module Upmin class Model attr_accessor :instance attr_accessor :klass def initialize(instance, options = {}) self.instance = instance self.klass = Upmin::Klass.find( end ## Methods for rendering in views def title return "#{klass.humanized_name(:singular)} # #{}" end def color return klass.color end def path_hash return { klass:, id: } end def new_record? return instance.new_record? end ## Methods for getting attributes, associations, etc and anything relevant to them. # Returns the type of an attribute. If it is nil and we can't # figure it out from the db columns we just fall back to # :unknown def attribute_type(attr_name) type = klass.attribute_type(attr_name) if type == :unknown # See if we can deduce it by looking at the data data = attribute(attr_name) class_sym = data.class.to_s.underscore.to_sym if class_sym == :false_class || class_sym == :true_class type = :boolean elsif class_sym == :nil_class type = :unknown elsif class_sym == :fixnum type = :integer elsif class_sym == :big_decimal type = :decimal elsif class_sym == :"active_support/time_with_zone" type = :datetime else # This should prevent any classes from being skipped, but we may not have an exhaustive list yet. type = class_sym end end return type end # Returns whether or not the attr_name is an attribute that can be edited. def attribute_editable?(attr_name) attr_name = attr_name.to_sym return false if attr_name == :id return false if attr_name == :created_at return false if attr_name == :updated_at # TODO(jon): Add a way to declare which attributes are editable and which are not later. return instance.respond_to?("#{attr_name}=") end # Returns the value of the attr_name method def attribute(attr_name) attr_name = attr_name.to_sym # TODO(jon): Add some way to handle exceptions. Probably a custom error that we display. return instance.send(attr_name) end def attribute_form_id(attr_name) return "#{}_#{attr_name}" end def attribute_label_name(attr_name) return attr_name.to_s.gsub(/_/, " ").capitalize end # Returns the type of an association. If we can't figure it # out we fall back to :unknown def association_type(assoc_name) type = klass.association_type(assoc_name) if type == :unknown && data = association(assoc_name).first type = end return type end def association(assoc_name, options = {}) association = instance.send(assoc_name) if association.respond_to?(:each) # We have a collection, at least we hope we do. if options[:limit] && association.respond_to?(:limit) association = association.limit(5) end end return association end def action_parameters(action) instance.method(action).parameters end def perform_action(action, arguments) unless klass.actions.include?(action.to_sym) raise "Invalid action: #{action}" end params = action_parameters(action) params_array = [] params.each do |param_type, param_name| if param_type == :req raise "Missing argument: #{param_name}" unless arguments[param_name] params_array << arguments[param_name] elsif param_type == :opt params_array << arguments[param_name] if arguments[param_name] else # :block or ?? next end end return instance.send(action, *params_array) end end end