require 'cgi' require "addressable/uri" # Toplevel Pubnub module. module Pubnub # Bunch of useful methods that are used in many parts of Pubnub and and can be # usable for any app that uses Pubnub library module Formatter class << self # Returns array of encoded channels if should_encode is true, # otherwise returns just array of channels def format_channel(channel, should_encode = false) make_channel_array(channel).map do |chan| if should_encode encode(chan) else chan.to_s end end end def format_group(group, should_encode = true) format_channel(group, should_encode).map do |g| g.gsub '%3A', ':' end end def format_presence_channel(presence) format_channel( make_channel_array(presence).map { |p| p + '-pnpres' } ) end def format_uuid(uuids, should_encode = true) make_uuid_array(uuids).map do |uuid| if should_encode encode(uuid) else uuid.to_s end end end # Transforms message to json and encode it. # # @param message [Hash, String, Integer, Boolean] Message data which # should be formatted. # @param crypto [Crypto::CryptoProvider, nil] Crypto which should be used to # encrypt message data. # @param uri_escape [Boolean, nil] Whether formatted message should escape # to be used as part of URI or not. # @return [String, nil] Formatted message data. def format_message(message, crypto = nil, uri_escape = true) json_message = message.to_json if crypto encrypted_data = crypto&.encrypt(json_message) json_message = Base64.strict_encode64(encrypted_data).to_json unless encrypted_data.nil? end if uri_escape json_message = Formatter.encode(json_message) if crypto.nil? json_message = Addressable::URI.escape(json_message).to_s unless crypto.nil? end json_message end # Quite lazy way, but good enough for current usage def classify_method(method) method.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join end def encode(string) URI.encode_www_form_component(string).gsub('+', '%20') end def make_channel_array(channel) case channel.class.to_s when 'String' channel.to_s.split(',') when 'Symbol' channel.to_s.split(',') when 'Array' when 'NilClass' [] else raise message: 'Channel has to be String, Symbol or Array' ), 'Channel has to be String, Symbol or Array' end end def make_uuid_array(uuid) case uuid.class.to_s when 'String' uuid.to_s.split(',') when 'Symbol' uuid.to_s.split(',') when 'Array' when 'NilClass' [] else raise message: 'UUID has to be String, Symbol or Array' ), 'UUID has to be String, Symbol or Array' end end # Parses string to JSON def parse_json(string) [JSON.parse(string), nil] rescue JSON::ParserError => _e [nil, JSON::ParserError] end # Formats hash to params string def params_hash_to_url_params(hash) params = '' hash.sort_by { |k, _v| k.to_s }.to_h.each do |key, value| if %w[meta ortt].include?(key.to_s) encoded_value = URI.encode_www_form_component(value.to_json).gsub('+', '%20') params << "#{key}=#{encoded_value}&" elsif %w[t state filter filter-expr].include?(key.to_s) params << "#{key}=#{value}&" else params << "#{key}=#{URI.encode_www_form_component(value).gsub('+', '%20')}&" end end params.chop! if params[-1] == '&' end # Returns string with all channels separated by comma or single coma def channels_for_url(channels, should_encode = true) channel = { |c| should_encode ? encode(c) : c }.join(',') channel = ',' if channel.empty? channel end # Checks if json in string is valid # def valid_json?(string) # JSON.parse(string) ? true : false # rescue JSON::ParserError # false # end end end end