module BulletTrain module SuperScaffolding module Scaffolders class OauthProviderScaffolder < Scaffolder def run unless argv.count >= 5 puts "" puts "šŸš… usage: bin/super-scaffold oauth-provider [options]" puts "" puts "E.g. what we'd do to start Stripe off (if we didn't already do it):" puts " bin/super-scaffold oauth-provider omniauth-stripe-connect stripe_connect Oauth::StripeAccount STRIPE_CLIENT_ID STRIPE_SECRET_KEY --icon=ti-money" puts " (Please note here that the STRIPE_CLIENT_ID and STRIPE_SECRET_KEY strings are not the actual values, just the names we give to the environment variables.)" puts "" puts "E.g. what we actually did to start Shopify off:" puts " bin/super-scaffold oauth-provider omniauth-shopify-oauth2 shopify Oauth::ShopifyAccount SHOPIFY_API_KEY SHOPIFY_API_SECRET_KEY --icon=ti-shopping-cart" puts " (Please note here that the SHOPIFY_API_KEY and SHOPIFY_API_SECRET_KEY strings are not the actual values, just the names we give to the environment variables.)" puts "" puts "Options:" puts "" puts " --icon={ti-*}: Specify an icon." puts "" puts "For a list of readily available provider strategies, see ." puts "" exit end _, omniauth_gem, gems_provider_name, our_provider_name, api_key, api_secret = *ARGV unless (match = our_provider_name.match(/Oauth::(.*)Account/)) puts "\nšŸšØ Your provider name must match the pattern of `Oauth::{Name}Account`, e.g. `Oauth::StripeAccount`\n".red return end options = { omniauth_gem: omniauth_gem, gems_provider_name: gems_provider_name, our_provider_name: match[1], api_key: api_key, api_secret: api_secret } unless File.exist?(oauth_transform_string("./app/models/oauth/stripe_account.rb", options)) && File.exist?(oauth_transform_string("./app/models/integrations/stripe_installation.rb", options)) && File.exist?(oauth_transform_string("./app/models/webhooks/incoming/oauth/stripe_account_webhook.rb", options)) puts "" puts oauth_transform_string("šŸšØ Before doing the actual Super Scaffolding, you'll need to generate the models like so:", options).red puts "" puts oauth_transform_string(" rails g model Oauth::StripeAccount uid:string data:jsonb user:references", options).red puts oauth_transform_string(" rails g model Integrations::StripeInstallation team:references oauth_stripe_account:references name:string", options).red puts oauth_transform_string(" rails g model Webhooks::Incoming::Oauth::StripeAccountWebhook data:jsonb processed_at:datetime verified_at:datetime oauth_stripe_account:references", options).red puts "" puts "However, don't do the `rake db:migrate` until after you re-run Super Scaffolding, as it will need to update some settings in those migrations.".red puts "" return end icon_name = nil if @options["icon"].present? icon_name = @options["icon"] else puts "OK, great! Let's do this! By default providers will appear with a dollar symbol," puts "but after you hit enter I'll open a page where you can view other icon options." puts "When you find one you like, hover your mouse over it and then come back here and" puts "and enter the name of the icon you want to use." if TerminalCommands.can_open? TerminalCommands.open_file_or_link("") else puts "Sorry! We can't open these URLs automatically on your platform, but you can visit them manually:" puts "" puts "" end puts "" puts "Did you find an icon you wanted to use? Enter the name here or hit enter to just" puts "use the dollar symbol:" icon_name = $stdin.gets.chomp puts "" unless icon_name.length > 0 || icon_name.downcase == "y" icon_name = "icon-puzzle" end end options[:icon] = icon_name empty_transformer ="", "") [ # User OAuth. "./app/models/oauth/stripe_account.rb", "./app/models/concerns/oauth/stripe_accounts/base.rb", "./app/models/webhooks/incoming/oauth/stripe_account_webhook.rb", "./app/models/concerns/webhooks/incoming/oauth/stripe_account_webhooks/base.rb", "./app/controllers/account/oauth/stripe_accounts_controller.rb", "./app/controllers/webhooks/incoming/oauth/stripe_account_webhooks_controller.rb", "./app/views/account/oauth/stripe_accounts", "./test/models/oauth/stripe_account_test.rb", "./test/factories/oauth/stripe_accounts.rb", "./config/locales/en/oauth/stripe_accounts.en.yml", "./app/views/devise/shared/oauth/_stripe.html.erb", # Team Integration. "./app/models/integrations/stripe_installation.rb", "./app/models/concerns/integrations/stripe_installations/base.rb", # './app/serializers/api/v1/integrations/stripe_installation_serializer.rb', "./app/controllers/account/integrations/stripe_installations_controller.rb", "./app/views/account/integrations/stripe_installations", "./test/models/integrations/stripe_installation_test.rb", "./test/factories/integrations/stripe_installations.rb", "./config/locales/en/integrations/stripe_installations.en.yml", # Webhook. "./app/models/webhooks/incoming/oauth/stripe_account_webhook.rb", "./app/controllers/webhooks/incoming/oauth/stripe_account_webhooks_controller.rb" ].each do |name| if oauth_scaffold_directory(name, options) else oauth_scaffold_file(name, options) end end oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/devise/shared/_oauth.html.erb", "<%= render 'devise/shared/oauth/stripe', verb: verb if stripe_enabled? %>", "<%# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth providers above this line. %>", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/users/_oauth.html.erb", "<%= render 'account/oauth/stripe_accounts/index', context: @user, stripe_accounts: @user.oauth_stripe_accounts if stripe_enabled? %>", "<% # šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth providers above this line. %>", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./config/initializers/devise.rb", "config.omniauth :stripe_connect, ENV['STRIPE_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'], {\n ## specify options for your oauth provider here, e.g.:\n # scope: 'read_products,read_orders,write_content',\n }\n", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth providers above this line.