describe 'User Endpoint', :type => :request do context :v1 do let(:first_user) { name: 'Allam Britto', age: 24, birthday: Date.parse('15-06-1990'), phone: '555-5555', address: 'Fake st. 1-23' } let(:second_user) { name: 'Elva Lasso', age: 25, birthday: Date.parse('15-06-1989'), phone: '777-5555', address: 'Fake st. 1-25' } context 'GET' do describe 'default transformation' do before(:each){ allow(::User).to receive(:all) { [first_user, second_user] } } describe '/' do it 'gets all users with default transformation' do expected_response = "[{\"name\":\"Allam Britto\",\"age\":24,\"birthday\":\"1990-06-15T00:00:00.000+00:00\",\"phone\":\"555-5555\",\"address\":\"Fake st. 1-23\"},{\"name\":\"Elva Lasso\",\"age\":25,\"birthday\":\"1989-06-15T00:00:00.000+00:00\",\"phone\":\"777-5555\",\"address\":\"Fake st. 1-25\"}]" get '/api/v1/users' expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(response.body).to match expected_response # It is not necessary end end describe '/compact' do it 'gets all users with compact transformation' do expected_response = "[{\"name\":\"Allam Britto\",\"phone\":\"555-5555\"},{\"name\":\"Elva Lasso\",\"phone\":\"777-5555\"}]" get '/api/v1/users/compact' expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(response.body).to match expected_response end end end describe 'compact transformation' do before(:each){ allow(::User).to receive(:find) { first_user } } describe '/:id' do it 'gets specific user with default transformation' do expected_response = "{\"name\":\"Allam Britto\",\"age\":24,\"birthday\":\"1990-06-15T00:00:00.000+00:00\",\"phone\":\"555-5555\",\"address\":\"Fake st. 1-23\"}" get '/api/v1/users/0' expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(response.body).to match expected_response end end describe 'compact/:id' do it 'gets specific user with default transformation' do expected_response = "{\"name\":\"Allam Britto\",\"phone\":\"555-5555\"}" get '/api/v1/users/compact/0' expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(response.body).to match expected_response end end end end end end