module Haxor module Compiler class Core REG_ALIASES = { '$sp' => Vm::Cpu::Core::REG_STACK, '$ret' => Vm::Cpu::Core::REG_RETURN, '$sc' => Vm::Cpu::Core::REG_SYSCALL } def initialize @units = [] @cmds = [] @autolabel = 0 @prev_sections = [] init_cmds end def init_cmds bind_cmd 'section', [:any], :cmd_section bind_cmd 'dw', [:wildcard], :cmd_dw bind_cmd 'resw', [:any], :cmd_resw bind_cmd '#', [:wildcard], :cmd_rem bind_cmd 'push', [:reg], :cmd_push bind_cmd 'pushi', [:imm], :cmd_pushi bind_cmd 'pushm', [:imm], :cmd_pushm bind_cmd 'pop', [:reg], :cmd_pop bind_cmd 'popm', [:imm], :cmd_popm bind_cmd 'move', [:reg, :reg], :cmd_move bind_cmd 'clear', [:reg], :cmd_clear bind_cmd 'not', [:reg, :reg], :cmd_not bind_cmd 'ret', [], :cmd_ret bind_cmd 'b', [:imm], :cmd_b bind_cmd 'bal', [:imm], :cmd_bal bind_cmd 'bgt', [:reg, :reg, :imm], :cmd_bgt bind_cmd 'blt', [:reg, :reg, :imm], :cmd_blt bind_cmd 'bge', [:reg, :reg, :imm], :cmd_bge bind_cmd 'ble', [:reg, :reg, :imm], :cmd_ble bind_cmd 'blez', [:reg, :imm], :cmd_blez bind_cmd 'bgtz', [:reg, :imm], :cmd_bgtz bind_cmd 'beqz', [:reg, :imm], :cmd_beqz bind_cmd 'nop', [], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_NOP bind_cmd 'add', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_ADD bind_cmd 'addi', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_ADDI bind_cmd 'sub', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_SUB bind_cmd 'mult', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_MULT bind_cmd 'div', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_DIV bind_cmd 'mod', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_MOD bind_cmd 'lw', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_LW bind_cmd 'sw', [:reg, :imm, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_SW bind_cmd 'lui', [:reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_LUI bind_cmd 'and', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_AND bind_cmd 'andi', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_ANDI bind_cmd 'or', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_OR bind_cmd 'ori', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_ORI bind_cmd 'xor', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_XOR bind_cmd 'nor', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_NOR bind_cmd 'slt', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_SLT bind_cmd 'slti', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_SLTI bind_cmd 'slli', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_SLLI bind_cmd 'srli', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_SRLI bind_cmd 'sll', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_SLL bind_cmd 'srl', [:reg, :reg, :reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_SRL bind_cmd 'beq', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_BEQ, [:rel_imm, :x8] bind_cmd 'beql', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_BEQL, [:rel_imm, :x8] bind_cmd 'bne', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_BNE, [:rel_imm, :x8] bind_cmd 'bnel', [:reg, :reg, :imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_BNEL, [:rel_imm, :x8] bind_cmd 'j', [:imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_J, [:x8] bind_cmd 'jr', [:reg], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_JR bind_cmd 'jal', [:imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_JAL, [:x8] bind_cmd 'exiti', [:imm], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_EXITI bind_cmd 'syscall', [], Vm::Cpu::Core::OP_SYSCALL end def bind_cmd(cmd, args, opcode, opts = []) @cmds << { cmd: cmd, args: args, opcode: opcode, opts: opts } end def cmd_section(name) @unit.section = name[1..-1].to_sym end def cmd_dw(*args) add[0]) if args.size == 1 add else (1...args.size).each do |i| begin add[i])) rescue args[i][1...