module OmniAuth module Strategy ##abilitiy to pass models. ##returns the models that are passed in / for which we are using omniauth. def models options[:models] || OmniAuth.config.models end ##a modification of the on path method to check if we are on any of the defined request or callback paths. ##tests each of the provided paths to see if we are on it. def on_any_path?(paths) path_found = false paths.each do |path| path_found = on_path?(path) ? true : path_found end return path_found end def request_paths paths = [] models.each do |model| paths << Auth::OmniAuth::Path.omniauth_request_path(model,name) end paths end def callback_paths paths = [] models.each do |model| paths << Auth::OmniAuth::Path.omniauth_callback_path(model,name) end paths end ##THESE ARE THE ONLY TWO METHODS THAT ARE ACTUALLY OVERRIDDEN. def on_request_path? on_any_path?(request_paths) end def on_callback_path? on_path?(callback_path) end def on_path?(path) #puts "current path is: #{current_path}" path_without_extension = current_path.gsub(/\.json/,'') #puts "path without extension is :#{path_without_extension}" path_without_extension.casecmp(path).zero? end ##modified to use Auth::OmniAuth::Path def callback_path @callback_path ||= begin path = options[:callback_path] if options[:callback_path].is_a?(String) path ||= current_path if options[:callback_path].respond_to?(:call) && options[:callback_path].call(env) path ||= custom_path(:request_path) path ||= Auth::OmniAuth::Path.common_callback_path(name) path end end ##request call - modified to setup the model. def request_call ##gets.chomp setup_phase log :info, 'Request phase initiated.' # store query params from the request url, extracted in the callback_phase session['omniauth.params'] = request.params session['omniauth.model'] = request.url if OmniAuth.config.before_request_phase if options.form.respond_to?(:call) log :info, 'Rendering form from supplied Rack endpoint.' elsif options.form log :info, 'Rendering form from underlying application.' call_app! else if request.params['origin'] env['rack.session']['omniauth.origin'] = request.params['origin'] elsif env['HTTP_REFERER'] && !env['HTTP_REFERER'].match(/#{request_path}$/) env['rack.session']['omniauth.origin'] = env['HTTP_REFERER'] end request_phase end end ##now the callback call # Performs the steps necessary to run the callback phase of a strategy. def callback_call setup_phase @env['omniauth.origin'] = session.delete('omniauth.origin') @env['omniauth.origin'] = nil if env['omniauth.origin'] == '' @env['omniauth.params'] = session.delete('omniauth.params') || {} ##FOR THE WEB BASED SYSTEM, remember this was set in the request call. if !session['omniauth.model'].blank? @env['omniauth.model'] = session.delete('omniauth.model') end if OmniAuth.config.before_callback_phase callback_phase end def call!(env) # rubocop:disable CyclomaticComplexity, PerceivedComplexity unless env['rack.session'] error ='You must provide a session to use OmniAuth.') raise(error) end @env = env @env['omniauth.strategy'] = self if on_auth_path? return mock_call!(env) if OmniAuth.config.test_mode return options_call if on_auth_path? && options_request? return request_call if on_request_path? && OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods.include?(request.request_method.downcase.to_sym) return callback_call if on_callback_path? return other_phase if respond_to?(:other_phase) end end end module OmniAuth module Strategies OAuth2.class_eval do def callback_phase # rubocop:disable AbcSize, CyclomaticComplexity, MethodLength, PerceivedComplexity #puts "checking the callback phase -----------------------------------------------" #puts request.inspect.to_s #puts request.params.to_s error = request.params["error_reason"] || request.params["error"] #puts "error : #{error}" if error fail!(error,["error"], request.params["error_description"] || request.params["error_reason"], request.params["error_uri"])) elsif !options.provider_ignores_state && (request.params["state"].to_s.empty? || request.params["state"] != session.delete("omniauth.state")) #puts "STATE ISSUES." #puts "state is detected." headers = Hash[* {|k,v| k.start_with? 'HTTP_'} .collect {|k,v| [k.sub(/^HTTP_/, ''), v]} .collect {|k,v| [k.split('_').collect(&:capitalize).join('-'), v]} .sort .flatten] if headers["Accept"] == "application/json" self.access_token = build_access_token self.access_token = access_token.refresh! if access_token.expired? super else #puts "came to csrf detected." fail!(:csrf_detected,, "CSRF detected")) end else #puts "didnt have any initial state issues." self.access_token = build_access_token self.access_token = access_token.refresh! if access_token.expired? super end rescue ::OAuth2::Error, CallbackError => e puts "invalid creds." fail!