/* Sample jquery-based forum and gallery scripts. * inline editing of posts by authors and administrators. * attachment and upload of files. * simple show and hide for first post * toolbar hookup * submit-button protection */ (function($) { function RemoteAction (url, holder) { var self = this; $.extend(self, { url: url, holder: holder, container: null, form: null, fetch: function () { if (self.showing()) self.hide(); else if (self.form) self.show(); else { self.wait(); $.get(self.url, self.step); } }, submit: function (e) { var ajaxable = true; self.container.find('input:file').each(function () { var file = $(this).val(); if (file && file != "") ajaxable = false; }); if (ajaxable) { e.preventDefault(); self.form.find('textarea.toolbarred').read_editor(); $.post(self.form.attr('action'), self.form.serialize(), self.step); } else { return true; // allow event through so that uploads are sent by normal HTTP POST // toolbar is read in onSubmit } }, step: function (results) { self.unwait(); if (results) self.container.html(results); self.form = self.container.find('form'); if (self.form.length > 0) { self.form.submit(self.submit); self.form.find('div.upload_stack').upload_stack(); self.form.find('a.cancel').click(self.cancel); self.form.find("textarea.toolbarred").add_editor({}); self.show(); } else { holder.replaceWith(results); } }, cancel: function (event) { squash(event); self.unwait(); self.hide(); }, show: function () { self.unwait(); self.holder.hide(); self.container.show(); }, hide: function () { self.container.hide(); self.holder.show(); }, showing: function () { return self.container.is(':visible'); }, wait: function () { holder.wait(); }, unwait: function () { holder.unwait(); } }); self.container = $('<div class="remote_form" />').hide(); self.holder.append(self.container); } function ActionHolder(container, conf) { var self = this; $.extend(self, { container: container, wrapper: container.find('.wrapper'), actions: {}, initActions: function () { self.actions = {}; self.container.find('a.remote').each(function () { var a = $(this); var href = a.attr('href'); self.addAction(href); a.click(function (event) { squash(event); a.addClass('waiting'); self.showAction(href); }); if (a.is('.autoload')) self.showAction(href); }); }, addAction: function (url) { if (!self.actions[url]) self.actions[url] = new RemoteAction(url, self); return self.actions[url]; }, showAction: function (url) { $.each(self.actions, function (key, action) { action.hide(); }); self.actions[url].fetch(); }, append: function (el) { return self.container.append(el); }, replaceWith: function (html) { self.container.html(html); self.wrapper = self.container.find('.wrapper'); self.initActions(); return self.container; }, show: function () { self.wrapper.show(); }, hide: function () { self.wrapper.hide(); }, toggle: function (event) { squash(event); if (self.wrapper.is(":visible")) self.hide(); else self.show(); }, wait: function () { self.container.addClass('waiting'); self.container.find('a.remote').addClass('waiting'); }, unwait: function () { self.container.removeClass('waiting'); self.container.find('a.remote').removeClass('waiting'); } }); self.initActions(); } $.fn.enable_remote_actions = function(conf) { this.each(function() { new ActionHolder($(this), conf); }); return this; }; function HideablePost(container, conf) { var self = this; $.extend(self, { head: container.find('.post_header'), body: container.find('.post_body'), shower: null, show: function () { self.body.slideDown(); self.shower.text('Hide'); }, hide: function () { self.body.slideUp(); self.shower.text('Show'); }, toggle: function (event) { squash(event); if (self.body.is(":visible")) self.hide(); else self.show(); } }); if ($('a.prev_page').length > 0) { self.shower = $('<a href="#" class="shower">Hide</a>').appendTo(self.head.find('p.context')); self.shower.click(self.toggle); self.hide(); } } $.fn.hideable_post = function() { this.each(function() { new HideablePost($(this)); }); return this; }; function UploadStack(container) { var self = this; $.extend(self, { container: container, attachments_list: container.find('ul.attachments'), uploads_list: container.find('ul.uploads'), selector: container.find('div.selector'), file_field: container.find('div.selector').find('input'), addUpload: function(event) { squash(event); var upload_field = self.file_field.clone(); var nest_id = self.attachmentCount() + self.uploadCount(); // nb. starts at zero so this total is +1 var container = $('<li class="attachment">' + upload_field.val() + '</li>'); upload_field.attr("id", upload_field.attr('id').replace(/\d+/, nest_id)); upload_field.attr("name", upload_field.attr('name').replace(/\d+/, nest_id)); container.append(upload_field); container.add_remover(); container.appendTo(self.uploads_list).slideDown('slow'); self.file_field.val(null); self.selector.find('a').text = 'attach another file'; }, attachmentCount: function () { return self.attachments_list.find('li').length; }, hasAttachments: function () { return self.attachments_list.find('li').length > 0; }, uploadCount: function () { return self.uploads_list.find('li').length; }, hasUploads: function () { return self.uploadCount() > 0; } }); self.attachments_list.find('li').add_remover(); self.file_field.change(self.addUpload); } $.fn.upload_stack = function(conf) { this.each(function() { el = new UploadStack($(this), conf); }); return this; }; $.fn.add_remover = function() { this.each(function() { var self = $(this); var remover = $('<a href="#" class="remove">remove</a>'); remover.click(function (event) { squash(event); self.slideUp('500', function() { self.find('input.checkbox').attr('checked', true); self.find('input.filefield').remove(); }); }); self.append(remover); }); return self; }; $.fn.add_editor = function() { this.each(function() { var self = $(this); var editor = new punymce.Editor({ id : self.attr('id'), plugins : 'Link,Image,Emoticons,EditSource', toolbar : 'bold,italic,link,unlink,image,emoticons,editsource', width : 510, height : 375, resize : true }); self.data('editor', editor); }); return this; }; $.fn.read_editor = function() { this.each(function() { var self = $(this); if (self.data('editor')) { self.val(self.data('editor').getContent()); } }); return this; }; })(jQuery); $(function() { $(".post").enable_remote_actions({}); $(".new_post").enable_remote_actions({}); $(".post.first").hideable_post({}); $(".upload_stack").upload_stack({}); $(".toolbarred").add_editor({}); $("input:submit").live('click', function (event) { var self = $(this); self.after('<span class="waiting">Please wait</span>'); self.hide(); return true; }); });