1.0.3 - 2016-06-06
* Bugfix: fix link to non existing css file.
1.0.2 - 2016-06-06
* Bugfix: add the vendor directory to the list of gem files. This makes sure the
assets in the vendor dir are loaded correctly.
1.0.1 - 2016-06-06
* Get rid of the rakismet and marked-rails gems, beacuse they're not being used.
* Move mysql2 to the development dependencies in the gemspec.
* Rename the minified bootstrap datepicker scss file to a css file.
1.0.0 - 2016-06-05
* Complete overhaul of the Storable concern. It's now internally using Virtus to
handle reading/writing attributes. You can now also have storable fields
within different categories.
* Translatable has been revamped to leverage the strenghts of the Storable
* Add the English translation files.
0.1.0 - 2016-05-31
* Add LinkHelper to provide shorthands for show/edit/destroy links.
* Add DatePickerInput to be used with Simple Form inputs (as: :date_picker)
* Fix the sortable js to show the correct font-awesome icon.
* Let Udongo::EmailVarsParser#replace_vars handle unlimited nested collections
as var values.
* Cleanup the layout of the following modules: email, email templates, flexible
* Make it possible to disable the first input field focus for an entire form by
adding the 'no-focus' class to that form.
* Add Udongo::Cryptography to make encrypting/decrypting values secure and easy.
See readme.md for more information.
* Make it possible to set the content column width for each responsive
* Add the email validator and cleanup the URL validator.
* Add DatePicker and DateRangerPicker to use with simple form.
* Order logs by created_at descending AND by ID descending.
* Fix nasty bug in the storable concern which made it impossible to work with
the << operator for strings and arrays.
* Bugfix: the link helpers can now also work with decorated objects.
* Upgrade to rails 4.2.6
0.0.13 - 2016-05-02
* FormSubmission#data_object
* Adds support for Spring in engine development
* Expands Concerns::PaginationController with a method that handles both arrays
and AR collections.
* Allow page_number/per_page overrides through an options hash for
* Add module for e-mail templates.
* Add some styles for unordered lists in tables.
* Add the Email model which holds all the sent/unsent e-mails.
* Add very basic module to show the items in the email table.
* Add Concerns::Emailable
* Expands FormSubmission to be emailable
* Use the project_name config var for the backend template title.
* Show the list of available email template vars.
* Make the Address model emailable.
* Switch plain/html content in the email template translation form.
* Don't make the meta slug required.
* Hide the search in the backend navigation for now.
* Tweak css for the search filter panels.
* Add QueuedTask.queue_unless_already_queued which speaks for itself.
* Add .icons class for the
which contains icons.
* Add 'data' field to Log which contains a an optional hash.
* Use the bootstrap/fontawesome css files instead of the gems.
* Upgrade the reform gem to v2.1.0
0.0.12 - 2016-01-22
* Bugfix: navigation item wasn't using the sortable scope.
* Bugfix: make sure content widgets can have camelcased model names.
* Order redirects based on the times they've been used.
* Add a catch all route with a basic controller that checks for 404's
* The tagbox no longer triggers tagged item creation errors.
* The cacheable concern now flushes the cache when the after_touch callback
* Add the storable concern v2 which allows you to save arbitrary data in the db
according to certain types (array, boolean, date, date_time, float, integer
and string)
* Add generator to create a new form
0.0.11 - 2015-12-05
* Add 'external reference' to tags. This allows you to integrate tags from third
party systems.
* Make it possible to disallow the creation of new tags.
* Don't limit the ckeditor locales to just nl, fr and en.
* Add MetaInfo class which can be used to hold the frontend meta info.
* Save more image formats for the ContentImage image.
* Added rake task to regenerate all the ContentImage files in all the versions.
* Make the list of flexible content types dynamic so you can write your own.
* Optimize the backend flexible content previews.
* You can now set the project name, which will be used in the backend navigation.
* Make the content rows/columns movable.
0.0.10 - 2015-11-12
* Stop using a sidebar for the navigation.
* Introduce the redirects module with support for short URLs /go/foo
* Snippet titles have changed from text to string type.
* Make sure find_in_cache lets you know when something hasn't been found.
* Order snippets by their description.
* Get rid of FrontendController since it's content is not relevant.
* Make it possible to disable the page content.
* Add setting 'prefix_routes_with_locale' which defaults to true.
* Make the navigation items positionable.
* Make find_in_cache aware of translatable models and caches all the fields in
all the configured locales.
* Add functionality to restart the webserver.
0.0.9 - 2015-08-21
* Introduce the configurable caching concern.
* Update backend/sortable.js for Foundation
* Add missing Concerns::Backend::PositionableController
* Add udongo:sortable:generate_positions_for_model rake task
0.0.8 - 2015-08-17
* Revert the apparently not so elegant caching mechnism for translations.
0.0.7 - 2015-08-14
* Provide elegant caching mechanism for translations.
0.0.6 - 2015-08-03
* Filter out all (s)css to-precompiled-files beginning with an underscore.
0.0.5 - 2015-07-30
* Add will_paginate gem.
* Add custom will_paginate renderer for the backend using foundation.
0.0.4 - 2015-07-30
* Fix issue with precompiler not loading .scss files
* Fix issue with backend/seo.js pointing to the wrong help text span
* Fix <%= %> output calls used with javascript/stylesheet view helpers resulting
in "true" in the templates
* Fix issue with simple_form_for#input not loading data attributes
0.0.3 - 2015-07-13
* Changelog added
* Fix wrong extension check to include the dot for Udongo::Assets::Precompiler
0.0.2 - 2015-07-09
* Added Udongo::Assets::Precompiler
* Added Udongo::Assets::Loader