(:invalid_credentials, e) rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::ETIMEDOUT => e puts "timeout." fail!(:timeout, e) rescue ::SocketError => e puts "socket error." fail!(:failed_to_connect, e) end protected class CallbackError < StandardError attr_accessor :error, :error_reason, :error_uri def initialize(error, error_reason = nil, error_uri = nil) self.error = error self.error_reason = error_reason self.error_uri = error_uri end def message [error, error_reason, error_uri].compact.join(" | ") end end end Facebook.class_eval do def build_access_token request.body.rewind hash = request.body.rewind parsedForm = JSON.parse(hash) unless hash.blank? post_params_fb_exchange_token = nil if parsedForm post_params_fb_exchange_token = parsedForm["fb_exchange_token"] end fb_exchange_token = request.params["fb_exchange_token"] || post_params_fb_exchange_token if fb_exchange_token ##make the get request. verify_exchange_token(fb_exchange_token) else verifier = request.params["code"] a_t = client.auth_code.get_token(verifier, {:redirect_uri => callback_url}.merge(token_params.to_hash(:symbolize_keys => true)), deep_symbolize(options.auth_token_params)) a_t.options.merge!(access_token_options) a_t end end private def verify_exchange_token(exchange_token) return false unless exchange_token params = {:grant_type => "fb_exchange_token", "fb_exchange_token" => exchange_token}.merge({"client_id" => options.client_id, "client_secret" => options.client_secret}) a_t = client.get_token(params) a_t end def with_authorization_code! ## with facebook it is coming as the params. #puts request.params.inspect request.body.rewind hash = request.body.rewind #puts "the hash is:" #puts hash.to_s parsedForm = JSON.parse(hash) unless hash.blank? post_params_fb_exchange_token = nil if parsedForm post_params_fb_exchange_token = parsedForm["fb_exchange_token"] end if request.params.key?('code') || post_params_fb_exchange_token yield elsif code_from_signed_request = signed_request_from_cookie && signed_request_from_cookie['code'] request.params['code'] = code_from_signed_request @authorization_code_from_signed_request_in_cookie = true # NOTE The code from the signed fbsr_XXX cookie is set by the FB JS SDK will confirm that the identity of the # user contained in the signed request matches the user loading the app. original_provider_ignores_state = options.provider_ignores_state options.provider_ignores_state = true begin yield ensure request.params.delete('code') @authorization_code_from_signed_request_in_cookie = false options.provider_ignores_state = original_provider_ignores_state end else raise StandardError, 'must pass either a `code` (via URL or by an `fbsr_XXX` signed request cookie)' end end end GoogleOauth2.class_eval do def custom_build_access_token #puts request.inspect.to_s #this is because of the read happening in that other def. request.body.rewind hash = request.body.rewind parsedForm = JSON.parse(hash) unless hash.blank? post_params_id_token = nil post_params_access_token = nil if parsedForm post_params_id_token = parsedForm['id_token'] post_params_access_token = parsedForm['access_token'] end id_token = request.params['id_token'] || post_params_id_token access_token = request.params['access_token'] || post_params_access_token access_token = if verify_id_token(id_token) ## ANDROID APP USES THIS ##in this case the access token is pointless, because we dont really get any kind of access for the api, so we just build a dummy token to satisfy the way this method works, since the method is exepcte to return an access token. ##refer to ##@link: ##@ref: also refer to the in the android app, where we pass in 'id_token.' puts "id token is verified.","") elsif request.xhr? && request.params['code'] ##THIS IS FOR WEB BASED JAVASCRIPT API. puts "web javascript" verifier = request.params['code'] client.auth_code.get_token(verifier, get_token_options('postmessage'), deep_symbolize(options.auth_token_params || {})) elsif request.params['code'] && request.params['redirect_uri'] ## THIS IS FOR WEB BASED HTML API verifier = request.params['code'] redirect_uri = request.params['redirect_uri'] #puts "verifier is: #{verifier}" #puts "redirect url is: #{redirect_uri}" #puts "getting token options: #{get_token_options(redirect_uri)}" client.auth_code.get_token(verifier, get_token_options(redirect_uri), deep_symbolize(options.auth_token_params || {})) elsif verify_token(access_token) #puts "came to option 4" #puts "this is the access token passing