = name_of(klass) !name.nil? && symbols.include?(name) end return Set.new unless engine paths = engine.config.eager_load_paths.flat_map do |load_path| Pathname.glob("#{load_path}/**/*.rb") end Tapioca::Compilers::SymbolTable::SymbolLoader.list_from_paths(paths) rescue Set.new end sig { params(symbol: String).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def generate_from_symbol(symbol) constant = resolve_constant(symbol) return unless constant compile(symbol, constant) end sig { params(symbol: String).returns(BasicObject).checked(:never) } def resolve_constant(symbol) Object.const_get(symbol, false) rescue NameError, LoadError, RuntimeError, ArgumentError, TypeError nil end sig do params(name: T.nilable(String), constant: BasicObject) .returns(T.nilable(String)) .checked(:never) end def compile(name, constant) return unless constant return unless name return if name.strip.empty? return if name.start_with?('#<') return if name.downcase == name return if alias_namespaced?(name) return if seen?(name) return unless parent_declares_constant?(name) mark_seen(name) compile_constant(name, constant) end sig do params(name: String, constant: BasicObject) .returns(T.nilable(String)) .checked(:never) end def compile_constant(name, constant) case constant when Module if name_of(constant) != name compile_alias(name, constant) else compile_module(name, constant) end else compile_object(name, constant) end end sig { params(name: String, constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def compile_alias(name, constant) return if symbol_ignored?(name) constant_name = name_of(constant) add_to_alias_namespace(name) return if IGNORED_SYMBOLS.include?(name) indented("#{name} = #{constant_name}") end sig do params(name: String, value: BasicObject) .returns(T.nilable(String)) .checked(:never) end def compile_object(name, value) return if symbol_ignored?(name) klass = class_of(value) return if name_of(klass)&.start_with?("T::Types::", "T::Private::") type_name = public_module?(klass) && name_of(klass) || "T.untyped" indented("#{name} = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), #{type_name})") end sig { params(name: String, constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def compile_module(name, constant) return unless public_module?(constant) return unless defined_in_gem?(constant, strict: false) header = if constant.is_a?(Class) indented("class #{name}#{compile_superclass(constant)}") else indented("module #{name}") end body = compile_body(name, constant) return if symbol_ignored?(name) && body.nil? [ header, body, indented("end"), compile_subconstants(name, constant), ].select { |b| !b.nil? && b.strip != "" }.join("\n") end sig { params(name: String, constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def compile_body(name, constant) with_indentation do methods = compile_methods(name, constant) return if symbol_ignored?(name) && methods.nil? [ compile_mixins(constant), methods, ].select { |b| b != "" }.join("\n\n") end end sig { params(name: String, constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def compile_subconstants(name, constant) output = constants_of(constant).sort.uniq.map do |constant_name| symbol = (name == "Object" ? "" : name) + "::#{constant_name}" subconstant = resolve_constant(symbol) # Don't compile modules of Object because Object::Foo == Foo # Don't compile modules of BasicObject because BasicObject::BasicObject == BasicObject next if (Object == constant || BasicObject == constant) && Module === subconstant next unless subconstant compile(symbol, subconstant) end.compact return "" if output.empty? "\n" + output.join("\n\n") end sig { params(constant: Class).returns(String) } def compile_superclass(constant) superclass = T.let(nil, T.nilable(Class)) # rubocop:disable Lint/UselessAssignment while (superclass = superclass_of(constant)) constant_name = name_of(constant) constant = superclass # Some classes have superclasses that are private constants # so if we generate code with that superclass, the output # will not be compilable (since private constants are not # publicly visible). # # So we skip superclasses that are not public and walk up the # chain. next unless public_module?