# This class holds methods that apply NECB2020 rules. # Notes for adding new version of NECB: # Essentially all you need to do is copy this file to a new folder and update the class name (only the initialize and load_standards_database_new methods are required, # everything else will be inherited. Only add methods, json files and other rb files if the content/functionality has changed. Do not forget to update the class name in the rb files! # The spacetypes and led lighting json files are required (in the data folder) as they have the NECB version hardcoded (which requires updating). # However there are a few other files to update: # 1) NECB2011/necb_2011.rb:determine_spacetype_vintage method has an array of available versions of NECB hardcoded. Add the new one. # 2) common/space_type_upgrade_map.json needs all the space types for the new version defined (386 in NECB 2020). # 3) Add references to the rb files in this folder to openstudio_standards.rb # @ref [References::NECB2020] class NECB2020 < NECB2017 @template = self.new.class.name # rubocop:disable Style/ClassVars register_standard(@template) def initialize super() @template = self.class.name @standards_data = self.load_standards_database_new() self.corrupt_standards_database() end def load_standards_database_new # load NECB2020 data. super() if __dir__[0] == ':' # Running from OpenStudio CLI embedded_files_relative('data/', /.*\.json/).each do |file| data = JSON.parse(EmbeddedScripting.getFileAsString(file)) if !data['tables'].nil? @standards_data['tables'] = [*@standards_data['tables'], *data['tables']].to_h elsif !data['constants'].nil? @standards_data['constants'] = [*@standards_data['constants'], *data['constants']].to_h elsif !data['constants'].nil? @standards_data['formulas'] = [*@standards_data['formulas'], *data['formulas']].to_h end end else files = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/data/*.json").select { |e| File.file? e } files.each do |file| data = JSON.parse(File.read(file)) if !data['tables'].nil? @standards_data['tables'] = [*@standards_data['tables'], *data['tables']].to_h elsif !data['constants'].nil? @standards_data['constants'] = [*@standards_data['constants'], *data['constants']].to_h elsif !data['formulas'].nil? @standards_data['formulas'] = [*@standards_data['formulas'], *data['formulas']].to_h end end end # Write test report file. # Write database to file. # File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'NECB2017.json'), 'w') {|f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(@standards_data))} return @standards_data end # Set the infiltration rate for this space to include # the impact of air leakage requirements in the standard. # # Note that this is significantly different for NECB 2020 compared to previous codes. # The value is now specified at 75 Pa normalised by entire building surface area (previously 5 Pa # and for above grade surfaces only). Need to convert to 5 Pa and for the different surface area. # # @return [Double] true if successful, false if not # @todo handle doors and vestibules def space_apply_infiltration_rate(space) # Remove infiltration rates set at the space type. infiltration_data = @standards_data['infiltration'] unless space.spaceType.empty? space.spaceType.get.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each(&:remove) end # Remove infiltration rates set at the space object. space.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each(&:remove) # Don't create an object if there is no exterior wall area. exterior_wall_and_roof_and_subsurface_area = space_exterior_wall_and_roof_and_subsurface_area(space) if exterior_wall_and_roof_and_subsurface_area <= 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.Standards.Model', "For #{template}, no exterior wall area was found in #{space.name}; no infiltration will be added.") return true end # Calculate total area of above and below grade envelope area in the entire model. totalAreaBuildingEnvelope = 0.0 totalAboveGradeArea = 0.0 space.model.getSpaces.each do |modelspace| multiplier = modelspace.multiplier modelspace.surfaces.each do |surface| if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == "Outdoors" then area = surface.grossArea * multiplier totalAreaBuildingEnvelope += area totalAboveGradeArea += area elsif surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == "Ground" then area = surface.grossArea * multiplier totalAreaBuildingEnvelope += area end end end # Get infiltration rate from standards and convert to value at 5 Pa applied to all above grade surfaces. infil_75Pa_all_surf = self.get_standards_constant('infiltration_rate_m3_per_s_per_m2') infil_5Pa_above_grade = infil_75Pa_all_surf * ((5.0 / 75.0) ** (0.6)) * totalAreaBuildingEnvelope / totalAboveGradeArea OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.Space', "For #{space.name}, adj infil = #{infil_5Pa_above_grade.round(5)} m^3/s*m^2.") # Get any infiltration schedule already assigned to this space or its space type # If not, the always on schedule will be applied. infil_sch = nil unless space.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.empty? old_infil = space.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates[0] if old_infil.schedule.is_initialized infil_sch = old_infil.schedule.get end end if infil_sch.nil? && space.spaceType.is_initialized space_type = space.spaceType.get unless space_type.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.empty? old_infil = space_type.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates[0] if old_infil.schedule.is_initialized infil_sch = old_infil.schedule.get end end end if infil_sch.nil? infil_sch = space.model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule end # Create an infiltration rate object for this space. infiltration = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRate.new(space.model) infiltration.setName("#{space.name} Infiltration") infiltration.setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea(infil_5Pa_above_grade) infiltration.setSchedule(infil_sch) infiltration.setConstantTermCoefficient(self.get_standards_constant('infiltration_constant_term_coefficient')) infiltration.setTemperatureTermCoefficient(self.get_standards_constant('infiltration_constant_term_coefficient')) infiltration.setVelocityTermCoefficient(self.get_standards_constant('infiltration_velocity_term_coefficient')) infiltration.setVelocitySquaredTermCoefficient(self.get_standards_constant('infiltration_velocity_squared_term_coefficient')) infiltration.setSpace(space) return true end end