require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' require 'stringio' require 'tmpdir' envs = [:default, :development] envs << :debug if ENV['DEBUG'] Bundler.setup(*envs) $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib'))) require 'jasmine' require 'rspec' def rails_available? if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_by_name) Gem::Specification.find_by_name('railties', '>= 3') elsif Gem.respond_to?(:available?) Gem.available?('railties', '>= 3') end rescue Gem::LoadError false end def create_temp_dir tmp = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "jasmine-gem-test_#{}") FileUtils.rm_r(tmp, :force => true) FileUtils.mkdir(tmp) tmp end def temp_dir_before @root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) @old_dir = Dir::pwd @tmp = create_temp_dir end def temp_dir_after Dir::chdir @old_dir FileUtils.rm_r @tmp end def custom_jasmine_config(prefix, &block) require 'yaml' support_path = File.join('spec', 'javascripts', 'support') jasmine_config = YAML.load_file(File.join(support_path, 'jasmine.yml')) custom_path = File.join(support_path, "#{prefix}_jasmine.yml"), 'w') do |f| f.write YAML.dump(jasmine_config) f.flush end custom_path end module Kernel def capture_stdout out = $stdout = out yield return out.string ensure $stdout = STDOUT end end def passing_raw_result { 'id' => 123, 'status' => 'passed', 'fullName' => 'Passing test', 'description' => 'Passing', 'failedExpectations' => [], 'deprecationWarnings' => [] } end def pending_raw_result { 'id' => 123, 'status' => 'pending', 'fullName' => 'Passing test', 'description' => 'Pending', 'failedExpectations' => [], 'pendingReason' => 'I pend because', 'deprecationWarnings' => [] } end def disabled_raw_result { 'id' => 123, 'status' => 'disabled', 'fullName' => 'Disabled test', 'description' => 'Disabled', 'failedExpectations' => [], 'deprecationWarnings' => [] } end def failing_raw_result { 'status' => 'failed', 'id' => 124, 'description' => 'a failing spec', 'fullName' => 'a suite with a failing spec', 'failedExpectations' => [ { 'message' => 'a failure message', 'stack' => 'a stack trace' } ], 'deprecationWarnings' => [] } end def failing_result_no_stack_trace { 'status' => 'failed', 'id' => 124, 'description' => 'a failing spec', 'fullName' => 'a suite with a failing spec', 'failedExpectations' => [ { 'message' => 'a failure message, but no stack', 'stack' => nil } ], 'deprecationWarnings' => [] } end def deprecation_raw_result { 'id' => 123, 'status' => 'passed', 'fullName' => 'test with deprecated calls', 'description' => 'Deprecations', 'failedExpectations' => [], 'deprecationWarnings' => [{ 'message' => 'deprecated call', }] } end