(superclass) # Some types have "themselves" as their superclass # which can happen via: # # class A < Numeric; end # A = Class.new(A) # A.superclass #=> A # # We compare names here to make sure we skip those # superclass instances and walk up the chain. # # The name comparison is against the name of the constant # resolved from the name of the superclass, since # this is also possible: # # B = Class.new # class A < B; end # B = A # A.superclass.name #=> "B" # B #=> A superclass_name = T.must(name_of(superclass)) resolved_superclass = resolve_constant(superclass_name) next unless Module === resolved_superclass next if name_of(resolved_superclass) == constant_name # We found a suitable superclass break end return "" if superclass == ::Object || superclass == ::Delegator return "" if superclass.nil? name = name_of(superclass) return "" if name.nil? || name.empty? " < ::#{name}" end sig { params(constant: Module).returns(String) } def compile_mixins(constant) ignorable_ancestors = if constant.is_a?(Class) ancestors = constant.superclass&.ancestors || Object.ancestors Set.new(ancestors) else Module.ancestors end inherited_singleton_class_ancestors = if constant.is_a?(Class) Set.new(singleton_class_of(constant.superclass).ancestors) else Module.ancestors end interesting_ancestors = constant.ancestors.reject { |mod| ignorable_ancestors.include?(mod) } prepend = interesting_ancestors.take_while { |c| !are_equal?(constant, c) } include = interesting_ancestors.drop(prepend.size + 1) extend = singleton_class_of(constant).ancestors .reject do |mod| mod == singleton_class_of(constant) || inherited_singleton_class_ancestors.include?(mod) || !public_module?(mod) || Module != class_of(mod) end prepends = prepend .select { |mod| (name = name_of(mod)) && !name.start_with?("T::") } .select(&method(:public_module?)) .map do |mod| # TODO: Sorbet currently does not handle prepend # properly for method resolution, so we generate an # include statement instead indented("include(#{qualified_name_of(mod)})") end includes = include .select { |mod| (name = name_of(mod)) && !name.start_with?("T::") } .select(&method(:public_module?)) .map do |mod| indented("include(#{qualified_name_of(mod)})") end extends = extend .select { |mod| (name = name_of(mod)) && !name.start_with?("T::") } .select(&method(:public_module?)) .map do |mod| indented("extend(#{qualified_name_of(mod)})") end mixes_class_methods = extend .select do |mod| qualified_name_of(mod) == "::ActiveSupport::Concern" && Module === resolve_constant("#{name_of(constant)}::ClassMethods") end .first(1) .flat_map do ["", indented("mixes_in_class_methods(ClassMethods)")] end (prepends + includes + extends + mixes_class_methods).join("\n") end sig { params(name: String, constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def compile_methods(name, constant) initialize_method = compile_method( name, constant, initialize_method_for(constant) ) instance_methods = compile_directly_owned_methods(name, constant) singleton_methods = compile_directly_owned_methods(name, singleton_class_of(constant), [:public]) return if symbol_ignored?(name) && instance_methods.empty? && singleton_methods.empty? [ initialize_method || "", instance_methods, singleton_methods, ].select { |b| b.strip != "" }.join("\n\n") end sig { params(module_name: String, mod: Module, for_visibility: T::Array[Symbol]).returns(String) } def compile_directly_owned_methods(module_name, mod, for_visibility = [:public, :protected, :private]) method_names_by_visibility(mod) .delete_if { |visibility, _method_list| !for_visibility.include?(visibility) } .flat_map do |visibility, method_list| compiled = method_list.sort!.map do |name| next if name == :initialize compile_method(module_name, mod, mod.instance_method(name)) end compiled.compact! unless compiled.empty? || visibility == :public # add visibility badge compiled.unshift('', indented(visibility.to_s), '') end compiled end .compact .join("\n") end sig { params(mod: Module).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T::Array[Symbol]]) } def method_names_by_visibility(mod) { public: Module.instance_method(:public_instance_methods).bind(mod).call, protected: Module.instance_method(:protected_instance_methods).bind(mod).call, private: Module.instance_method(:private_instance_methods).bind(mod).call, } end sig do params( symbol_name: String, constant: Module, method: T.nilable(UnboundMethod) ).returns(T.nilable(String)) end def compile_method(symbol_name, constant, method) return unless method return unless method.owner == constant return if symbol_ignored?(symbol_name) && !method_in_gem?(method) method_name = method.name.to_s return unless valid_method_name?(method_name) params = T.let(method.parameters, T::Array[T::Array[Symbol]]) parameters = params.map do |(type, name)| name ||= :_ case type when :req name.to_s when :opt "#{name} = _" when :rest "*#{name}" when :keyreq "#{name}:" when :key "#{name}: _" when :keyrest "**#{name}" when :block "&#{name}" end end.join(', ') method_name = "#{'self.' if constant.singleton_class?}#{method_name}" parameters = "(#{parameters})" if parameters != "" indented("def #{method_name}#{parameters}; end") end sig { params(symbol_name: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def symbol_ignored?