// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Apple, Inc. and contributors. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module ok equals same test MyApp */ var store, storeKey, json, hash, hash2; module("SC.Store#createRecord", { setup: function() { MyRecordType = SC.Record.extend({ string: SC.Record.attr(String, { defaultValue: "Untitled" }), number: SC.Record.attr(Number, { defaultValue: 5 }), bool: SC.Record.attr(Boolean, { defaultValue: YES }) }); store = SC.Store.create(); json = { string: "string", number: 23, bool: YES }; storeKey = SC.Store.generateStoreKey(); store.writeDataHash(storeKey, json, SC.Record.READY_CLEAN); } }); test("create a record", function() { var sk; var rec = SC.Record.create(); hash = { guid: "1234abcd", string: "abcd", number: 1, bool: NO }; hash2 = { string: "abcd", number: 1, bool: NO }; rec = store.createRecord(SC.Record, hash); ok(rec, "a record was created"); sk=store.storeKeyFor(SC.Record, rec.id()); equals(store.readDataHash(sk), hash, "data hashes are equivalent"); equals(rec.id(), "1234abcd", "guids are the same"); rec = store.createRecord(SC.Record, hash2, "priKey"); ok(rec, "a record with a custom id was created"); sk=store.storeKeyFor(SC.Record, "priKey"); equals(store.readDataHash(sk), hash2, "data hashes are equivalent"); equals(rec.id(), "priKey", "guids are the same"); equals(store.changelog.length, 2, "The changelog has the following number of entries:"); }); test("Creating an empty (null) record should make the hash available", function() { store.createRecord(MyRecordType, null, 'guid8'); var storeKey = store.storeKeyFor(MyRecordType, 'guid8'); ok(store.readDataHash(storeKey), 'data hash should not be empty/undefined'); });