module Octokit class Client module ActionsWorkflowRuns # List all runs for a repository workflow # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param workflow [Integer, String] Id or file name of the workflow # @option options [String] :actor Optional filtering by a user # @option options [String] :branch Optional filtering by a branch # @option options [String] :event Optional filtering by the event type # @option options [String] :status Optional filtering by a status or conclusion # # @return [Sawyer::Resource] the total count and an array of workflows # @see def workflow_runs(repo, workflow, options = {}) paginate "#{Repository.path repo}/actions/workflows/#{workflow}/runs", options end alias list_workflow_runs workflow_runs # List all workflow runs for a repository # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @option options [String] :actor Optional filtering by the login of a user # @option options [String] :branch Optional filtering by a branch # @option options [String] :event Optional filtering by the event type (e.g. push, pull_request, issue) # @option options [String] :status Optional filtering by a status or conclusion (e.g. success, completed...) # # @return [Sawyer::Resource] the total count and an array of workflows # @see def repository_workflow_runs(repo, options = {}) paginate "#{Repository.path repo}/actions/runs", options end alias list_repository_workflow_runs repository_workflow_runs # Get a workflow run # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param id [Integer] Id of a workflow run # # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Run information # @see def workflow_run(repo, id, options = {}) get "#{Repository.path repo}/actions/runs/#{id}", options end # Re-runs a workflow run # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param id [Integer] Id of a workflow run # # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the re-run request was accepted # @see def rerun_workflow_run(repo, id, options = {}) boolean_from_response :post, "#{Repository.path repo}/actions/runs/#{id}/rerun", options end # Cancels a workflow run # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param id [Integer] Id of a workflow run # # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the cancellation was accepted # @see def cancel_workflow_run(repo, id, options = {}) boolean_from_response :post, "#{Repository.path repo}/actions/runs/#{id}/cancel", options end # Deletes a workflow run # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param id [Integer] Id of a workflow run # # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the run is deleted # @see def delete_workflow_run(repo, id, options = {}) boolean_from_response :delete, "#{Repository.path repo}/actions/runs/#{id}", options end # Get a download url for archived log files of a workflow run # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param id [Integer] Id of a workflow run # # @return [String] URL to the archived log files of the run # @see def workflow_run_logs(repo, id, options = {}) url = "#{Repository.path repo}/actions/runs/#{id}/logs" response = client_without_redirects.head(url, options) response.headers['Location'] end # Delets all log files of a workflow run # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param id [Integer] Id of a workflow run # # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the logs are deleted # @see def delete_workflow_run_logs(repo, id, options = {}) boolean_from_response :delete, "#{Repository.path repo}/actions/runs/#{id}/logs", options end end end end