h1. Thinking Sphinx plugin for xmlpipe2 data sources

Supports Oracle 10g, MySQL and SQLite3.

h2. Installation

You'll need Thinking Sphinx 1.3.8 or later.

<pre><code>gem install ts-xml</code></pre>

In your @environment.rb@ file, with the rest of your gem dependencies:

<pre><code>config.gem 'ts-xml', :lib => 'thinking_sphinx/xml'</code></pre>

And add the following lines to the bottom of your @Rakefile@:

  require 'thinking_sphinx/tasks'
  require 'thinking_sphinx/xml/tasks'
rescue LoadError
  puts "Cannot load thinking sphinx tasks"

h2. Usage

Just add those lines and it will use xmlpipe2 data source instead of SQL data source.

h2. Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 Edgars Beigarts, and released under an MIT Licence.