module Fastlane module Helper class CrashlyticsHelper class << self def generate_ios_command(params) raise "No value found for 'crashlytics_path'" unless params[:crashlytics_path] submit_binary = Dir[File.join(params[:crashlytics_path], '**', 'submit')].last submit_binary ||= "Crashlytics.framework/submit" if Helper.test? raise "Could not find submit binary in crashlytics bundle at path '#{params[:crashlytics_path]}'" unless submit_binary command = [] command << submit_binary command << params[:api_token] command << params[:build_secret] command << "-ipaPath '#{params[:ipa_path]}'" command << "-emails '#{params[:emails]}'" if params[:emails] command << "-notesPath '#{params[:notes_path]}'" if params[:notes_path] command << "-groupAliases '#{params[:groups]}'" if params[:groups] command << "-notifications #{(params[:notifications] ? 'YES' : 'NO')}" command << "-debug #{(params[:debug] ? 'YES' : 'NO')}" return command end def generate_android_command(params) # We have to generate an empty XML file to make the crashlytics CLI happy :) require 'tempfile' xml ='xml') xml.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><manifest></manifest>') xml.close params[:crashlytics_path] = download_android_tools unless params[:crashlytics_path] raise "The `crashlytics_path` must be a jar file for Android" unless params[:crashlytics_path].end_with?(".jar") || Helper.test? command = ["java"] command << "-jar #{File.expand_path(params[:crashlytics_path])}" command << "-androidRes ." command << "-apiKey #{params[:api_token]}" command << "-apiSecret #{params[:build_secret]}" command << "-uploadDist '#{File.expand_path(params[:apk_path])}'" command << "-androidManifest '#{xml.path}'" # Optional command << "-betaDistributionEmails '#{params[:emails]}'" if params[:emails] command << "-betaDistributionReleaseNotesFilePath '#{params[:notes_path]}'" if params[:notes_path] command << "-betaDistributionGroupAliases '#{params[:groups]}'" if params[:groups] command << "-betaDistributionNotifications #{(params[:notifications] ? 'true' : 'false')}" return command end def download_android_tools containing = File.join(File.expand_path("~/Library"), "CrashlyticsAndroid") zip_path = File.join(containing, "") jar_path = File.join(containing, "crashlytics-devtools.jar") return jar_path if File.exist?(jar_path) url = "" require 'net/http' FileUtils.mkdir_p(containing) begin "Downloading Crashlytics Support Library - this might take a minute...".yellow result = Net::HTTP.get(URI(url)) File.write(zip_path, result) # Now unzip the file "unzip '#{zip_path}' -d '#{containing}'" raise "Coulnd't find 'crashlytics-devtools.jar'" unless File.exist?(jar_path) UI.success "Succesfully downloaded Crashlytics Support Library to '#{jar_path}'" rescue => ex raise "Error fetching remote file: #{ex}" end return jar_path end def write_to_tempfile(value, tempfilename) require 'tempfile' do |t| t.write(value) t.close end end end end end end # java \ # -jar ~/Desktop/crashlytics-devtools.jar \ # -androidRes . \ # -uploadDist /Users/fkrause/AndroidStudioProjects/AppName/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk \ # -androidManifest /Users/fkrause/Downloads/manifest.xml \ # -apiKey api_key \ # -apiSecret secret_key \ # -betaDistributionReleaseNotes "Yeah" \ # -betaDistributionEmails "" \ # -betaDistributionGroupAliases "testgroup" \ # -betaDistributionNotifications false # -projectPath . \