(symbol_name) SymbolLoader.ignore_symbol?(symbol_name) end SPECIAL_METHOD_NAMES = %w[! ~ +@ ** -@ * / % + - << >> & | ^ < <= => > >= == === != =~ !~ <=> [] []= `] sig { params(name: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def valid_method_name?(name) return true if SPECIAL_METHOD_NAMES.include?(name) !!name.match(/^[[:word:]]+[?!=]?$/) end sig do type_parameters(:U) .params( _blk: T.proc .returns(T.type_parameter(:U)) ) .returns(T.type_parameter(:U)) end def with_indentation(&_blk) @indent += 2 yield ensure @indent -= 2 end sig { params(str: String).returns(String) } def indented(str) " " * @indent + str end sig { params(method: UnboundMethod).returns(T::Boolean) } def method_in_gem?(method) source_location = method.source_location&.first return false if source_location.nil? gem.contains_path?(source_location) end sig { params(constant: Module, strict: T::Boolean).returns(T::Boolean) } def defined_in_gem?(constant, strict: true) files = Set.new(get_file_candidates(constant)) .merge(Tapioca::ConstantLocator.files_for(constant)) return !strict if files.empty? files.any? do |file| gem.contains_path?(file) end end sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T::Array[String]) } def get_file_candidates(constant) wrapped_module = Pry::WrappedModule.new(constant) wrapped_module.candidates.map(&:file).to_a.compact rescue ArgumentError, NameError [] end sig { params(name: String).void } def add_to_alias_namespace(name) @alias_namespace.add("#{name}::") end sig { params(name: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def alias_namespaced?(name) @alias_namespace.any? do |namespace| name.start_with?(namespace) end end sig { params(name: String).void } def mark_seen(name) @seen.add(name) end sig { params(name: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def seen?(name) @seen.include?(name) end def initialize_method_for(constant) constant.instance_method(:initialize) rescue nil end def parent_declares_constant?(name) name_parts = name.split("::") parent_name = name_parts[0...-1].join("::") parent_name = parent_name[2..-1] if parent_name.start_with?("::") parent_name = 'Object' if parent_name == "" parent = T.cast(resolve_constant(parent_name), T.nilable(Module)) return false unless parent constants_of(parent).include?(name_parts.last.to_sym) end sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T::Boolean) } def public_module?(constant) constant_name = name_of(constant) return false unless constant_name return false if constant_name.start_with?('T::Private') begin # can't use !! here because the constant might override ! and mess with us Module === eval(constant_name) # rubocop:disable Security/Eval rescue NameError false end end sig { params(constant: BasicObject).returns(Class).checked(:never) } def class_of(constant) Kernel.instance_method(:class).bind(constant).call end sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T::Array[Symbol]) } def constants_of(constant) Module.instance_method(:constants).bind(constant).call(false) end sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def raw_name_of(constant) Module.instance_method(:name).bind(constant).call end sig { params(constant: BasicObject).returns(Class).checked(:never) } def singleton_class_of(constant) Object.instance_method(:singleton_class).bind(constant).call end sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def name_of(constant) name = name_of_proxy_target(constant) return name if name name = raw_name_of(constant) return if name.nil? return unless are_equal?(constant, resolve_constant(name)) name = "Struct" if name =~ /^(::)?Struct::[^:]+$/ name end sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def name_of_proxy_target(constant) klass = class_of(constant) return unless raw_name_of(klass) == "ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantProxy" # We are dealing with a ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantProxy # so try to get the name of the target class begin target = Kernel.instance_method(:send).bind(constant).call(:target) rescue NoMethodError return nil end name_of(target) end sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def qualified_name_of(constant) name = name_of(constant) return if name.nil? if name.start_with?("::") name else "::#{name}" end end sig { params(constant: Class).returns(T.nilable(Class)) } def superclass_of(constant) Class.instance_method(:superclass).bind(constant).call end sig { params(constant: Module, other: BasicObject).returns(T::Boolean).checked(:never) } def are_equal?(constant, other) BasicObject.instance_method(:equal?).bind(constant).call(other) end end end end end