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/controllers/account/oauth/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb", "def stripe_connect\n callback(\"Stripe\", team_id_from_env)\n end\n", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth providers above this line.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/team.rb", "has_many :integrations_stripe_installations, class_name: 'Integrations::StripeInstallation', dependent: :destroy if stripe_enabled?", "# šŸš… add oauth providers above.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/user.rb", "has_many :oauth_stripe_accounts, class_name: 'Oauth::StripeAccount' if stripe_enabled?", "# šŸš… add oauth providers above.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./config/locales/en/oauth.en.yml", "stripe_connect: Stripe", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth providers above this line.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/shared/_menu.html.erb", "<%= render 'account/integrations/stripe_installations/menu_item' if stripe_enabled? %>", "<%# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth providers above this line. %>", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./config/routes.rb", "resources :stripe_account_webhooks if stripe_enabled?", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth provider webhooks above this line.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./config/routes.rb", "resources :stripe_accounts if stripe_enabled?", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth providers above this line.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./config/routes.rb", "resources :stripe_installations if stripe_enabled?", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new integration installations above this line.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./Gemfile", "gem 'omniauth-stripe-connect'", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth providers above this line.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./lib/bullet_train.rb", "def stripe_enabled?\n ENV['STRIPE_CLIENT_ID'].present? && ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'].present?\nend\n", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth providers above this line.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./lib/bullet_train.rb", "stripe_enabled?,", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert new oauth provider checks above this line.", options, prepend: true) oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/ability.rb", "if stripe_enabled?\n can [:read, :create, :destroy], Oauth::StripeAccount, user_id:\n can :manage, Integrations::StripeInstallation, team_id: user.team_ids\n can :destroy, Integrations::StripeInstallation, oauth_stripe_account: {user_id:}\n end\n", "# šŸš… super scaffolding will insert any new oauth providers above.", options, prepend: true) # find the database migration that defines this relationship. migration_file_name = `grep "create_table #{oauth_transform_string(":oauth_stripe_accounts", options)}" db/migrate/*`.split(":").first empty_transformer.replace_in_file(migration_file_name, "null: false", "null: true") migration_file_name = `grep "create_table #{oauth_transform_string(":integrations_stripe_installations", options)}" db/migrate/*`.split(":").first empty_transformer.replace_in_file(migration_file_name, oauth_transform_string("t.references :oauth_stripe_account, null: false, foreign_key: true", options), oauth_transform_string('t.references :oauth_stripe_account, null: false, foreign_key: true, index: {name: "index_stripe_installations_on_oauth_stripe_account_id"}', options)) migration_file_name = `grep "create_table #{oauth_transform_string(":webhooks_incoming_oauth_stripe_account_webhooks", options)}" db/migrate/*`.split(":").first empty_transformer.replace_in_file(migration_file_name, "null: false", "null: true") empty_transformer.replace_in_file(migration_file_name, "foreign_key: true", oauth_transform_string('foreign_key: true, index: {name: "index_stripe_webhooks_on_oauth_stripe_account_id"}')) puts "" puts "šŸŽ‰" puts "" puts "You'll probably need to `bundle install`.".green puts "" puts "You'll need to configure API keys for this provider in `config/application.yml`, like so:" puts "" puts oauth_transform_string(" STRIPE_CLIENT_ID: ...", options) puts oauth_transform_string(" STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: ...", options) puts "" puts "If the OAuth provider asks you for some whitelisted callback URLs, the URL structure for those is as so:" puts "" path = "users/auth/stripe_connect/callback" puts oauth_transform_string("{path}", options) puts oauth_transform_string("{path}", options) puts oauth_transform_string(" http://localhost:3000/#{path}", options) puts "" puts "If you're able to specify an endpoint to receive webhooks from this provider, use this URL:" puts "" path = "webhooks/incoming/oauth/stripe_account_webhooks" puts oauth_transform_string("{path}", options) puts oauth_transform_string("{path}", options) puts oauth_transform_string(" http://localhost:3000/#{path}", options) puts "" puts "" puts "If you'd like to edit how your Bullet Train application refers to this provider, just edit the locale file at `config/locales/en/oauth.en.yml`." puts "" puts "And finally, if you need to specify any custom authorizations or options for your OAuth integration with this provider, you can configure those in `config/initializers/devise.rb`." puts "" end end end end end