require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "NSICloudooo::Client::Configuration" do Configuration = NSICloudooo::Client::Configuration it "set and return user" do Configuration.user 'why' Configuration.user.should == 'why' end it "set and return password" do Configuration.password 'admin123' Configuration.password.should == 'admin123' end it "set and return host" do '' == '' end it "set and return port" do Configuration.port '8888' Configuration.port.should == '8888' end it "return a hash of attributes" do Configuration.instance_eval do user "why" password "chunky" host "localhost" port "8888" end Configuration.settings.should == {user: "why", password: "chunky", host: "localhost", port: "8888"} end end