yeahhhh ... butt i dont have any money :( ljsfgposhb[ouxbfo
:( almost a f1 practice hat trick (if u can use that in f1) for lewis, mr webber had to spoil the party.
gettin so many text messages from all my drunk friends in vegas for viva... i'm so jealous and sad that i have to work this weekend :(
managed to spend about 40 hours straight with without either of us having to go to work. it was grand. but now it's over :(
ughhhhhh i just swallowed my gum :(
oh & the answer? no, they are not tight, they're loose/baggy :(
hey, that's so sad. i was just about to show my friend your videos but it was suspended! :( hopefully, it will be up soon! :)
mcw is like my baby, seeing these pictures makes me sad that i won't be part of the whole process next year. :(
what happened? you're not coming to the mixx? :(
.....shoulda gone to bed at 10, dang it! :( goodnight. caaant waiiiit to sleep all night tomorrow night.
dont be depressed silly :(
cuz my mom came over to my aunt house where i stay nd started bitchin, we was arguin then i jus said fck it nd cleaned :(
the last song is such a good movie!!!!! i gotta see it again! so sad though :(
it's nice to see tito mon and tita marie again. tito mon looks like my dad... spending time with him made me miss my dad a lot :(
pengen nonton remember me yaaa :(
fared pathetically in goparty quiz, ashamed, got 4 out of 8 correct b4 power went off, even got some easy ones wrong, exam phobia neone :(
that's what i thought too and i then found it was a practical joke :(
:( fml she lied
guess i'm going to bed after 2am again tonight lol too bad i have a 8:15 am wakeup for a photoshoot :-( #whateverittakes people !!!!
watching everybody hates chris ..sad my baby went to sleep without me : (
anyone still even up..... any idea on what i should do? cant sleep :(
omg! was it my other a/c? :(
i wish we did but no :( were not at the stage, yet. it kinda blows and not in the good way either lol
crashing relatively early tonight. today was painful, damn mother nature. :(
follow her tooo!!-->rt iri!!! follow her ya ;) >>> iya put 999 huhu my bad :(
wondering what butterbeer tastes like :(
awww, i didnt even know the name changed. haven't been to one game yet this year :( maybe soon!
i feel like a fish outta water with me being the only white boi and english speaking person around :(
no ones on ps3 :(
hey, long time no talk :(
hey no sorry no vanilla bean noel only during x-mas :-(
my bro is in a party, my other bro is in corpus christi, my dad is outta town workin, my mom is sleeping i feel so alone :(
awww :-(
can you ask if he can send a reply to me? please,tom! :( i llove him so much :(((
my apologies #spacetweeps for not tweeting much; tis the final count down of the semester... :( can april 21st come any sooner??? blah! los
ok friends , i will go sleep now :) my back hurts badly :( goodnight luvs #tradegft #bigstartv #dreamhost
"i'm sorry :( i'll behave now" *puppy eyes* so cute! *squeals*
#dearsaturday please dont make me cry :(
my blood :(
easter tomorrow, get ready to become, fat :s :(
what happen,dear? why baby? wats wrong?rt help me my slut... !! :(
damn i just hit my nipple : ( ouch fucking piercings <<that's wat chu get.
damn i just smoked a stogie, smdh- nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! u we're doin so good :(
soooo i couldn't find anything to eat :(
i'm not an asshole :( unless you're david or justin. then i'm a raging cunt. but otherwise i'm not an asshole.
yea why wats wrong.....u no like me pick u up now :(
i belong to the 80's wth i'm doing in this era!! :'o living in a unknow era :(
the conga room was a bust. hoped to see mrs. odem but that didnt happen either :( ohh well !
i love pho!!!!!!!!!!pho pho pho!!!!!!!!too bad i'm not in state now.. :( pho in taiwan just not good enough *tears*
i get a strong-feeling when i listen to 25 minutes mltr :(
i just cant help being retarted :(
no free lobby wi-fi at marriott minneapolis airport. :-( biz center in middle of lobby computers suck big time. cursor delay of ~10+ sec.
