# encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) require 'sinatra/base' describe "Features" do include RackTestMethods start do S::State.delete end before do @site = setup_site @site.background_mode = :immediate @site.output_store :Memory end after do teardown_site S::State.delete end def app Spontaneous::Rack.application(@site) end def api_key @key end describe "Feature" do before do Content.delete Spontaneous::Permissions::User.delete config = mock() config.stubs(:reload_classes).returns(false) config.stubs(:auto_login).returns('root') config.stubs(:default_charset).returns('utf-8') config.stubs(:publishing_method).returns(:immediate) config.stubs(:publishing_delay).returns(nil) config.stubs(:keep_revisions).returns(5) config.stubs(:simultaneous_connection).returns("") config.stubs(:site_domain).returns('example.org') config.stubs(:site_id).returns('example_org') @site.stubs(:config).returns(config) @user = Spontaneous::Permissions::User.create(:email => "root@example.com", :login => "root", :name => "root", :password => "rootpass") @user.update(:level => Spontaneous::Permissions.root) @user.save @key = @user.generate_access_key("") Spontaneous::Permissions::User.stubs(:[]).with(:login => 'root').returns(@user) Spontaneous::Permissions::AccessKey.stubs(:authenticate).with(@key).returns(@key) Spontaneous::Permissions::AccessKey.stubs(:valid?).with(nil, nil).returns(false) Spontaneous::Permissions::AccessKey.stubs(:valid?).with(nil, @user).returns(false) Spontaneous::Permissions::AccessKey.stubs(:valid?).with(@key, @user).returns(true) @root = ::Page.create Content.delete_revision(1) rescue nil Spontaneous.logger.silent! { @site.publish_all } end after do # (@all_classes.map { |k| k.name.to_sym }).each { |klass| # Object.send(:remove_const, klass) rescue nil # } rescue nil Content.delete end describe "middleware" do before do @middleware = Class.new do def initialize(app, options = {}) @app, @options = app, options end def call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) [status, headers.merge('X-Middleware' => @options[:header] || "present"), body] end end end it "allows for insertion of custom middleware into the front app" do Spontaneous.mode = :front Spontaneous.front.use @middleware, header: "inserted" get "/" assert last_response.status == 200, "Expected an 200 OK response but got #{last_response.status}" last_response.headers['X-Middleware'].must_equal "inserted" end it "inserts defined middleware into the preview app" do Spontaneous.mode = :back Spontaneous.front.use @middleware, header: "inserted" auth_get "/", preview: true assert last_response.status == 200, "Expected an 200 OK response but got #{last_response.status}" last_response.headers['X-Middleware'].must_equal "inserted" end end describe "controllers" do before do class ::FeatureBackController < ::Sinatra::Base get '/hello' do 'Editor' end post '/goodbye' do 'Cruel Editor' end end class ::FeatureFrontController < ::Sinatra::Base get '/hello' do 'World' end post '/goodbye' do 'Cruel World' end end end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :FeatureBackController) rescue nil Object.send(:remove_const, :FeatureFrontController) rescue nil end it "be able to injectable into the back application" do Spontaneous.mode = :back @site.register_back_controller(:myfeature, FeatureBackController) get "/@myfeature/hello" assert last_response.status == 401, "Expected an Unauthorised 401 response but got #{last_response.status}" auth_get "/@myfeature/hello" assert last_response.ok? assert last_response.body == "Editor" post "/@myfeature/goodbye" assert last_response.status == 401 auth_post "/@myfeature/goodbye" assert last_response.ok? assert last_response.body == "Cruel Editor" end it "be able to injectable into the back application with custom path prefixes" do Spontaneous.mode = :back @site.register_back_controller(:myfeature, FeatureBackController, path_prefix: "/something") auth_get "/something/hello" assert last_response.ok? assert last_response.body == "Editor" end it "be able to inject controllers into the front application" do Spontaneous.mode = :front @site.register_front_controller(:myfeature, FeatureFrontController) get "/@myfeature/hello" assert last_response.ok? assert last_response.body == "World" post "/@myfeature/goodbye" assert last_response.ok? assert last_response.body == "Cruel World" end it "be able to inject controllers into the front application with custom path prefixes" do Spontaneous.mode = :front @site.register_front_controller(:myfeature, FeatureFrontController, path_prefix: "/something/else") get "/something/else/hello" assert last_response.ok? assert last_response.body == "World" end it "gives access to all mounted front apps in preview mode" do Spontaneous.mode = :back @site.register_front_controller(:myfeature, FeatureFrontController) get "/@myfeature/hello" assert last_response.ok? assert last_response.body == "World" end it "allows injection of rack apps into the the back application" do Spontaneous.mode = :back @site.register_back_controller(:myfeature, proc { |env| [200, {}, "hello"] }) get "/@myfeature" assert last_response.status == 401, "Expected an Unauthorised 401 response but got #{last_response.status}" auth_get "/@myfeature" assert last_response.ok? assert last_response.body == "hello" end end end end