-1].each_char do |c| add end end end end end def cmd_resw(*args) (1..args[0].to_i).each do add end end def cmd_rem(*) end def cmd_push(*args) process_cmd 'addi', ['$sp', '$sp', '-' + Consts::WORD_SIZE.to_s] process_cmd 'sw', ['$sp', '0', args[0]] end def cmd_pushi(*args) process_cmd 'addi', ['$1', '$0', args[0]] process_cmd 'addi', ['$sp', '$sp', '-' + Consts::WORD_SIZE.to_s] process_cmd 'sw', ['$sp', '0', '$1'] end def cmd_pushm(*args) process_cmd 'lw', ['$1', '$0', args[0]] process_cmd 'addi', ['$sp', '$sp', '-' + Consts::WORD_SIZE.to_s] process_cmd 'sw', ['$sp', '0', '$1'] end def cmd_pop(*args) process_cmd 'lw', [args[0], '$sp', '0'] process_cmd 'addi', ['$sp', '$sp', Consts::WORD_SIZE.to_s] end def cmd_popm(*args) process_cmd 'lw', ['$1', '$sp', '0'] process_cmd 'sw', ['$0', args[0], '$1'] process_cmd 'addi', ['$sp', '$sp', Consts::WORD_SIZE.to_s] end def cmd_move(*args) process_cmd 'add', [args[0], args[1], '$0'] end def cmd_clear(*args) process_cmd 'add', [args[0], '$0', '$0'] end def cmd_not(*args) process_cmd 'nor', [args[0], args[1], '$0'] end def cmd_ret(*_args) process_cmd 'jr', ['$' + Vm::Cpu::Core::REG_RETURN.to_s] end def cmd_b(*args) process_cmd 'beq', ['$0', '$0', args[0]] end def cmd_bal(*args) process_cmd 'beql', ['$0', '$0', args[0]] end # branch is greater than def cmd_bgt(*args) process_cmd 'slt', ['$1', args[1], args[0]] process_cmd 'bne', ['$1', '$0', args[2]] end # branch if less than def cmd_blt(*args) process_cmd 'slt', ['$1', args[0], args[1]] process_cmd 'bne', ['$1', '$0', args[2]] end # branch is greater or equal def cmd_bge(*args) process_cmd 'slt', ['$1', args[0], args[1]] process_cmd 'beq', ['$1', '$0', args[2]] end def cmd_ble(*args) process_cmd 'slt', ['$1', args[1], args[0]] process_cmd 'beq', ['$1', '$0', args[2]] end def cmd_blez(*args) process_cmd 'slt', ['$1', '$0', args[0]] process_cmd 'beq', ['$1', '$0', args[1]] end def cmd_bgtz(*args) process_cmd 'slt', ['$1', '$0', args[0]] process_cmd 'bne', ['$1', '$0', args[1]] end def cmd_beqz(*args) process_cmd 'beq', [args[0], '$0', args[1]] end # this is ugly and must be reworked def split_arguments(string) inside_quotes = false splits = [] string.each_char.with_index(0) do |x, i| if x == '"' && string[i - 1] != '\\' inside_quotes ^= true end if x == ',' && !inside_quotes splits << i end end splits << string.size last_x = 0 args = [] splits.each do |x| args << string[last_x...x] last_x = x + 1 end!(&:strip).delete_if { |x| x.length == 0 } end def process_cmd(cmd, args) @cmds.each do |item| next if item[:cmd] != cmd if item[:opcode].is_a? Symbol send(item[:opcode], *args) return end add_cmd item, args return end puts cmd fail end def compile(filename) input =, encoding: 'ASCII-8BIT') @unit = filename do |line, index| next if line.empty? tmp = line.split ' ', 2 cmd = tmp[0] args = split_arguments(tmp[1] || '') if cmd[-1] == ':' add[0...-1]) else process_cmd(cmd, args) end end + '.u') end def add(token) @unit.add token end # def resolve_arg(a, type) # case type # when :reg # return a[1..-1].to_i # when :imm # return a.to_i # else # fail # end # end def add_cmd(info, args = []) registers = [] immediate = 0 info[:args].each_with_index do |type, index| if type == :reg if REG_ALIASES.key? args[index] registers << REG_ALIASES[args[index]] else registers << args[index][1..-1].to_i end elsif type == :imm begin immediate = parse_number args[index] rescue immediate = args[index] end end end registers.fill 0, registers.size...3 token = token.cmd = info[:opcode] token.reg1 = registers[0] token.reg2 = registers[1] token.reg3 = registers[2] token.imm = immediate token.opts = info[:opts] add token end def parse_number(value) md = value.match(/\A([-+]?[0-9]+[0-9A-F]*)([bhd]?)\z/) fail if md.nil? case md[2] when 'b' base = 2 when 'h' base = 16 when 'd' else base = 10 end md[1].to_i(base) end def parse_value(value) value = strip_offset value begin number = parse_number(value) @autolabel += 1 label = "__autolabel_#{@unit.hash}_#{@autolabel}" old_section = @unit.section @unit.section = :data add add @unit.section = old_section add rescue add end end def offset_flags(*operands) result = 0 flag = Consts::OPERAND_DEREFERENCE << Consts::OPCODE_FLG_OFFSET operands.each do |operand| result |= flag if offset?(operand) flag << Consts::OPERAND_FLAGS end result end def offset?(value) return false unless value.is_a? String value.start_with?('[') && value.end_with?(']') end def strip_offset(value) return value[1...-1] if offset?(value) value end end end end