my heart is so heavy hate goodbye's can't wait till i c my besti again. missing nats and baba joon a lot :(
awwww nicholas eeds a hug :( want a hug? :)
yours too?! oh man... :(
pngen ntn clash of titans :(
why do i have to work from monday to friday? ..and why do my friends have to work on weekends?.. :(
this is the one i made for my best friend's birthday in '08 too... we're getting so oldddd :(
travelling kmna ka? hehe hemm aku pngn travelling aje hhh, bnran dah ka :( huhu
:-( honesty sucks some times thoo
there's no place like home....««««currently homesick :-(
need coffee! :(
good.. we gota hang wen i get bk celebrate! alllll month! lol well wen ur off.. i keep forgettn yu nt n the club no more :-(
i want a macaroon :(
good morning!night was insomnia,and woke up early at 8:30 am :(
ha, try going back to school on good friday. :( btw, less than 2 weeks to holiday!
someone took my hockey stick home by accident. now, no stick to use. had to borrow from lutfi(sec1). where's my stick?!?!?! :(
well, it's 1:55 here, and i may require *chocolate* to make it to sunrise :-(
ask yang banyak ke gue dong , masa cuma 1 sih ? :( ask ya , nanti aku ask kamu . ask me again :)
but why not omelettes :(
i want my actual bed and steph :( and no need to get up early.
i miss you :(
seriously it's to early on a satuday to be up :(
damn you twitter app with no spell check. :(
dont remember feeling this sick before. i dont like it at all :(
am i invisible to you? :(
i better be dead :(
goodafternoon! sooo hot in here!!! :-(
yeah, don't lie to me. :(
guyss i wont be able to tweet you for 2 weeks. going on holiday, gooing through really hard times at the moment not nice :( xx
ha, ha i didn't know!!!!! :( you know i'm old school lmbo
is saying my ex just got dumped! #karma she shouldnt have broke my heart :-( . oh well imma be me & single til the right woman comes around
mr and mrs smith...i dont wanna go to bed...hmph :(
sorry to hear about daisy! :(
gue makan dikit langsung enek yaolloh :(
my friend doesnt like my photo manipulation :(
:( my favourite site to spree f21 is having its last spree next week :( she's flying off to so many countries
i'm going to hate so much these days without and :s , i have to study for my stupid exam, though :(
sorry! :( blame it on #twitterafterdark :) :)
i guess i have to go back to work now :(
taaa, agora eu vou dormir...................................................... one day i get a reply :( ily ♥
aku jg syediiih.. ,,huhuuhu,, ..but itz ok guyz! *luv yaa both* gracebaon tgl 7 april ya. iya,kami ke maranatha bandung :(
super lazy morning in bed.. i didn't party last night :( that's no way to demonstrate being a fan of someone's music (sowwy
ааааа! study... i don't want to :( booooo
i also really really want to go see remember me. however they aren't at the same theater here. :(
hahaha... i got the best spot karna ntn cowok kerenrt gw ga dpt tiket kmrn :( clash of the titan... sam worthington
sepertinya banyak brita baru hari ini . oh no~ can't help my gals rite now :( im still stuck w this fvcking math homework x(
i am so fucking hungry. :-(
ugh. cox communications internet, you are so unreliable. :(
i also tried to see the video, but something is wrong :( we say to jordan to see what he can do.
i feel so tired :(
omg i'd rather have the little ppl come out of the closet than to come upstairs :(
nooo i can't last ' a few days' without you :(
oh. :( i had runny yolk.
oh i get it now /is blonde. we are the emergency isn't playing at the hq until may now :( but its gunna be hel good apparently
alright last tweet to i sware haha! i need a hug :( please -puppy pout and flutters eyes- would really cheer me up :]
and my knee hurts now :(
susah downloadnyaaaa :( twitteran pake twittai murah lo naay ! enak lg (promo mode :on)
i miss u :( unfortunately i have recently realized i have absolutely no desire to ever go back to oregon. done with it.
a sprained ankle ain't nothing to play with! forreals! :(
three texts :( im werth that much
ooh..thts injured cuz of the volleyball game we had earlier :(
why cantttt iiii beeee happpyyyy :(
wa alykum selam bas headache ho raha hay sleeplessness ki waja say :(
cosmo told me my gspot is made of erectile tissues that hardens. made me feel like i have a tiny penis nobody can find :(
look what i got today! i'd be more excited if i had friend to play with me... :(
yea sorry you are :(
if i were bad influence,far away from me!!!! leave me forever! :(
why are you in dallas? is waco, texas near dallas? but i'm almost 19 years old i'm not growing anymore. short for life :(
just saw what u wrote me i didnt go anywhere i stayed home im bout to go back to sleep :-(
extremely buggy app.. :(
serius :( apa aja blh