zh-CN: mongoid: errors: messages: blank: 不能为空 callbacks: "Calling %{method} on %{klass} resulted in a false return from a callback." taken: 已占用 document_not_found: 没有发现类是%{klass}id(s)是%{identifiers}的文档 eager_load: "Eager loading :%{name} is not supported due to it being a many-to-many or polymorphic belongs_to relation." invalid_database: 数据库应该是Mongo::DB,而不是%{name}. invalid_time: "'%{value}' is not a valid Time." invalid_type: 在类%{klass}中定义了字段,实际值是%{value}的%{other}. invalid_options: "Invalid option :%{invalid} provided to relation :%{name}. Valid options are: %{valid}." unsupported_version: MongoDB %{version} 版本已过期,请升级到 %{mongo_version}. validations: 校验失败 - %{errors}. invalid_collection: 不允许直接访问嵌入式的集合%{klass} , 请从文档的根访问集合. invalid_field: 字段的名字不允许为 %{name}. 你不应该定义跟Mongoid内部属性或者方法相同的名字,详细请看Use Document#instance_methods. too_many_nested_attribute_records: 被关联的%{association} 嵌入式属性不能超过 %{limit}. embedded_in_must_have_inverse_of: embedded_in的关联属性必须包含inverse_of. dependent_only_references_one_or_many: dependent => destroy|delete 选项只有在references_one或者references_many时候有效. association_cant_have_inverse_of: 在当前的关联中,不允许定义inverse_of去,其只有在embedded_in或者references_many是数组的情况下使用 unsaved_document: You cannot call create or create! through a relational association relation (%{document}) who's parent (%{base}) is not already saved. mixed_relations: Referencing a(n) %{embedded} document from the %{root} document via a relational association is not allowed since the %{embedded} is embedded. no_environment: "Mongoid attempted to find the appropriate environment but no Rails.env, Sinatra::Base.environment, or RACK_ENV could be found." scope_overwrite: "Cannot create scope :%{scope_name}, because of existing method %{model_name}.%{scope_name}."