verified." ::OAuth2::AccessToken.from_hash(client, request.params.dup) else ## ANDROID APP USES THIS IF THE REQUEST IS FOR OFFLINE ACCESS. ##puts "came to CODE ANALYSIS" ##in this case refer to ##@link: ##@ref: also refer to the in the android app where we pass in 'code' ## this callback url has to match the one registerd in the credentials on google oauth console. ## the host name for this is taken from configuration. ## the default is to call the method ## #callback_url -> ref to it in # ## that method calls 'full_host', but that may be the wrong host, especially in case of above mentioned android issue. ## make sure that the host you specify in Auth.configuration puts "host name: #{Auth.configuration.host_name}" puts "script name: #{script_name}" puts "callback path: #{callback_path}" url_to_pass_as_callback = Auth.configuration.host_name + script_name + callback_path verifier = request.params["code"] client.auth_code.get_token(verifier, get_token_options(url_to_pass_as_callback), deep_symbolize(options.auth_token_params)) #client.auth_code.get_token(verifier, get_token_options(url_to_pass_as_callback), deep_symbolize(options.auth_token_params)) end verify_hd(access_token) access_token end alias_method :build_access_token, :custom_build_access_token private def verify_id_token(id_token) #puts "id token is: #{id_token}" return false unless id_token raw_response = client.request(:get, '', params: { id_token: id_token }).parsed #puts "verify id token raw response is:" #puts raw_response if raw_response['aud'] == options.client_id || options.authorized_client_ids.include?(raw_response['aud']) @raw_info ||= raw_response #puts "could verify." true else #puts "could not verify/" false end end end end end module SimpleTokenAuthentication module Configuration mattr_accessor :additional_identifiers @@additional_identifiers = {} end ## had to include option force true because otherwise devise does not throw a 401 if you try to do token_authentication inside a devise controller. ## took 3 hours to sort this mess out. DeviseFallbackHandler.class_eval do def authenticate_entity!(controller, entity) controller.send("authenticate_#{entity.name_underscore}!".to_sym,{:force => true}) end end Entity.class_eval do def header_names_for_additional_identifiers if additional_identifiers = SimpleTokenAuthentication.additional_identifiers["#{name_underscore}".to_sym] #puts additional_identifiers.to_s{|c| c = "X-#{name_underscore.camelize}-#{c.to_s.camelize}"} end end def get_additional_identifiers_from_headers(controller) Hash[{|c| c = [c,controller.request.headers[c]]}] end end module ActsAsTokenAuthenticatable ## if the skip_authentication_token_generation carries ## any value it will not regenerate the authentication token. ## this can be useful if you are updating the user, but not his ## mattr_accessor :skip_authentication_token_regeneration def regenerate_token self.authentication_token = generate_authentication_token(token_generator) raise "please set a field called: encrypted_authentication_token on your user model" unless self.respond_to? :encrypted_authentication_token self.encrypted_authentication_token = Devise::Encryptor.digest(self.class,self.authentication_token) self.authentication_token_expires_at = + Auth.configuration.token_regeneration_time end ## CHANGE THE AUTHENTICATION TOKEN WHENEVER THE USER IS SAVED. IT DOESNT MATTER IF THERE IS AN EXISTING AUTHENTICATION TOKEN OR NOT. ## so this is happening, we will have to skip this hook. ## so we will have to mod this to check for an accessor. ## otherwise it will screw up totally. def ensure_authentication_token regenerate_token if self.skip_authentication_token_regeneration.blank? end end module TokenAuthenticationHandler ## here added the first line, so that it doesnt do any fallback in case we are already signed in. ## this needed to be done, in case for example: ## there are two models for which authentication is being done. ## first one authenticates, ## but then the gem attempts authentication of the second model also, and failing that, triggers the not authenticated fallback. ## to prevent that from happening, we ignore the fallback if we are already signed in. def fallback!(entity, fallback_handler) # puts "came to fallback!" return if self.signed_in? fallback_handler.fallback!(self, entity) end ##how the token authentication works: ##the function regenerate_token is called whenever a change is made to the email/password/additional_login_param ##this sets a new authentication_token and also makes the expires at now + ##when you try to sign in with tokens, if the token has expired, then regenerate_token is called, and then the record is saved. ##as a result a new token is generated. ##this will only happen at the first token auth attempt with expired tokens, because on the subsequenty try, the record will not be found(since the auth token will have changed) ##thereafter signinng in to the accoutn with the username and password,(by json/or by web if using a redirect_url which is valid), will return the auth token and es. ##this can then be used to sign in. ##token_correct function was modified to check additional parameters that maybe used for token auth. ##for the moment these are X-App-Id, and X-Es, dont yet know how I defined these. def authenticate_entity_from_token!(entity) ##here we should find the record by the authentication token. ##then we should find record = find_record_from_identifier(entity) #puts "record found is: #{record.to_s}" if token_correct?(record, entity, token_comparator) #puts "token is correct." return false if record.token_expired? #puts "token is not expired." #puts "record is:" #puts record.attributes.to_s #puts "is it valid" #puts record.valid? res = perform_sign_in!(record, sign_in_handler) else #puts "the token was not correct.-------------------------" end end def find_record_from_identifier(entity) ## you are supposed to find the record using one of the other parameters. #puts "came to find entity from identifier -----------------------------------" additional_identifiers = entity.get_additional_identifiers_from_headers(self) #puts "additional_identifiers" puts additional_identifiers app_id_value = additional_identifiers["X-User-Aid"] user_es_value = additional_identifiers["X-User-Es"] token = entity.get_token_from_params_or_headers(self) #puts "token:#{token}" if token ## fails if the app id or user es is nil blank or empty #puts "returning nil" #puts "app id vlue is:" #puts app_id_value.to_s #puts "user es value is:" #puts user_es_value.to_s return nil if (app_id_value.blank? || user_es_value.blank?) ## sanitize the values incoming to leave only letters and numbers. app_id_value = app_id_value.gsub(/[^0-9a-z]/i, '') user_es_value = user_es_value.gsub(/[^0-9a-z]/i, '') ## fails if there are no alphanumeric characters left in the string. #puts "the user es vale is: #{user_es_value}" #puts "user app id id: #{app_id_value}" return nil if(app_id_value.length == 0 || user_es_value.length == 0) #puts "app id value is: #{app_id_value}" #puts "user es value : #{user_es_value}" #puts "entity model is :#{entity.model}" #puts "searching for:" query = {"client_authentication.#{app_id_value}" => user_es_value} #puts query.to_s records = entity.model.where(query) if records.size > 0 #puts "the records size is:" #puts records.size.to_s #puts "found such a record.!!!!!!!!!!!!" r = records.first #puts r.attributes.to_s return records.first else return nil end end return nil end def token_correct?(record, entity, token_comparator) return false unless record token = entity.get_token_from_params_or_headers(self),record.encrypted_authentication_token,token) end end end Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do if Auth.configuration ##want to generate a hash that shows: ##{:user => 'es', :admin => 'es',......other_models => 'es'} ##this es is the additional identifier in addition to the authentication_token. ##so it has to be defined for each model. ##will also need to add app_id, and client id specific shit here. if Auth.configuration.enable_token_auth SimpleTokenAuthentication.configure do |cf| #q = Hash[{|c| c = [c.downcase.to_sym,'es']}] #cf.identifiers = q q2 = Hash[{|c| c = [c.downcase.to_sym,['aid','es']]}] cf.additional_identifiers = q2 end end on_failure { |env| #puts "came to on faliure." #puts JSON.pretty_generate(env) Auth::OmniauthCallbacksController.action(:failure).call(env) } oauth_credentials ={|k,v| [OmniAuth::Utils.camelize(k).downcase, v]}.to_h oauth_keys = oauth_credentials.keys ##determine which models are oauthable, we need to pass this into the builder. oauthable_models = Auth.configuration.auth_resources.keys.reject{|m| if Auth.configuration.auth_resources[m][:skip].nil? false elsif (Auth.configuration.auth_resources[m][:skip].include? :omniauthable) true else false end } OmniAuth::Strategies.constants.each do |constant| #puts "Constant is: #{constant}" provider_key = constant.to_s.downcase if oauth_keys.include? provider_key provider(constant.to_s, oauth_credentials[provider_key]["app_id"], oauth_credentials[provider_key]["app_secret"],oauth_credentials[provider_key]["options"].merge!({:path_prefix => Auth::OmniAuth::Path.omniauth_prefix_path, :models => oauthable_models})) end end end end